POC Day 2, 2021.


It was flat amazing this morning!

I was off before daylight and it was really nice, but hot.  As it was yesterday there was very little wind.  The water color is still poor in some places, as in the closer to Port O’Connor the worse it is.  And the water is a balmy 86 degrees.  So I headed to Big Bayou for some boat fishing.  It would end up defining the day, and not in a good way.


80/89.  Mostly sunny with a 14% chance of rain.  Wind  ENE 7 – 12 mph.


High   11:18 am  1.05.   Low   1:46 pm  1.0.       High  4:13 pm  1.06  (The same flat top mountain.) 

Bite Times

Minor   10:14 am to 11:14 am.   Major   4:42 pm to 6:42 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


In the first hour 3 big redfish just exploded on the One Knocker and just did not hook up.  Probably need to have a rod on the deck with a Knockin Tail to throw back on them, but that takes a certain amount of organization, which I was not this morning.  The bites were few and far between but they were real ones.  I even caught a couple of small trout on top, and missed several.  So things were looking up, some.  But here is a couple of trout, perfect examples of the 8 or 10 I caught today.

The Knockin Tail Chicken on a Chain was the best bait.  One on the One Knocker.  Louisiana Specials.  This size is the way it went both days.

One thing that is puzzling is my favorite trout bank, which is a no brainer and always has some nice ones on it, did not produce a fish,  I ended up fishing it 4 times the last 2 days, which is how confident I am there.   And with it being 5 foot deep they have the protection of good water.  But they are gone.

This drum smoked a Chicken on a Chain Knockin Tail.

The plan was to boat fish a while, then wade, the opposite of yesterday.  But one problem, left the stuff in the truck.  So instead went to the Oil Cut where I caught 4 or 5 small trout, a sand trout, and this black drum.  And then the first of the oh shit moments.  I picked up the spinnerbait and on a cast when it got off the bank I reeled it quickly back and out of nowhere a huge trout hit it right at the boat.  She did not stop it but hit it from the side and just moved it.  I did not set the hook, in fact it was one of those did that really happen moments?  It was the biggest trout I have seen in a while, and it was in a weird place.  You never know, and you can not ever give up on a cast.  Operator error.

I decided to finish up the day and throw spinnerbait for reds and then oh shit number 2.  A big one just smoked it and started ripping off line kicking up a mud trail as she went.  The water was trolling motor deep and when it took off, I tried to turn the boat and for some reason it just pulled off, rare on the spinnerbait.  It was definitely a horse and I should have just forgot the trolling motor and made sure I boated it.  The best bite of the 2 days.

They like the gold blade/Pink Ice Knockin Tail combination.  

This one ate the spinnerbait and kept on coming.  The last few trips I have been working on a couple of combinations for the Knockin Tail and spinnerbait.  When fall gets here it is going to be a killing.  So on that note I called it a day.  it was hotter than hell and there was almost no wind.  The water had just started coming up, which is probably why the fishing was slow first thing.  I do know I had my chances today, it could have been 2 big fish, operator error both times.  Plus I missed several nice reds on the topwater early, which did not help matters.  I do admit to not knowing much right now, the fresh water combined with whatever affects the freeze had has definitely moved my fish, to where I do not know.


And this from SA Joe.

What were you talking about the “Alligator” guy? I’m lost…was he trying to keep you away from a spot? And why did the others guys go help him??? Was there any gators?

Sorry guess it was not as clear as it could be.  I did not see a gator but no doubt they were there.  He actually said he saw a big one and a small one.  I think he was just an old guy who was just trying to be helpful or nice, but was definitely excited.  Probably the first ones he has seen on the bay.  He also said he caught 2 big sting rays, which is not surprising, there are lots of them.  Why I always wear my shin guards.  So sorry, it was just a weird happening that day,


So it was about like I expected it to be.  There is definitely a change in San Antonio Bay.  The first order of business, no more rain, the freshwater has an effect.  Second, TPWD needs to finish the net studies, and what ever else is at their disposal, and make sure we do not need reduced trout limits.  At least the net studies will give us a reference.  But no matter what I had a  big time, and as I have said for the last 10 years, I can not wait for school to get back in, hunting to start, and with it the redfish run.  Next up Green Day.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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