It seemed like I was fishing. 6/2/2021.



Hope you all had a great weekend no matter what you did.  Other than a little kayak research in Houston for the Boss we had a quiet weekend.  So tomorrow it will be back at it.  Of course it will be the lake but from this point on it is a holding pattern waiting to get the LTS back and smack some bay fish.  As far what I expect to find at the lake tomorrow – not a clue.  I have some thoughts, and a new secret bait to try, so it will be on the water as the sun cracks and thrashing until I can thrash no more.


So this morning I get up really early and as I headed to make coffee I wondered why the AC as so  loud, then I woke up, it was flat pouring with thunder and lightning.  Hoping to wait it out but 9:00 it was still raining and according to the future radar track it was going to stay.  We ended up getting 1.3″ in a couple of hours, like we need it.  Of course here I sit at 1:00 after doing some errands and it has not rained a drop.  Just have to wait and see about tomorrow.


I was on the water before the sun came up and the lake is definitely up.  The color is poor over most of the lake, the water temp was 82 – 84, and it is definitely bigger.  It was partly cloudy and barely a breeze and I had high hopes.  Well so much for that.


76/84. Mostly cloudy and humid with a couple of thunderstorms with a 61% chance of rain.  Wind ENE 8 – 12 mph.

Lake Level

Today  98.49 msl.    7 days ago  98.19 msl.

Solunar Times

Major  7:52 am to  9:52 am.   Minor  1:41 pm to 2:41 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Today I fished a buzzbait, swim bait, swim jig, popping perch, and a creature bait.  The creature bait produced this little guy, and other than that it was a complete bust.  And that fish came on one of my go to places for deep pitching.  Other than that whether it was main lake, up or down, shallow or deep, they are either just not there, or I am so far off the pattern it is not funny.

Obviously what I should have been fishing.

One thing I noticed when going under the bridge there was about a 5′ strip of off color water on the locator, which started around 6 or 8 feet and went down about 5 more feet.  As I do not have the LTS better electronics to see if it is maybe the affect of the flood.  If it is it could have something to do with the bite.  The few that did bite, 5 or 6, were definitely half hearted and probably small.

An interesting note talked to some hard core crappie fisherman, including Mr. Crappie, and they only caught 2.  They were having boat problems and did not venture as far as normal, but when Mr. Crappie can only get a couple it is tough.  I have seen him for years, and now that he is getting up in years he does not get out much, but in the day he and his buddy were the only people on the lake as much as me.  So wondering if there is a stretch of water that is like a dirty thermocline that is not holding fish, so maybe they are below that.  Just a thought.

The only bright spot of the day was testing a new bait from Controlled Descent.  It looks absolutely killer in the water and I can not wait to toss it on the bay next week.  (Of course depending on whether I get the boat back.)  And with the way the lake is going time for a break, for my mental health.  I fished some great places today, and some not so great, and you could not tell the difference.  Everywhere sucked.  So far it really is a waste of a good raise, but as the lake still has not stabilized, or really started to clear, might just take a while to settle down.   There is to much good cover for them to not end up in it at some point.


First this from Ross

Have been meaning to tell you that I booked Chandeleur trip with Southern Belle. He is doing 6 pack charters only now, which makes it easier to put a trip together. We are going in October. Thank you for the recommendation and hope it goes well. I’m sure it will take some figuring out as we have never been there, but it will be an adventure!

Also, just finished a 3 day trip to the POC area. Caught a lot of reds and some trout. Can definitely see the effects of the freeze in San Antonio Bay and Espiritu. West Matagorda looked and fished as healthy as normal though. We caught most fish on top waters and a few on jigs, both Knockin Tail and DSL. Wind was blowing to hard to fish shell much, so we stuck to shorelines. Bait and moving water was key. Never waded anything over waist deep.

 I hope you enjoy your trip with Capt. Howie as much as I have.  And because he is not doing the long trip like we have done with him Tim of Wade Right has booked another boat, also in October.  Not sure which one.  Looks like this trip we will be fishing at least 3 1/2 days.  Of course I am really looking forward to it being that long.  But will miss the time with Howie so tell him I said hey.

As far as the fishing it is very similar to our coast.  If he goes to his usual area there is a big island with lots of points, coves, flats, grass, and everything else you could want.  A short walk across the island and you are fishing the ocean, so the options are many.  But basically it fishes just like any other area from the Keys to Mexico.  So go do what you know and you should be fine.  And do not forget, we had a really tough trip last year, it is still fishing and they do have fins and a tail.

