Beware False Profits. 6/15/2021.


Well here we go.  After getting the boat basically straightened out it will be on the water at daylight.  I chose the lake first so if there is some malfunction I won’t be to hell and gone from the house.  To bad I am not more confident, but with the amount of work done anything is possible.  So hopefully things will work and I might even catch a fish or two.


75/95.  Partly sunny; a thundershower in spots in the morning followed by a thunderstorm in the afternoon with a 50% chance of rain.  Wind NE 7 – 12 mph.

Lake Level

9 days ago  98.49 msl.    Today  98.42 msl.

Solunar Times

Major 5:32 am to  7:32 am.   Minor  11:00 am to 12:00 pm.


I was out real early, but hardly worth getting up for.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


First off the LTS ran great, and no, not a fish.  Funny how the steering deteriorated over time and now that it is fixed it runs great.  I had forgotten how it was “supposed” to be.  In all the motors I have owned this is the best running and starting ever. Over 900 hours and it runs like a champ.  It never misses a beat, to bad I can not say that about the fishing.

There was a light wind out of the north, the color is real crap depending on where you are, and the water temp ranged from high 80’s to low 90’s.   I had high hopes with today’s plan, the first 2 hours fish nothing but points and I stuck to it.  To bad the fish were not having it.  In fact, this is the first time in I do not remember when that I struck out, a big fat zero, and I tried it all, banks and baits.

Since I was interested in how the boat would run I fished from close to the intake to way up lake, making a couple of long runs to give whatever kinks might still be there to show, and none did.  The plant arm is not near as off color as the Coleto arm, but it did not seem to help.  In fact, a couple of the coves near the dam are really off color as the color works it way down and out.  Before I called it a day at 11:30 I had 3 bites, 2 on buzzbait and one pitching a stick worm, and they were half hearted at best.  I fished everywhere I caught lately, and about as many places I have not fished, and the results were the same, zip.  I even finished up the morning fishing a couple of deep ledges by the dam without a bite.  Just do not get it.

Where does the False Profit thing come in?

If you fish much you know these guys.  When you ask it is always: we killed them, it was awesome, they were really biting.  Of course those descriptions are relative.  What is good fishing for some is not much for others.  But in my case no False Profit here – It sucked and I sucked.  Over the last 45+ years of hard core fishing I can honestly say for one of the first times I am stumped.  For the last 10 years I have fished Coleto hard, and caught tons of fish, with plenty of big fish.  Now I am praying for a bite.  When you fish a place regularly you see the ups and downs, but this just has me puzzled.  The guy I spoke with last week said it will get better, I sure hope so.  Really going to be hard to part with the $250 for an annual next month.

It cleared quickly but sure was awesome while it lasted.


Watching the Bassmaster Classic on tv this weekend Mark Zona (Speaking of false profits.) commented on the guys throwing frog style baits.  His said the popping perch is a little harder to hook up than a regular frog.  Guess I can blame the misses the other day on the bait, this morning they would not touch it.  The point, when it was first released he featured it on a show and they were eating it, hardly a miss.  Funny, my guess, fished one of “those” places that is full of hungry fish.  Of course no comment at the time on how it can be harder to hook them on it.  So remember these shows are nothing more than ads for Strike King, and he is the chief shill.


On a completely different note it is time to pay my annual dues to keep my inactive status with the Texas BAR and I am having a hard time justifying paying it.  It has been 12 years since I actively practiced and it would take a little time and money to become active again, not something I even think about doing.  But I worked for that degree and take pride in it but at times it is hard to defend the profession.

But my faith in the profession was renewed when it was revealed that the BAR opened an investigation of our felony indicted Attorney General.  (What an oxymoron, felony and attorney in the same sentence.)  It should have been done a while ago due to several other issues, but this time it is based on his filing of a lawsuit following the election.  I don’t give a rat’s ass who you voted for, but the lawsuit was nonsense, end of story.  Any other attorney would have been laughed out of court and probably humiliated and sanctioned by the Court.  So I am sending the money, there may be hope for the profession yet.


It will be up and gone early as I finally head to the bay after a long absence.  I have some “secret’ baits from Michael and Controlled Descent that I have been wanting to put in front of some trout and reds and tomorrow is the day.  Plus I need a change of scenery really bad and nothing cures that like catching some fish.  And the Boss and I are kicking around going somewhere next week after her surgery.  If she is no load bearing for a few days I can get us somewhere and she can no load bear on a deck overlooking some water.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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