You never know. 5/26/2021.


When the Boss called me at 9:30 to let me know she was on her way to work she said the following after asking me how it was going:  Guess it did not go like you thought.  That about covers it.  Not sure what is going on, but the new cover produced 4 fish, all small and I covered some miles.


75/88.  Partly sunny and humid with a thunderstorm in spots from late morning on with a 40% chance of rain.  Wind SE 10 – 16 mph.

Lake Level

Monday  98.70 msl.    Today  98.19 msl.

Solunar Times

Major  1:44 pm to 3:44 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


I was on the water as it cracked daylight.  And on a completely different note:  The freakin’ mosquitos are terrible here right now.  They chased me around as I mowed the grass and until the boat was underway from the ramp it was a swarm around me.  With the amount of water here they are only going to get worse.  When I crossed the Guadalupe it was as high as it has been yet, running wild with tons of trash.  As usual, where is water when you need it?

The lake is basically stabilized and the color is deteriorating as the dirt makes it way down lake.  In fact one cove even smelled like dirt, suffice to say no bites there.  I specifically put the trolling motor on and covered some miles, many places I have not fished, and manged 4 smalls.

All 4 looked like this.

Monday the few that bit blew up on it, today they were just nipping it under.  They were not aggressive in the least.  It was literally one here, then a mile later one there.  2 did jump on it on a real flat shallow point with cover, and that was it for the morning.

Around 9:00 I switched to a frog and the Controlled Descent Pearl Jerk Shad.  Both real go to baits with this much grass and brush in the water.  But other than a couple of half hearted hits on the frog, they might not have been big enough to eat it, could not buy a bite on the Jerk Shad.  I really concentered on making good casts and dragging it by cover, but folks, they are just not there.   And as I have experienced lately, not another bite after 9:00.

The color seems to be coming down lake and it gets pretty off color right around the corner from the ramp.  The water temp is from 80 – 84 depending on where you are.  Whether it was coves, main lake, deep banks, flat banks, grass, brush, it did not matter.  So the question is:  Are they coming?  Will it get better as the lake clears?  And when the panfish start spawning, which should be soon, will the bass come after them?  Only time will tell.  While I am somewhat disheartened, until things settle down and the water clears not time for despair yet.  It just looks so good.


Thinking of buying a new Mercury Outboard?

And one last thing, after 40 years  of being a Mercury man that is going to change.  Here is the punch line:  The boat has been down since early March and Mercury Customer Service  says to bad, so sad.  After having a part on order for literally months they now say it will be late June, maybe.  That is after the supplier saying it would be shipped in 2 weeks, then another 2 weeks, then it arrived and will be shipped in 2 weeks, now late June.  3 months at least?   (At some point the “supply chain” excuse is nothing more than that.  Is the pandemic excuse going to linger for ever?) If it was one of their sponsored tourney Boys that would not be their response.  When I spoke with Mercury no let me see if I can help, get back to you, maybe try here, nothing.  Just to bad.  So when it comes down to it Mercury could give a crap about the fact my boat has been down all spring.  Sad.


With the holiday weekend coming not sure when I will get back on the water.  The crowds start on Friday and keep it up until Monday and I prefer to leave it to folks.  Missing the ramp at Froggie’s this weekend is no great loss.  But that is going to be next, just not sure when it will be.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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