The Weekend 9/12/2021.



I knew it was going to be busy, but folks were sure out and about in massive numbers.  I did not plan on any real hardcore fishing today, like always leave the weekends to folks.  But I wanted to head up to Poage Lake, which my buddy Rusty said was a good dry fly lake.  It is quite a drive into the mountains ending at 11,000 feet.  On the way there were trucks parked here and there so when a guy in front of me stopped I did too.  When asking him what was up, it is bow season for elk and the muzzle loader opening, which explains everything.

One beautiful lake, almost to the tree line.

When I got to the lake there was a couple of guys from Alabama who were about to head out after driving all night.  The plan was to hike to a high mesa and camp a couple of nights.  As the weather has been so nice the elk are still way up, and I have not heard a bugle yet.

Sitting on a rock eating a bologna sandwich for lunch with just the sounds of the water.  Bologna never tasted so good.

So after hiking in to the lake there were trout rising everywhere and it was just me.  Man it looked to good to be true, but alas it was.  Suffice to say I ended up catching 4, all about 5″, and did not have a bite even on lures from a real one.  About the time I was headed back a couple came, him carrying a belly boat, her just to enjoy the day.  Last week on TV they were seeding high mountain lakes with stocker trout, and there were literally hundreds of them.  He immediately went to the middle of the lake where she told me the fish were.  What had happened is the lake turned over along with the addition of thousands of small trout.  And that is why the fishing was so tough but no complaints.

When I got back to the truck there were folks everywhere headed to fish, all packing belly boats.  There were a couple of guys who visit this area every year and were amazed at how many people were there, usually they rarely saw anyone else.  I talked fishing with several folks and again was so happy to see folks sharing info, baits etc.  What a refreshing attitude.  From there I stopped at Williams Lake and it was slammed busy.  A couple of smalls jumped on the Rooster Tail so I headed to one more lake on the way down and while no fish, there was a couple of interesting happenings.

Last stop of the afternoon.

First I saw 3 snakes, one water snake and 2 garter snakes.   As I was standing on a big boulder casting I looked down and there between my feet was a big fat ground squirrel who had not figured out yet I was a human.  After eating my lunch beside a high mountain stream I called it a  day.  Sunday I am going to take it easy, change cabins, and watch a little football and let it clear out for a hard week of fishing.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Swarm the field.  Tear Down Dickson Street

And speaking of football how about those Razorbacks!  Last week Texas coach Sarkisian said playing Arkansas was no big deal, “just another game.”  Well you condescending rear end how did an absolute butt kicking work out for you?  And if you think playing any team in the SEC is just another Saturday Texas grossly overpaid you. No game in the SEC is “just another game.”  After watching his post game interview not one word of credit for the play of Arkansas.  So by that standard you must suck because then the blame is all on you.  And just wait until you have Alabama, LSU, and Georgia back to back to back.  Texas fans conveniently forget we have now played Texas 7 times since we left the SW, and  have won 5, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.   (Don’t believe it. look it up.  Sarkisian should have!) WPS!!



Today was moving day as I had to change cabins.  Being really busy out there I actually slept in and took some time to get reorganized, so the move was not a bad thing.  With them needing to clean the new cabin I decided to take a drive up to Gunnison and back, kill a little time and see some new country.  There was definitely a chill in the air, fall is coming to Colorado.  After getting to the high 80’s the last few days I am ready for some cool temps.

The pictures do not do the Aspen fall colors justice.  I can only say it is amazing!

On the drive while I saw a few mule deer there was tons of traffic, folks enjoying the day and others headed home.  But nice to see some new country and enjoy the rapidly changing colors.  The next couple of weeks should be nothing short of spectacular.  When I pick up the Boss we should have one great week in Pagosa and she can paddle her ass off in her new kayak.

I am staying at Grandview Cabins and RV in South Fork.  Perfect for what and where I want to be this week.  But management is “cue tips.”  Now that is what the Boss’s nephew calls us white haired old folks.  Inside of the cabin the walls have 7 different signs posted about don’t do this, don’t do that.  Definitely cue tip behavior.  And the lady I dealt with on day 1 had it together, the next lady needs to add a little Prevagen to her daily meds.  She just could not deal with me having 2 separate reservations but we worked through it.  Other than that it is clean and and adequate place to stay.  They were telling me the last 2 years have been there busiest ever, and by the number of folks out here no surprise.

As a side not the guy next to me has a brand new Jeep, top of the line.  While out 4wheeling yesterday the bushings on both his front shocks fell off.  How in the world did that happen?  I really love the looks of Jeeps but the reliability is not the best, see reviews.  When you are out here and easily get out of cell service reliability is key, mess up at 11,000 feet on a dirt road and it could get lonely.

So watching a little football today, putting on new leaders and flies in anticipation of tomorrow.  With it quieting down I will be out early and spending the day wading the Rio Grande.  Starting with my favorite hole I intend to really expand my range and knowledge of the river, and if I am lucky catch a few fish.  I am really beginning to appreciate fly fishing as a skill.  It is definitely not tying on a plastic and casting.  So keep stopping in and we shall just see what happens next.  Love this place.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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