Loving the Mountains 5/19/2021.



A beautiful early morning drive.

The Boss had her meeting this morning so I headed out to Williams Lake to do a little fishing before she shook lose.  It was chilly, in fact 24 degrees in the low valley on the way to the lake.  But the day started out a little dicey.  On the way out of town there is a stretch which is just loaded with mule deer, and today they almost got me.  As I went around a tight corner a buck jumped right in front of the truck.  I slammed on the brakes and literally missed him by a hair.  I had the camera on the console ready in case and it launched, so did the coffee and whatever else was there and it actually cracked the protective lens over the camera lens.  What a save all the way around, those kinds of things make the trip what it is



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


The fishing was slow at Williams but this is good for the soul.

The drive up to the lake is 26 miles and there is always something to see.  From creek bottom valley to big hills, it is nice in and of itself.  As you can see it was beautiful when I got there.  The fishing was not any better than the other day and I only ended up catching one rainbow and missing a few more.  But other than another person or two it was solitude.  It may no be the best but it will always be on the list every trip.


After we ate lunch it was time for a hike.  So we headed to Jackson Mountain Road to hike the trail when it started to rain.  Not wet like warm rain, but little balls like you get crossing the divide.  We ended up driving up to the trail head and back and decided to head down to Southfork and check out a new road down there.  We picked Beaver Road to Beaver Lake.  It was the second of three lakes on that road.   When we got there the Boss took her walk down the lake while I fished.

Beaver Lake

After just a little bit I figured it out, which with rainbows in lakes is speed and depth.  Once you figure it out the bite is usually on.  Guess catching all those trout on the White River did teach me something.  They preferred a red Rooster Tail and after I caught several the Boss came back and started fishing,  One thing that often happens with any fish, catch and release several and they slow down.  The trick is to change lures and you can always put more in the net.  Roostertail, spoon, and a small crankbait all caught fish, which was a good dozen or so.  A great end to another good day in the mountains.

        The Boss laying the smack down on them.

They were all rainbows and all got to swim another day.  I really like how there is some ridiculous number of lakes, as in 20 in this area alone.  They all have fish and really good access.   In fact we stopped at a couple of others and I made a few casts and with no bite just moved on.  There is that much water.  And spreading folks out you see a few here and there but it does not detract from the experience.  The side benefit of that drive was in and out it ran along a creek which is running heavy like most are now, but it is definitely a candidate for some fly fishing.   All in all a great day to by hanging with my best friend.

You just have to stop and look around occasionally.  

Not sure what the agenda is in the morning.  The Boss is getting her hair blown up, or something like that, in the morning so with a few hours to mess around will probably make the early morning wildlife drive, or who knows, might just head back to Echo Lake and wear them out some.  But no matter what we will get our moneys worth the last day.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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