Love your bay report as I get ready to start up again after a long absence.  And your report is similar to others I have heard, and of course what report would be complete without the wind?  Nice you boated a few on the Knockin Tail, but nothing beats a topwater bite.  And as to variety, as we all know trout are really sensitive environmentally, redfish could live in a bucket of dirt with a spoonful of water.  As long as folks use some discretion, especially the guides, the trout will come back in nothing flat.  Thanks for your report and good luck on the trip.  Will be looking forward to the report.


And SA Joe had this comment on parts.

Sorry about not getting your part sooner. Its just crappy customer service. Those parts are here in the states, but people don’t want to look for them or let them go.

Bought a scooter, needed and ordered parts. Big Order, 1 part was online, but never got the call when they credited me back cuz they didnt have the part. the idiot i dealt with said if its online WE have the part. Yeah someone is updating the site everytime a part is out…NOPE.. I had to find when i looked at credit card site. Waited a month for a filter and 2 hoses. Finally cancelled the order and went to O’Reillys to get the the parts and scooter sold…

That is similar to what I/Bob experienced trying to get the part.  Basically it boiled down to the same thing, incorrect info and no update or help.  In fact, as you probably read Bob found one in Florida so the problem is solved, but not with the help of the distributor or Mercury Outboards.

But in the spirit of fairness Mercury did contact me yesterday and offer to help, but after I bitched.  Sad to say but the squeaky wheel gets the grease, not the way customer service is supposed to work.  But even though it is now water under the bridge, it will give me pause when it is time to re-power.   As usual good to hear from you.


Last from Winfred.

Thanks for keeping on keeping on. Really enjoy your advice and comments.

Always love to hear from first time readers.  Really appreciate your kind comments.  The blog has become one of those what would I do if I did not do it?  I sure am not going to stop fishing.  Glad to know you are out there.


And a hearty congratulations to the Arkansas Razorbacks who won the SEC regular season and the conference baseball tournament.  As I said earlier they should head to the College Word Series as the number 1 seed.  They have the pitching and bats, have come back from 3 down to win 12 times, and are 36 – 0 when leading by 3 runs.  They are as tough as they come and just maybe can make it all the way.  It sure has been fun to watch.  WPS!

And though the women’s softball team got beat, they ran fairly deep in the tournament and are going to be a force in the years to come.  Great to see my alma mater doing so well in all sports.  And with football only 100 days away life is good.


Scam Alert

One of the fishing shows I watched this weekend had one of the less than reputable tackle company presidents.  He is one of those who were putting ads up on Facebook saying they were taking 50 folks to add to their pro staff, which is complete nonsense.  First, no company has 50 “Pro Staff.”  Second, real Pro Staff do not pay for baits.  Pro Staff are there to sell baits and not to simply post the occasional picture on Facebook.  Last, tackle companies have tons of folks who are trying to get free stuff all day long, they have no need to advertise for fishermen to give tackle to.   It is nothing more that an effort to sell product and has nothing to do with your fishing ability.  Get serious folks, if a company is running that type of add it is basically nothing more than an effort to sell you baits.  Do not fall for it.


TPWD is coming under scrutiny for it’s handling of what looks to be a major outbreak of chronic wasting disease. which appears to have originated on 3 breeding ranches, 2 owned by the same entity.  If it is breeder spread not sure why this was not addressed immediately as a real threat that it is to our deer population.   They should be shut down and a real examination of not only their facilities but their practices.  As I usually do it is hard to not suspect that commercial interests are once again more important to the commission than the average Joe’s.  If they are going to regulate deer, then regulate and step in on any breeder spreading the disease, inaction is not the answer.   And if it is not them then say so and go on, they and us need to know how this happened.  If that is not possible then they need to come up with a way to get it done.  Again they seem to forget who they work for, which in the end is the WILD deer.


And this from my trolling boats for sale – We Have a Winner!  A used  bass boat with 57 hours, ONLY  $86,500!  Looks like one serious case of buyer remorse.  That is freakin’ nuts.  Plus if you can afford this one buy new for God’s sake.


With the lake as it is, and no LTS,  going to make a quick trip to see my mom and brother.  And if the stars align next Monday I just might be on the bay, but not sure I want to get my hopes up.  But at this point will just take the skiff as long was the wind is down.  Time to cacth some fish.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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