Last Colorado – For Now 1/25/2023.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors



They are one big fat beautiful bird.  Can’t wait until the gobbling begins.

The first month has really been an adventure.  Being here is all I thought it would be.  Starting my day is such a pleasure watching the morning turkey parade.  When you mix in a few mule deer it drives home that we really do live in the woods.  As the year progresses it will be interesting to see if the activity is the same or do many melt off into the woods until next winter.  Access to food is the big deal I am sure.  And speaking of access to food the prior owner did a certain amount of feeding, which unfortunately but correctly is illegal.  The practice will not continue in our yard, it is just not right to condition wild animals.

Yesterday I headed up the mountains to check on the sheep.  But just a few miles from the house some ewes crossed the road.  So I marked that area and continued on looking for the big herd, and the couple of herds of elk we saw last trip.  With the temp dropping into the low teens and alot more snow I was interested in how they react.  Once I got there I violated the cardinal rule when trying to photograph wildlife, take the shot.  I finally found them but to get a better shot, they were almost at the top of the ridge on the wrong side of the truck, I had to go a little until I could turn around.  But alas they made it over the ridge by time I got back.  And there was not an elk is sight.  Lesson learned.

Cool animals.

Looks like we are going to be a mama!

This bunch had several yearlings. 

But these guys were still out on the way home, though they too were headed back up the mountain.  No ram with them, or I just did not see him.  Several of the females looked like they were either pregnant or fat, though pregnant is probably the answer.  These were the closest I have seen to town yet.  It still thrills just like it did watching Wild World of Sports when I was a kid.  They are one majestic animal and I appreciate every chance I get to observe.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I am really getting familiar with the local mule deer.  There are obviously several homes that feed and there is a wide variety from first year young to big bucks.  It will be interesting as they start to shed.  Who knows we just might get lucky on our walk and gather a couple up.

They love this place.  Feeding them maybe?

On Guard!

I took several pictures with the ones above.  There were 4 bucks in a wad and I tried to get a pile of horns but they just did not come out right.  But it sure is nice getting plenty of opportunities to get some cool pictures.  Sooner or late the perfect picture will be blown up on the wall over the fireplace.


I am so glad to see the government suing Google for all kinds of predatory practices.  So how did that affect the blog?  Early on when I was committed to the cause I would have as many as 750 or more visits per day.  Then the calls and emails started trying to sell me stuff, improve my rank, etc.  Basically, they strong arm you like the mob wanting to provide you “protection.”  As you know with me I ignored them and the result, they reduced my place in this online world and my numbers dropped immediately and precipitously.  Their punch line – play by our rules or else.  My response – F’ Off.  Hope they get their rearend kicked.


And this question from SA Joe.

You mention IOWA…where abouts???

For me it was a small farm town, Mt Pleasant in the southeast corner of the state.  The Boss is from an even smaller town about 20 miles away, Mediapolis.  We actually did not meet until Arkansas.  But as proven time and time again, it is a small world and I admit I could not have gotten any luckier if I tried.

And from Rick.

Sounds like you’re getting settled in. I’m happy for you. I always look forward to your next post.

Thanks.  As far as getting settled that took exactly 1 minute.  As I said before rarely are we lucky enough to really get to achieve a dream, but it is actually happening.  And the fishing reports are about to resume.


Will be heading back to Texas this weekend.  Really ambivalent about it but of course missing the Boss.  And the fishing will be a side bonus for the next month before I head back here.  Plus having the grandkids coming for a visit while I am there is a bonus, they always want the trip to Bubba’s for the boil.  Can’t wait until those city kids come out here and I can introduce them to the great outdoors.

The big project on returning will be getting the garage and shop built.  Nothing can really happen until the ground thaws as there is dirt work to be done but looks like the guy we will be working with is flexible and can start as soon as it does.   The project would be easier if there was not a rule, no loss of Aspen trees.  This place is stunning in the fall when the leaves turn, and that view is not up for discussion.

Then after that extravaganza the Boss wants a cool year-round hydroponic Geo Dome nestled amongst the aspens for year-round vegetables.  That will be interesting as she has proven over the years that there is no plant she cannot murder!  Sorry Boss but that is the tough reality.  Having a separate well will be a good thing when that is done.  But after that the line is drawn, no more projects.

The fishing reports will start next week, and I am looking forward to wetting a line.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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