Colorado 5/16/2021,



Today was our first day in Colorado, and as usual we had a big time.  We took 2 hikes and made a long drive way up and  saw some great animals.  It was 43 degrees in the mountains at daylight and ended up a nice 66.  So here is today’s great adventure.

The aspen are in bloom.  Cool trees generally found at 6000′ feet and above.

The Boss and our first hike along the Piedra River.

We saw a few elk we were able to get pictures and more we could not.  Seemed that some were already higher up in the mountains.  



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Piedra Falls.  Hard to describe how loud it was, and not a bad hike.

As usual mule deer everywhere.

The find of the day.  This was one big cow elk.

Lots of turkey in the area.  And this is the flow, probably no fly fishing the creeks this trip, but there is tons of lakes and trout will be on the plate tomorrow night.

 Today it was our “sure thing” drive, as long as you are up and gone at daylight there is a great chance of seeing stuff.  Today was the usual suspects, elk, mule deer, turkeys, and one cool coyote.  Along with that we have also seen quite a few Antelope on the way in.  They all are looking a little rough as the winter coat sheds.   We dropped by our friends house in the mountains and it looked all good.  Hard to describe how truly stunning the view of the Continental Divide is from his house.

First we made the creek hike, not a soul in sight or sound, then the falls hike.  We finished off the day heading up to the lake, and then checking out some potential fishing spots, which will get a cast or two after our hike tomorrow.  Whether it will be the fly or or spinning remains to be seen, the runoff is moving right along.  The Boss has a trail she has been wanting to try since we started coming here so that will get marked off the list.

As a side note we are, and have been, kicking around the idea of maybe a little real estate, that will be explored a little more as we expand our search area.  This really is our happy place and we do not get tired of the outdoors.  What makes this area our favorite of all the west we have visited is the sheer amount of public land and fishing opportunities.  There are so many awesome roads.  Access is the key and we make the most of it.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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