The run is over. 5/12/2021.


As I get this ready for tomorrow the weather report seems to be changing slightly.  At least it has gone from potential Armageddon to clouds with some rain.  The wind will be coming out of the north and is forecast to clear in the evening.  So if I get lucky it will be one of “those’ days.  I have a plan and intend on sticking to it, unless everything changes on the first cast.  You never know.


65/75.  Mostly cloudy and cooler with occasional rain and a thunderstorm  55% chance of rain.  Wind NNE 12 – 20 mph.

Lake Level

Today  95.11 msl.    2 days ago  95.12 msl.

Solunar Times

Minor  7:12 aa, to 8:12 am.  Major  2:06 pm to 4:06 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


All good things eventually come to an end and this morning I did not land the big one, if it was a big one.

When I got to the ramp at 6:45 the wind was already 15+ out of the north and it was white capping at the ramp.  The water temp was down a degree or two and the color left something to be desired.  It was not all that pleasant by a long shot.  I headed to the “good” spot and disaster struck.  A couple of smalls jumped on the buzzbait and then I had a bite right by the boat and for some reason the line broke.  I really did not even feel the fish.  Now this is the line I just changed last week, and this was the second big one(?) to break me off.  So not blaming the line, but it did suck.  Could it possibly get worse?  Yep.

The wind was a hassle in many places as it was blowing right along.  Not only leaving some places to rough, but playing hell trying to throw the Controlled Descent Jerk Shad by making big bows in the line.  What makes that a problem is you need tight direct contract with the bait to walk the dog properly.  So was that the problem?  Probably not as they did not want anything else no matter where or what I did.

After the first place until I literally gave up, only one small jumped on the buzzbait and a couple made a half hearted swirl at the Jerk Shad.  I covered some miles, old places and new, grass on deep places, back of a cove, you name it tried it, and just could not get them going.  It really was a disappointment as I was hoping the clouds and drizzle would help, but it plainly did not.  Guess the front really affected the bite.  It is not to often I just flat quit because things are not all that good, but today was a reminder that Coleto is not the lake it was, and maybe I am not the fisherman I used to be.  But no matter, it beats the crap out of a job!


After I filled out the survey from Mercury imagine my surprise when I actually got a personal response.  It said all the right things except this one – I looked in to it and your part is on the way.  The response basically said what we already know, we will get to it in a couple of weeks give or take.  I appreciate the response but the customer service aspect is still sorely lacking.

And on that note the LTS should be ready to go when I get back from Pagosa.  I hope so, time to start fishing the bay.  And the trout reports from Grand Isle are off the chain and it is calling my name.  The skiff is fine for a back up, but time to get back to it.


I see some interesting things in boats for sale and this one is unusual.

engine run but have gas leak by the propeller

Not sure about this, is it even possible?


And the usual with a twist.

Needs works and have to file for lost title. Doesn’t run but will.

I promise.


I almost went blind.

What u see is what u get. No titles.

Just don’t look for you own mental health.


Now this about covers it.

.unknown working condition.

That is a sales pitch.


At least it looks good from across the street.

mostly shiny outside
bad inside
clear texas title in hand for boat
nothing for trailer

Run away.


And I should buy this why?

no papers on any item

Seriously?  Just a floor board.  No one will give you anything, give it away and it might go away.


Here is perfect example of something that will never sell.  (And there is a joke here somewhere but I will leave that to you.)

boat abandoned 15 yrs ago. Don’t know if the motor runs but the body is in good shape.

No title. Asking $150 obo

One look and the last comment any of us will have  –  Nice body.


At least this one is realistic, free.

We lost the title but can do a bull of sale or something like that.

TPWD will be fine with “something like that.”


And last this guy is a real peach.

 (no, it has no motor now; you don’t see one; there isn’t one)

And quit freakin asking!  In fact, never mind don’t even try to buy it.


As I peruse boat for sale regularly I have noticed a couple of trends.  There is currently a “boat shortage”, both used and new, at least in some brands.  Consequently used high quality bay boats are bringing stupid high prices, which is fine if it is the boat you want and you intend to keep it for a while. But at these prices you will be upside down something awful.  And a trend in bass boats is all the high dollar electronics, with $5000 worth becoming common and twice that not uncommon, adding to the cost of a used boat.  But here is the future rub.  The electronics are improved every year, with this years latest and greatest becoming last years old news.  Fishermen love the latest and greatest, but when it is time to sell it will be dang hard to get the kind of sale price that will recoup some of that cost.  When I see used bass boat bring $60 – 70K it would seem that we are approaching critical mass.  So shop wisely.


And last from Nicholas.

Hello, amazing article! I have been to Caye Caulker 3 times, but will be there again this June and for the first time I am bringing my fishing gear. I have spooked countless tarpon in my day, but never landed one. I hope to fish the split every night during my stay. Can you elaborate on how to catch these beautiful tarpon around the island? Also, I need to take a look at regulations but was also hoping to do some night time shark fishing if its allowed (always catch and release) if the tarpon bite is slow.

Also, how did you acquire a fishing license?

First the license, never did get one but should have.  (Guide told us don’t worry about it.) There is a municipal office that I believe has them, think they are $50.  As far as tarpon they come most nights to the lights of the Lazy Lizard, which as you know is on the split.  Get several sabiki rigs, you will need them, and some weights depending on the current.  Once the bar closes you could fish off the bulkhead, which is where the sardines were, the edge of the light.  You will need a bucket.  I had the best luck on the old pier at the head of the split for the tarpon, if it is still there, but it was concrete so it should be.  After it calms down seemed to be when the tarpon showed, and you can see them rolling in the lights of the bar.  From there toss the sardines as far as you can with the lightest weight you can and it is usually nothing more than a tic.  I did not use circle hooks, but it might be better.  And the sardines are not that big, 3 or 4 inches so easy on the hook size so they can swim.  Plus the tarpon there are generally residents in the 20 – 40lb range, though the big ones come in the summer so you never know.  From that point on good luck.  If I was headed back there would take a bag of Knockin Tail in the Pearl on a 1/4 – 3/8th jig head and toss that some, they just might inhale it!

And if you want to catch a bonefish the flat right there by the split holds them.   I had the best luck on 4lb fluro land a light brown 1/16th jig head.  Buggs makes a close one.  I think though you can only fish the area after 6 pm for the bones.  Wade out quietly to knee deep and just wait and watch, they are there,  Just a thought.   And one other thought, use a piece of chicken on a string around the docks on the back side and catch a few small crabs, they not only live longer, but the occasional big permit comes to the split and tarpon love them.  Thanks for the comments and good luck, love fishing there.


Outdoor gear ready to go, fishing gear packed, along with the rest of it, and off to Pagosa and the mountains we go.  It will be our usual, some fly fishing, chasing animals, a daily hike, and maybe an adult beverage or two with the fish fry.  We burn the candle at both ends, up early, back late.  But putting in the effort gives us a great chance to see wildlife, and after seeing the lion last year maybe we can finally knock off the Colorado bear.  Will post a time or two so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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