Last Call for Now 3/22/2023.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Our new snow.  And behold my superior contracting on the new garage.  On the left you will notice a new addition to the front yard – a porta potty.  I think it adds a certain look to the property, don’t you?


Yarded up this morning on our walk in a blizzard.  A boy and his harem

It was coming down this morning and we decided to take our walk and it was great.  Walking in a snowstorm is no big deal when it is not cold.  Yesterday the critters were really on the move ahead of what was forecast to be somewhere between 12 and 18″ of new snow.  So far we have about 5″ and it is coming down.  While the Pass and Wolf Creek Ski probably got over a foot to add to their 400″ plus they already have the road is closed for the time being, which happens this time of year.  New snow like this puts the skiers in a frenzy and it will be busy this weekend as it is still spring break in some places.  But what makes South Fork what it is the temp is above freezing with the high to be over 40.  So while it is piling up the roads are melting.  Just another day in paradise.


Though they have not started gobbling yet they are on full display as spring approaches.   These guys followed a group of girls in to the back yard and went to posturing.  Amazing how much they puff up.  But none of girls were impressed.  I cannot wait until the gobbling begins; it will be insane.


On the Open Beaches discussion currently going in in Texas I got this from Steve.

I read your recent comment on FCT about the proposed changes to the Open Beaches Act and was concerned.  I did a little research and found the following information.  I don’t know what I don’t know so I would be interested in your interpretation as a lawyer.  If this new law protects landowners from the State without limiting access to the public, then I think this would be a good thing.  Of course the devil is in the details.  I would appreciate your opinion.

Right now all over the State of Texas, if the State claims private property is theirs, then the State, through a suit or action, has to prove it. However, with beachfront property, if the State claims the property, then the property is presumed to be the State’s unless the landowner is able to refute the claim (this is the rebuttable presumption). Senate Bill 434 treats beachfront land like the rest of the state by changing the presumption, so that the State must prove their claim to private property. This appropriately removes the burden of proof from private property owners and places it on the State, as the original Open Beaches Act operated until 1991.

The bill does not in any way take away Texas’ open beaches. Natural Resources Code 61.001(8), 61.016, and 61.017, which protect our open beaches, remain in full effect. Under the bill, the law would continue to designate open beaches as mean low tide to 200 feet inland (or the line of vegetation, if it exists still). Further, the Texas Constitution provisions protecting Texas open beaches under Article I, Section 33, remain untouched and in full force.

When something is political (like this certainly is) everyone reporting on the issue is biased.  I don’t believe anything until I have time to dig.  I’m sure someone is trying to get in my pocket on this issue, just not sure who yet.

Thanks for you the research, sorry the reply took a while but basically I am somewhat puzzled by the whole thing.  Remember as I am inactive (Actually I am now an inactive Emeritus attorney, which sounds good but means I lived long enough to not have to pay dues.)  I cannot give any kind of legal opinion.  So here is my opinion as a crusty old fisherman who does not trust the government all that much.

It looks this might just be better protection against government encroachment.   Anytime the burden is on the state and not the citizen it is basically a good thing.  On its face it looks good.  But………

Why is this being done now?  As usual follow the money, somehow it feels like a shot over the bow on some issue that is potentially hiding out there.  One of my biggest complaints about Texas is the lack of public lands.  The beach is the last bastion where anyone can use it almost at will.  But if I were guessing and I am, this is somehow related to some commercial interest/issue. Folks need to keep monitoring this, who knows what might happen.  It is always important to keep an open mind when the government says they are here to help.  Sorry for this simple reply but it would take tons of research and additional important background to dig up the real motivation.  When I would get a murder case one of the first things I would do is Google everyone and everything related, which might be a good way to find out more.  Thanks and I hope folks keep monitoring this, it just does not have a completely clean smell to me.  (By the way thinking about his gave me a headache!!)


The only turkeys that were impressed by theit displays were themselves.  The girls aren’t having it yet.

My butt is bigger than your butt.


And good to hear from my buddy Rusty.

Stay salty “Jeremiah” !I’m licking my Aggie wounds.  Love your photos, Fayette fish are biting but you got to fish deep to get them.  Cast netters are Killin the lake slowly,

Lets start with the netters.  There is as simple answer that won’t totally remove them from the lake but it sure could not hurt.  Just close the netting from January until June 1 which will give the bass plenty of time to spawn.  We close spawning flounder during their season, Colorado does not allow shed hunting early, some lakes have different rules, and each of them does not mean the end of the world.  Folks just have to flood TPWD with comments and complaints, especially folks with a long-term history on the lake.  I am sure the wardens are plenty aware of the problem.  If I was king instead of having the wardens go to the ramp I would have them waiting outside the gate and do cooler checks.  It works in Florida during lobster season and just might help matters on Fayette.  And then go to confiscating.  Good thing they have not descended on Coleto.

I really thought the Aggies were going to surprise folks, I love the way they were playing but as we all know tourney time is another animal.  And I am totally exhausted after watching my Hogs whip Kansas. We had spent the preceding month losing leads in the second but somehow bowed up. That victory lands on my list of great ones.  So now on to Vegas and U Conn.  If we were not coming back to Texas this weekend I would hit the road and watch them.  It is not all that far from here.  Great to hear from you and the buggy whip will be in hand shortly!


Even Elmer Fudd could find one here.

I have learned more about turkey behavior than I ever thought.  Getting to watch hundreds sure will teach you.  They are really funny creatures and squabble and carry on all day.  They have their routes and we are fortunate that our house is a main trail so we get a chance to see them going and coming.  Next up is putting a trail cam on the backyard.  As spring rally gets here the bears and lions will be on the prowl and it will be fun to see who is staking out the place.


My 3 weeks here has gone by in a blur.  The Boss and I will be headed back to Texas in a couple of days and it will be time to change gears.  Bass and redfish on the menu, have a couple of folks who have never eaten a redfish.  Other than a couple of filets for them no need to bring fish back as it will be on when I return in a couple of weeks.  The lakes for a meat haul and streams for the fly rod.  And the high mountain roads will be opening for animal chasing and cool hiking.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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