Moab 12/15/2021.


Another great trip.  Arches, Canyonland, Dead Horse Canyon, the Phosphate Road, and the Las Sal Loop, we made them all.  There is plenty to see out there and it kept us busy all day every day.  What makes it different from many of the western parks we have visited is there is not near the wildlife, it is one tough landscape.  There were mule deer, very little small stuff, eagles, and of course things we did not see like lions and the Desert Bighorn.

I love sheep and though we did not see any I learned a lot about the Desert Bighorn.  They are unlike the Rocky Mountain, which is known to roam, while the Desert is a stay at home kind of sheep, and with the absolute massive amount of canyons and bluffs  it would have been sheer luck to see them.  But it has further peaked my interest in sheep and I have already started reading.  Next up will be Big Bend and the state park where there are sheep.

As far as the week I can honestly say Arches did not impress me all that much, lots of rocks, and there are arches here and there outside of the park.  Canyonland on the other hand is so amazing these pictures just do not do it justice.  We did take a side trip to Grand Junction Colorado and drove the Colorado National Monument drive, which was amazing.  And as a result of that last bit of “research” we have finally committed to retiring in the Pagosa Springs area, for sure within the next couple of years.  We love it there, end of story and finally made a plan.

So here are the pictures, at least half of them in some generic order.  My camera skills can never do any of that justice but you get the idea.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Desert bighorns may bring you to places where they live, they may or may not show themselves to you.  This does not matter.  What matters is this: Look.

                                                                                               Ellen Meloy – Eating Stone.

When I read this, it struck me to my core.  That may sound like an exaggeration, but in my case, it is so true.  It really is in the doing, so get out there and do something, it will be good for your soul.  Trust me, we have a genetic connection to the outdoors and the animals that inhabit it and I hope we never lose it.  I have always felt the same about the fishing, so much is done in beautiful places, same with sheep.

The Old Man Face.

Arches has come really cool formations beside the Arches.

Most of these were taken off hand from long range.  Did not take the tripod due to weight issues, will not make that mistake again.

The Boss.  It was cool this trip, and while we did not get snowed on it snowed in the mountains.

There are a couple of the nation’s most extreme 4×4 roads in the Canyonlands.  We have 4wheeled a good bit in the past but this was just not happening.  If we ever return we will hire one of the services who make these drives.  But with parks and BLM land there is enough driving for a month.

Sorry these do not due the park justice, but it was crazy big.

I want to take a second to talk about OUR public lands.  The last administration wanted to sell a bunch of it off, which is absolutely nuts, and definitely the idea of someone with soft hands who goes to the bathroom on a golden toilet.  The parks and the wilderness all over this country have all had a banner couple of years.  Everyone from the restaurants to the park folks have told us how busy it has been.  We have made multiple parks this year and the story is the same.  And that brings me to my points.

First, we own it for God’s sake!  Be it hiking, running, 4wheeling, hunting, fishing, and everything else folks love to do in the outdoors, is open to all of us.  Texas, where 98% of all land is privately owned, unless you are rich or connected none of it is open to the average guy.  The west has plenty of land open if you will take the time and effort to seek it out.

We need to figure out a way to be sure everyone, from runners to crazy people on OHVs have a fair crack at it.  At this point in time commercial interests should take a back seat.  When you see the damage done in some areas in the past they cannot be trusted.  Selling monument or BLM  land is so freakin stupid I can’t even wrap my head around it.  They are not making any more land, but they sure are making more folks who use it.  (As a side note why we go this time of year, keeps the traffic down.  And one more comment, why drive like a mad man through a park?  Kind of defeats the point.)  Folks using the outdoors is a good thing.  We love all the young folks we see out there, especially this trip.  And they tried to say the $$$ would be used on the debt, sure……..but I digress.

The Needles area.  These were a long way down.

We were having a little trouble initially finding the mule deer but once we did we saw a bunch.  Happy food for lions.

It is hard to describe how big it is, but it goes on and on.  And if you like camping and 4wheeling knock yourself out, there are plenty of places to do it.

A Golden Eagle and a Bald.  We saw several but they just would not cooperate and get close.  Dang things have wings you know.

 Not horn one this trip.  Hunting season has that affect on bucks.

The road along the river.  Endless and open to all.

The ancient ones.  You know, the people that were perfectly happy to be run off and place on reservations.  Hey, we only took the good stuff.

And what would prompt folks to deface these is beyond ignorant.  These are irreplaceable and we do not need to know you were here a..hole.  Time has come to start treating the outdoors as the treasure it is.  Leave nothing, take nothing, there are folks coming after us and we have a duty to preserve it for generations to come.

There are lots, you just have to take the time to look.

Dinasaur tracks.  All the above is what makes the area so awesome. The area  captures moments in time that are literally millions of years old.  If you are not moved by this, play a video game and sit on the couch, easier than getting it done.

It is called Wall Street for obvious reasons.

There are multiple ascents in this area.  The routes have pitons in place and there are companies who will help you if you are not experienced.  The Boss and I took and got a high building rescue certification, but that was basically down.  And if you really have a case of it stop by and do this.

Crazy and we love it!  The first picture is what is that on top of that rock?  Well there you go.  You only get one life so try living it.  These folks are!

Big rocks.

We found these guys way above the snow line.

Yes we see you!

A bald eagle riding the evening rising warmth.

The real beauty is at daylight and dusk.  It is amazing.

The trees have a hard life and cling to the rock for dear life.

Just really cool to look at.


Travel Notes

After doing plenty of flying the last 30 years things sure have changed.  One thing is real obvious, and get your liberal panties in a wad if you want, (Remember I am a died in the wool Democrat.) there has been a change in passengers and it has not been for the better.  Time to institute the following rule – If you cause a disturbance or get kicked of the plane it should be a lifetime ban and placement on the no-fly list. You do not like the mask rule, or do not listen to the flight attendant like the idiot who did not on a flight to Vegas and got booted before we took off, drive, shut up, or get arrested.

One thing that is progress they have finally ruled that only “real” support dogs are allowed the number of “emotional support” animals seem to have disappeared.  (Remember the nut case who needed her emotional support Peacock?)  If you need an emotional support animal you have no business on a plane if you are that fragile.  Are we supposed to endure your emotional outburt enroute?  Like the fools, above if you do not like the rule, drive.  Plus the rest of us should not be responsible for your ailment and have to listen to your freakin chahoohoo all the way to anywhere.


When we took off to the Salt Lake airport early Tuesday morning, we got about 30 miles from Moab when we got caught in traffic in the middle of nowhere.  Turned out it was a head on double fatality semi-truck wreck.  We have worked our share of horrible motor vehicle accidents, but that was as bad as it gets.  To bad.


I am sure I have forgotten plenty but suffice to say the area had plenty to do to keep us busy.  And unlike Jackson Hole, which is way overrated and overpriced, folks were great and it was not as expensive.  And with some much of OUR public lands available for camping it does not have to be expansive to make the trip.  As a country we are so lucky to have these special places, they are not for sale.

Next up is the lake a couple of days, then off to the Gulf next week.  The weather will finally cool off some with light north winds, perfect big trout weather.  POC at least and maybe north Padre is conditions are right.  And with a couple of “secret” things from Michael at My Coast Outdoors to try I am really looking forward to it.  Not sure when I will rejoin Facebook and the rest of it but will keep posting as I fish.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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