Have a Safe Weekend 5/28/2021.


This weekend will be the busiest since the real onset of the pandemic.  Over or not, folks are “over” it and itching to get back to normal life.  With that comes a big holiday weekend which looks like it will be real busy.  And the weather in South Texas is looking good so please be careful and have a great weekend.

  1.  Kill switch attached, the law now on fresh and salt water.
  2. Kids (And the rest of you,) in life jackets.  And have your throwable cushion easily available.
  3. Walk around the boat trailer if you are headed to the lake, make sure you can make it and your freakin’ lights work.
  4. Be the bigger man.  No sense in getting in some kind of pissing match on the water or at the ramp that could ruin your day.  Yield the right of way when in doubt, assume the other guy just got the boat out for the year and has had to many cold ones.
  5. Be sure you are ready to back in and out quickly, get it together before you get on the ramp.
  6. And be sure to take out your drain plug and empty the bilge, not only is it the law but we don’t need to spread stuff around.
  7. Party like a rockstar, as long as you are not driving, and I mean anything with a motor.  Drink yourself senseless for all I care, but stay off the water or roads.
  8. Remember doing something stupid on the water on a holiday weekend when law enforcement is out in force is like driving drunk on New Years Eve, amateur hour.
  9.  So be careful and have a great time no matter what you do.  There is a whole summer ahead of us with life returning to normal.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50



Well my mood has improved dramatically since I finally got some good news on the boat.  Bob went above and beyond to find the part that seemed to not exist.  It was at a place in Florida and while they did not give him a break on it, he paid tax and shipping, I could not be happier.  All I know is it should be here some time next week.  Man I am ready to have the boat back.  After this little fiasco I learned quite a bit.

Mercury basically blamed it on the pandemic, combined with what has been a real surge in outdoor stuff whether it is boats, campers, and other assorted gear.  That it has come to this is crazy.  It is even hard to find some new boats and used prices have exploded. Michael at Controlled Descent has also had some issues in the past getting product.  Bob is experiencing this with other parts, and the old have it overnight no matter what it was is over, at least temporarily.  But my thanks to him for finding it. the thought of not having the boat for at least another month was making me nuts.



I really think all tournament anglers and wannabes should watch Major League Fishing.  Watching 10 pros fish on different lakes, including some they have fished in the past,  can put results in perspective.  So often we are not all that happy unless we catch the big one, or smack a ton of them.  But as happened this one I watched this weekend 6 of the 10 did not even catch over 7lbs, and that is weighing anything over 1lb.  It really has changed the face of fishing, and more accurately reflects what most of us face in a day of fishing.

It has helped me maintain perspective.  After catching tons of big bass your view of things can get a little unrealistic.  As an example, last time out while only 4 jumped on, it really wasn’t that bad considering.  When you can fish all you want, basically whenever you want, that alone is a blessing, and should be kept in perspective.  My moto has always been it is in the doing, and with that the result will take care of itself.


One great thing about having a relationship with Michael and his Knockin Tail Lure is getting to throw some new stuff, and after getting some in the mail I am impressed.  The word awesome comes to mind.  Unfortunately being unable to talk about it is tough on a guy who likes to talk.  But trust me, if they perform anything like they look it is going to be something.  And getting the LTS back it will be off to the bay the next day.  More on that as time goes on.


And this from TPWD, which goes along with my/their “Be Safe” advice.

The guidance comes at a critical moment: in 2020, boating accidents were at a 30-year all-time high. Fatalities on Texas waterways increased 45 percent in 2020 from 2019, while fatal accidents on the water rose by 61 percent. Overall, accidents on the water were up 67 percent, and injuries were up by 64 percent. More than 70 percent of boating accidents that occurred in 2020 were on open motorboats or personal watercraft.  The months of May through August traditionally have the highest numbers of injuries and fatalities statewide, with weekends seeing the peak figures.

This year alone — from January through April 2021 — Texas experienced a 40 percent increase in open water-oriented fatalities, including boating and swimming incidents, compared to the same period in 2020. Overall, in 2020, 55 boating fatalities and multiple boat accidents and injuries occurred on Texas waters.

See it is getting more dangerous on the water.  Don’t be a statistic!


Just wanted to say a few things before the weekend starts.  The Boss is off a couple of days, something new and different. and we will be hitting the road a couple of times just hanging out.  And as soon as the weekend is over it will be Coleto for a few days and maybe just maybe a light at the end of the tunnel on the LTS.  (Of course I was planning on parting with the skiff but after this will probably hold on to it a little longer.  Do not want to think about what would have happened if I did not have a boat for 3 months!)

And a last word of thanks to all of you.  It has been a long road since the first post on August 17, 2011.  I have posted 1,419 times, some of you have been here since the beginning, and this is number 1.420.   Guess I should take the good stuff and put it together, there is a book there somewhere.  But whatever I can not thank you all enough for reading this blog.  I never forget you are out there and appreciate all the comments over the years.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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