South Fork 3/7/2023.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors



A Successful Sunday Afternoon.

Me and my shadow snowshoeing.

I just can not get over the weather here.  We had an idea when we started talking about moving here but it fits the bill.  It does get cold at night, it snows as the foot of snow in the yard shows.  But we are at 8.000 feet close to the mountain with the most snow in Colorado so no surprise.  Many days it warms above freezing and today it was 43 degrees and flat beautiful.

So I hit the road for a little hike then seeing if I could find sheep in a different area.  The walk was great, dead quiet and by time I turned around even the sweatshirt was plenty.  It was interesting how different it is snowshoeing on fresh powder than today’s hike.  It was crusty and it would break through and it was a foot deep.  After an hour I hit the road and then I got lucky.

Looks like this girl is about to become a momma.

It is tougher to see stuff driving without my wingman, especially how camouflaged they look.  This girl was way up on a small ridge and I just saw a glimpse of white.  She kept looking at me then she laid down and kept watching me until I hit the road.

I can still see you!

This is as far as the 600mm will reach.  And while I like to take their picture just getting to watch them is a treat.  One of the lessons learned in Africa – put the camera down and just watch and be happy that you got to see them.  Of course I am looking for the “perfect” picture but that will come with timing,  As soon as I get my wingman back it will be a lot easier to find and watch them.  Then on the way home I found these guys.

Sorry this is not in the best focus but that is not the point.  You want a nice “tall” buck with a good spread this is your guy.

I just happened to see a flash of horn on a sunny hillside so I turned around and there was 2 mice bucks bedded down.  It was the one below who I saw first, the guy above was a good 40 feet above this guy.  That is one good spread.

His buddy bedded down about 40 feet away.  Not the biggest spread but good mass.

I watched them for a while hoping they would get up and I could get a better shot but it did not happen.  Looking at the pictures they seem to be giving me the side eye.  Thanks guys for letting me invade your nap because when I see bucks like this it is a privilege,


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


It is Arkansas Time

Nothing like a double on the A Rig with 4″ Knockin Tail trailers.  The one on the right is a fattie.

My buddy Clyde is back in Arkansas for a few weeks to take advantage of the spring bite.  When I fished with him last spring we wore them out on the Knockin Tail.  We caught whites, stripers, hybrids, walleye, bass, and crappie all on the Knockin Tail.  As I have said many times in the past what is the downside to a rattle?  And when you get 5 on the A Rig you have a fish calling machine.  So if you are a freshwater guy add them to your A Rig, jig head, swim jig, spoon and anything else you can think of.  They catch fish.  Thanks and good to know you and your wife are doing well.


Since 400 crab traps were removed from the bay this year I have a suggestion for TPWD on that and another similar situation.

Crab Traps – should be required that any trap has an indestructible tag that can be used to determine who placed them.  Then when the roundup is conducted every year the lazy party who left them can be fined enough to make it hurt.  If you think about it the irresponsible party who would not retrieve them is doing nothing more that littering and killing those things trapped.

Jugs/Trotlines – same rule and have a removal day.  Wardens have plenty to do so time to have a week just like the bay where any line or jug can be removed.  And again, the same indestructible tags so that when they are retrieved by volunteers, they can be fined enough to make it hurt.  Why folks have been allowed to trash our waterways and are not really held to account I do not understand.


Looks like there will be no major changes to the duck hunting rules this year.  It you are a duck hunter here is the TPWD proposal for the coming season so take a look.

News Release: March 2, 2023: TPWD Seeks Input on Texas Migratory Game Bird Regulation Proposals for 2023-24 – TPWD


Today begins the first day of site work on our future garage.  Getting things done is a little tougher than we are used to as the biggest store here is Dollar General and what many of us are used to from construction to shopping is a different proposition.  But we found the right guy and today will be getting the area prepped for construction as soon as the thaw begins.  Should be an interesting project but it sure will be nice having a vehicle out of the weather.  When done I will have a carport for my 4Runner and a garage for the Boss’s new one when she takes the plunge.  Hey it is only money.

Today went well, I am learning a lot about contracting as I am actually the contractor on this project.  Building permit, drawn plans, scheduling every inspector on this side of the Rockies but it is just a process. We got the site work laid out and hope we will see the inspector by next week for the initial ok, nothing but a process.  And there was one real benefit as we took the front fence down

This is what we paid the money for.


Mexico is becoming nothing more than a cesspool of violence.  The folks killed or kidnapped the other day were there for a tummy tuck.  The whole country is corrupt from top to bottom.   When no one is safe in broad daylight why anyone would go there puzzles me.


The last couple of days has been taken up with the garage but as soon as I turn in the completed permit tomorrow it will be off to the woods.  It was 46 degrees today and it was flat nice and the weather looks to stay that way for a while.  If we get lucky they could be pounding nails soon or winter will return, no telling.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff,

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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