Tuesday 1/11/2022.


Enjoying my little break from both the fishing and the blog.  But a big thanks to you regulars who are still around, I appreciate your support.  I have not been on the water in the last week but that is about to change after a little trip.  Lots in the planning stage and it sure will be nice when spring fishing begins.  (Can you say Arkansas, Colorado, and New Mexico for starters.) Things are fine after the holidays but starting next week it will be back at it.  And here are a few random thoughts that came up this week.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


This the email I sent to our area TPWD biologist.

First my compliments on the re-seeding of the vegetation on Coleto.  It will be a real game changer.  Since I retired from practicing law I have been fishing Coleto regularly for the last 12 years as I now full time blog about fishing.  I have seen it go from one of the best lakes in Texas to one of the slowest so I have great hopes for the future.
But there has been a new development that I find really interesting.  As a background note I guided and fished the Highland lakes of Arkansas for over 30 years so I know one bass from another.  So what is intersting?  Why all of a sudden am I catching Kentucky/Spots regularly?  Over the last month I tend to catch one every day.   Where did they come from, or were they stocked?  Most are small, and right now they are up lake in the river.  I can honestly say until this fall I have never caught one in the lake.
So I appreciate any insight you might have so I can let my readers know what the deal is.  Thanks in advance.

Still awaiting a response (Over a week now.)  and will let you know when I hear.  I just find it so interesting how they have appeared out of nowhere.


Sadly 4 Whooping cranes have been killed in Oklahoma on their way here.  They were shot gunned in an area where the Sandhills are hunted.  Of course they do not look even a little alike and there is no excuse.  It can carry up to a year in prison and a fine of $100K.  According to the article the wardens are working on a search warrant and with any luck they will arrest these fools.  There is no excuse.  This is the kind of behavior that looks bad on all of us who follow the law in the outdoors.  Time for a lifetime hunting ban for something like this.  Sick.


And for all you believers that the folks who entered the Capital and beat policemen were just patriots, well here is your poster boy.

Pruitt, known by the moniker “Jacked Beast” online, has a prior criminal history including 19 arrests and eight convictions. He was wearing a GPS monitor while on probation in multiple states and was already subject to curfew and other release conditions at the time that he allegedly committed crimes related to the Capitol breach.

A real model citizen and a shining example of a real Back the Blue adherent.  Come on folks, he has 19 arrests and 8 convictions, you have to be kidding me.  Patriot?  He is a menace.  I am so sick of hypocrites who “Back the Blue” and then support what happened that day.  You cannot have it both ways.  If you break stuff, enter a building illegally, and fight the cops, no matter what your political affiliation or reason you are a criminal, end of story.


And there is an interesting development in the state of Ohio concerning searches of “unlicensed” meat processors and taxidermists by the wardens.  (I assume that means they are not licensed or regulated by the Game and Fish.)  The basic rule for government agencies is they can do administrative searches, a perfect example are INS checkpoints, or you at the ramp, as part of their wildlife regulatory functions.  But after a lawsuit was filed, they will now get a warrant to do a search of that kind of business.  To simplify it, if you are fishing, they can search your boat for the fun of it without a warrant, but to enter your home later and search your fridge they need a warrant.  That is a logical ruling, just think about how you would feel if a warden drove by your house, saw a boat in the driveway, and just barged right in and searched your house.


And as long as we are writing on the legal front here is a terrible story out of Mississippi.  2 anglers, and I use the term loosely, were busted with 152 crappie on Lake Enid.  Busted  not only for way over the limit but other game violations.  That lake just happens to be where the world record crappie was caught in 1957 at a healthy 5.3 pounds.  For most of us maybe one short on the board, or one over because you miss counted, that stuff happens.  But when poachers like this have that many that is stone cold intentional conduct.  Time for max fine and suspension of the license to hunt and fish for as long as possible.  Game hogs.

And the same things goes for the 10 Knuckleheads who were caught with 1600 feet of gillnet in Tampa Bay.  (As it was in sight of the bridge they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.)  They had over 500lbs of fish.  So they are charged with multiiple fish violations but there is a surprise Texas should look at.  Use of the gill net is a felony carrying up to 5 years in the pen.  Time to get tough on folks like this stealing our resource.


And congrats to the TPWD Marine Investigator who cracked a multi-state boat and vehicle theft ring.  Sharp eyed tax folks found some suspicious jet ski titling and the officer investigated and 3 knuckleheads were arrested.  Good job, now it is up to the court to lay the smack down on them.


So have a great week and stay safe.  If you fish I hope you catch a few.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Gooc Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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