Coleto Creek 6/10/2021.


An interesting thing happened on the way to fish Thursday morning.  I have my pattern before heading out, hit the starter, check the tires, and make sure that the lights are in good working order.  So I head to the lake, drop in and head up.  On getting to my starting bank I drop the trolling motor in and nothing.  Now I don’t mean weak, so nothing it would not even light anything.  Jumped across post to post and not even a spark.  The battery was as dead as any I have ever experienced, I mean totally done.  So back to the house and on the charger and the code – internal short, bad battery.  I have had lots of battery problems over the decades but this was something new, completely dead out of the clear blue.  Turned out it was under warranty so I picked up a new one, in the boat it went, and off to the lake for another run at it in the morning.   (Friday)

Not sure what to expect tomorrow but I will be on the water before the sun comes up, it is going to be hot.  And then go by the mechanic and see what the hell is going on with the LTS.  This is getting ridiculous.


77/93.  Partly sunny, hot and humid; possible danger of dehydration and heat stroke while doing strenuous activities with a 25% chance of rain.  Wind SSE 12 – 16 mph.

Lake Level

8 days ago  98.49 msl.    Today  98.39 msl.

Solunar Times

Minor  7:17 am to  8:17 am.   Minor  2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


The fishing might be slow but the sunrise was worth getting up for!

It was almost dead calm as the sun started to rise and of course I was the first one there.  Looks like the lake is still about the same level, and a guy I spoke with at the ramp later said they are letting  some out.  The color is still crap over much of the lake and the water temp was 85 to 90 degrees depending on where you were.  To make a long story short, 4 bites, none after 10:00, 3 boated counting a gar who got his mouth tangled in the line.

First up was a point, no bites.  Next up went half way back in a cove and fished out with the buzzbait.  At the point one just blasted it the second it hit the water, why it is so important to have that thing moving when it hits the water.

Same results, different day, but no complaints with this one.

I actually got the net out before taking off and was glad I did as she was doing some jumping.  From there it was working up lake for the next couple of hours with absolutely no bites.  The farther up you go the dirtier it gets so I turned around and headed back down and managed to get a small on a real flat main lake point.

The last one of the morning.

Though I basically stayed with the buzzbait, I alternated with a frog, swim bait, and swim jig.  Intentionally covering miles of the green grass produced one gar who jumped on the frog and got tangled, but I saved the frog.  Then on a flat point with the channel close 2 took a run at the frog and did not hook up.  Probably at least one should have but it takes a little while to get the hang of the frog when you have not fished it in a while.  If the fish would just come to the cover it could be fun.

So where are they, or just as important, why have they not come to the shallow stuff?  I really expected it to pick up, but after miles and miles of great looking stuff, every bite came on a point, which says something.   And there was some deeper water close so that is probably the pattern.  I sure know where they aren’t!  If forced to fish a tournament right now on Coleto it would be senko style plastics on points with water and cover.  Might be one of those just point hop and catch one here and there.  And just maybe like has been happening to me the last month, catch a big one.  That is where they are.  Right now covering the miles is not the ticket.  The only thing I do know, go early.


When I got to the ramp at noon there was a jon boat taking out and I thought I heard him say something.  Then I did:  “Did you get the Mako back yet?”  I did not recognize the gentleman and am sorry I did not get his name.  So I whined some about it and then he said he reads the blog which explains his question.  I always like meeting folks on the water, lets me know there are folks out there who read this stuff.  So thanks for hollering at me this morning, hope I get your name next time.  But there was a punch line, they did not catch a crappie all morning.  So whatever is going on at the lake is affecting all the fish.

And guess what else?  Surprise!  The boat is done.  I don’t know what to  say except the old saying you don’t know what you have until it is gone applies here.  Picking it up later and already looking forward to Monday.


Did you all see the photo or video of the boat that almost went over a dam in Austin?  Crazy!  It was an electric rental that according to reports had 4 women in it.  Once it got to close to the dam the current almost pulled it over before it was pulled out of harms way.  That could have been ugly.  So Austin.


Now that the Mako is back in action time to hit the salt.  So look for next week to be several days of bay fishing.  Since I have seen lots of conflicting reports not sure what to expect, except zipping across the bay at sunrise.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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