What a morning! 9/10/2021.



I never get tired of the top of the world!

The morning went just like it is supposed to.  Getting fish and wildlife to cooperate is not always easy, but this morning was a great start to South Fork.  Smashing some brown trout early, then getting so lucky and coming across a herd of Bighorn Sheep.  All I can say is get up early and get out there.  Go where the sheep are and you just might get your reward.  First up was a quick stop at a place where I have caught plenty of browns to just check the water conditions, and the whipping began.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


First up was the Rio Grande between South Fork and Creede.  I was still tired after a hard day of wading so all I wanted to do on my way to look for critters was stop at the beaver damn where I had my first great day on brown trout with a fly rod.  Using small minnow baits and a spinning rod just to see if they were there, they were, and the beat down began.  (One comment, bending the barbs down sure makes releasing easier.)

That hole was loaded with them.

8 or 10 jumped on but I did not want to stay to long, there was animals to chase, but there was one more thing to try.  If I told you that it was time to do a little test with the coming soon 3.5 Knockin Tail guess I might have to kill you, but this was a good place to try it.

Of course it caught brown trout.  As I have said, if it has a tail and gills it will eat the Knockin Tail.

Brown trout are animals, and can be aggressive when on the chew.  The plan was to test it on the trout in the lakes, and normally would not throw it on a small stream, but the browns were there so why not?  All I have to say about the smaller Knockin Tail is it should whip their butt on the lakes, and tomorrow it will get a real go.  So after an hour I was worried it was getting to late so headed to Pool Table road, where I saw the giant Bighorn 2 years ago.

(As a side note it sure is refreshing talking to fly fishermen.  Most are so helpful, and the ones I have met pointed me in the right direction with a couple of new places  and recommended the right fly.  None of that freakin’ nonsense on the Texas coast, where everything is a big secret, like it is life or death.  They are just fish folks.  Sharing information makes us all better fishermen.)

Want sheep?  How about 11,000 feet!  It was 41 degrees up there.

Pool Table road has been heavily logged and I assume it got the name from the huge logged over areas that are now pasture at over 10,000 feet.  It is a wonderful drive and I followed the road until it was nothing more than a pig trail without seeing a thing, not even a mule deer.  So I turned around and topping a hill there was what looked like a herd of mule deer coming off a ridge into the pasture.  So I headed that way and unbelievably it was a herd of Bighorns.  All ewes and babies, I got close enough to get a few pictures before they spooked.  It is tough to hold still when they are that far away but the long lens did the job.  This is never tripod shooting as it happens in an instant.  So here they are in no particular order.

I love Bighorns! There was 16 of them and they were kind enough not to totally spook.

Nothing more to say but what cool animals.  This will not be my last drive on the Pool Table Road.  And on the way down finally saw a couple of mule deer which finished off the morning.  This is not Yellowstone or Estes, the animals are not habituated and it all has to go right, and today it did.

Mule deer will just look at you until they decide if you are a threat.  Whitetails they are not.


And from Rick.

Nothing to do with fishing, but just so you know….HOOKEM HORNS!!

I will be watching so we shall see about that.  Go Hogs!  WPS!  And on a side note that game last night between the Cowboys and Tampa was a great start to the season.  Since I leave the weekends to the rest of the folks (Except when here.)  I am ready for some football.


When I got back to the cabin at noon time to get organized.  Needed to wash truck, get gas and groceries, and of course stop in the fly shop.  After living out of the truck for 4 days time to settle in and put stuff in the cabin.  And a shower probably would be good thing.  Going to rest up the rest of the day and then in morning gone before daylight and headed to a couple of high mountain lakes and first a great small stream and work over some brookies.  Then stop at a couple of lakes and do a little spin fishing, and give the Knockin Tail another go.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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