Back in Business 6/9/2021.


It has been a good week since I posted, several things conspired to make that happen.  First up was a visit to see my mother in Fayetteville.  She is doing great since Dad passed as she has her writing.  There is a lesson there, have a hobby or a passion, life goes on.  So things were good in Fayetteville  and we will make sure to visit regularly.

While we were there we decided to stop in Hot Springs on the way home.  When we mentioned that Mom said she would like to go to the horse races, which we will definitely do next year when they run.  With my uncle and cousin living close looks like a plan will be taking shape for a group meet next year.  But our reason for going there was to see if the Little Wedding Chapel where we got married was still there.  It was right across the street from the track, and while the building is still there it looks like it has reverted to the mansion it once was.  Plus a couple of years ago Oaklawn, the track, opened a casino which I believe was the first in Arkansas.  It is nice and the world has not collapsed due to casino gambling.

And then once we got home we had no internet.  Things were fine when we left so I called and they said it was an area outage.  Then 2 days later their response:  No outage.  So at that point it was beyond my woeful tech skills so made an appointment for a tech on Wednesday.  (Actually considering 1 day a week without online madness.  Probably good for mental health.) Low and behold it was a modem issue, the guy from Suddenlink was great, and now we are back in business after 4 days.  So thought I would post just to let you know we are still here.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Blasts from the past!

Here are a couple of photos from the paper back in the “old days”.  First here is the Boss and I kicking ass and saving lives.  Both were taken some time in the 8o’s, the first when the ambulance service took over a new territory.  Those were the days.  When you stay up for days and run a ton of calls and don’t end up killing each other it is a good sign the marriage will last.

Sorry for the resolution, these are really old, but sure was good to see them.  And the one below started my writing career while I was guiding, prior to the ambulance, and then later heading back to school to get a “real” job.

This was a good string caught with Cliff and Jeff.  I guided them off and on for a few years and always enjoyed when them and their boys came to Lake Norfork for the week.  (My first, and last, experience with moon shine!)  This was used by the paper to announce I was going to be writing the weekly fishing column.  There are several things interesting about this photo.  We had a flood that year and the lake came up 26 feet.  I found them that spring on the old road beds coming down to the lake, the only spots not covered in brush and trash and they stayed there most of the spring.  Plus this was when the limit was 10 – 12″ bass.  My how things have changed.


Was just interested in the level after being offline for most of the week.

Coleto Lake Level

Today  98.24 msl.  One Week Ago  98.49 msl.


And this follow up from Russ.


Meant to tell you that we fished with Capt. Nathan Beabout on our 3 day trip. He is practicing 100% Catch and Release. I have seen many guides that touted ‘catch and release’ when the freeze happened and talked about the need to do so for the next couple of years. I have witnessed some of these same guides not practicing what they preached a couple months ago now that the spring/summer fishing has started. It is disappointing to see this behavior and really shows who cares about the population and conservation.

I will say, going into a trip without the expectation of keeping any fish really changed our perspective. Every blow up was great and every 18″ redfish caught seemed like a great catch! Size didn’t matter, just pure adrenaline of watching a fish crush a top water made the trip worthwhile. We will be practicing more catch and release in the future and only keep a few for dinner.

Love your comment on several fronts.  First props to Capt. Beabout for putting his money (Literally) where his mouth is.  And with that you learned a lesson that I have learned the last few years after my initial bay fishing practices.  First, if it reached it was in the bucket and headed to the cleaning table.  That led to too many fish in the freezer, and at times giving them away to my elderly neighbors.  Now that part was a good thing, but in the end I finally started to adjust my ways until now, it is either headed to the pan that day, or it is back in the drink.  And from that I learned/remembered the same lesson, it is in the catching.  If you think about it that is how most of us got the bug, just catching them, we sure were not old enough to cook them.  Now I am just happy to be out there fishing, and I thank the fish for the pleasure.

And as to other guides, I hope they are keeping it to a dull roar, there is not near the Facebook pictures.  Of course some are moving their lips but not practicing catch and release, but as long as they are legal it is their right.  But of course just being “legal” does not always make it right.  A photo came up on my Facebook of a cooler full of trout, it was from a guide who said the trout fishing was hot, come and get some.  Again legal, but showing a complete lack of respect for the fish.  Maybe this will help move the catch and release philosophy that has taken hold in bass fishing to the salt.  To often saltwater fishing is seen as a meat haul. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem keeping and eating a few small “anything” fish, rarely is that a problem with a resource.  So here’s to a little more catch and release, especially until TPWD tells us the fish stocks are good to go.  Really appreciate your comments.


The Wardens were super busy over the Memorial Day weekend.  And here are the results:

Game wardens conducted safety checks on more than 11,283 vessels state-wide between Friday and Monday and issued 1,283 citations. Wardens also issued 1,639 warnings for various boating safety law violations, arrested 36 individuals for Boating While Intoxicated and filed another five charges for Driving While Intoxicated. Additionally, another 42 people were arrested for various other crimes.

Furthermore, game wardens investigated 17 boating accidents across the state and responded to three boating-related fatalities that occurred on Lake O’ Pines, Toledo Bend and Canyon Lake. Game wardens also responded to six open water drownings.

Where to start?  First, on the checks over 10% were in some form of violation.  Approximately 7% were either drunk or wanted for other crimes.  And when it comes down to it, 9 people died in water related drownings.

I know it might seem like preaching when before every holiday I preach about boats (Over 10% of the boats checked were in some form of violation.  That is nuts.) and safety.  But these figures bear out my concern.  It can be flat dangerous out there and anything you can do to protect you and your family, and to keep from getting a ticket, is worth it.  Sad to see how many folks lost their lives over the weekend.  Safety and good choices when boating should be an everyday happening.  Trust me, plenty of folks would love a “do over” for the weekend.


And on the Bass Fishing front the Bassmaster Classic will be on Ray Roberts this weekend.  While we were in Fort Worth for 3 years I got to fish it a time or two.  Though I never smoked them I did catch some quality fish.  It was a learning experience on Texas bass fishing.  So good luck to all, a victory can make a career.


So now the LTS watch is on.  I finally noticed the boat has disappeared from the lot in to the shop.  So parts must be here and I am anxiously awaiting the call.  Hope it comes soon as I am going to go somewhere, where remains to be seen.  (The pictures coming out of Grand Isle right now are ridiculous.  Limits by 10 am.  No shortage of trout there not to mention the awesome red fishing.) Unless something changes it will be off to the lake in the morning.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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