Almost 5/7/2021.


It is 9:00 Thursday night and I have decided to get up really early and be at the gate when the lake opens at 6:00.  If I am having trouble catching fish later in the day the only answer is go as early as possible.  The weather is going to be a little to nice, but maybe one more big fish, worth getting up for.


69/85. Periods of clouds and sun with 0% chance of rain.  Wind ESE 10 – 20 mph.

Lake Level

Wednesday  95.18 msl.    Today  95.15 msl.

Solunar Times

Major  10:37 am to 12:37 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


It was dark when I got to the ramp.  No real change in the lake conditions other than there was not a cloud in the sky.  As I got my stuff together I decided to retie the buzzbait.  Usually I just grab and go and think about it way to late.  Then it was off to the good place.

Not quite what I was looking for.

I made on pass on the point without a bite.  So turned around and refished it and caught a short.  Then the one above.  What makes me happy about this one is the size.  I have caught very few in this mid size, so was good to see one.  Two casts later it happened.  The bait was about half way back and one just literally blasted it.  I went to set the hook and nothing, including no bait.  The line was broken clean, not an untie, and there is no reason in this world that it would break.  Obviously somewhere on the 2 prior fish something happened to the line.  Ouch!  And what made it so weird is I actually retied before starting and since I rarely do it, kind of a reverse karma thing.

From that point on fished way up lake, and caught a couple flipping wood on the watermelon stick worm, but it is still almost muddy the farther up you go.  Then like I have been doing it was a variety of places, some I have not fished, some I have, with the same result.  2 in this cove, 1 on that bank, never any more, no better fish.  Specifically went to the clearest cover I could find and threw the Controlled Descent Pearl Jerk Shad and could not raise a fish.  Actually threw it on a couple of other spots without one even taking a pass at it.  If there are shallow fish they will always take at least a swipe at it.   And so far the new grass does not have them, at least none I have fished.

A couple more fell to the buzzbait, but they were small.  The swim jig continues to put fish in the boat, and if was going to tournament fish would buzzbait 1 or 2 places early, then the swim jig the rest of the day.  But even that is slow.  Just can not figure out a specific pattern.   But no complaints on my part, caught some nice fish this week.  When a big fish blows up on the buzzbait it is a thing of beauty!


The Lunker Lure

You have heard me rant on folks who say things like this lure is a copy of that lure.  That misses the point, and shows their complete lack of historical lure making.  The Lunker Lure is a perfect example.  I do not know who was the original designer/maker, but it was used the first time by a pro winning a BASS tournament, I believe in 1975.  In fact I had my tackle store at the time so I  ordered a dozen, immediately hit the lake, smoked the bass, and have been hooked ever since.  Since then everybody who makes spinnerbaits makes a buzzbait.  But in my opinion, and I have used many different brands, nothing beats the original Lunker Lure.  They all make different sounds, but none have improved on the original.

A buzzbait is a great big fish bait.  It is by far one of my favorite ways to fish.  What it imitates is open to interpretation, which is exactly what you want the fish to do.  Is it a duck, bird, shad, it really does not matter, you just need to put it in front of one and hold on.  It shines from post spawn  all the way into whatever winter your area has, water temp 65 degrees and above seems to be the ticket.  And the best thing, it really is simple to use.  Cast and reel.  The key is speed, a steady medium retrieve is usually fine, and lure placement.  Good casts make for big fish, and it should be moving when it hits the water.  I generally point the rod straight at the bait, which will increase hooking percentage.  Big bass often hit it way off the bank, and will come quite a way for it at times, so do not give up on it to soon.  And like they are doing right now, they will smash it.  Little fish will pull it under, nip it, but once a big fish commits she is going to eat.

And one thing you hear all the time is it should squeal.  Folks go so far as to put them on the car antenna or console so it will spin on the way to the lake, just to get them to make “that” noise.  Now companies have added clackers and such, which I have found to be of no help.  When you throw one as much as I have you learn that they will wear out fast, usually the spacer at the end of the blade, they only have so many rotations in them.  It needs to spin freely so it makes the perfect sound at slow to medium speed.  Cast, get it up,  and keep with it.  So with the Lunker Lure, take it out of the package, tie it on, and go to fishing.  Do not complicate something as simple as fishing it.  And when they are eating like they are right now it will hook you, and them.


And this question from SA Joe.

Doug, I wonder if those big ladies are smashing the baits even earlier than when your getting on the lake?…

Believe me that question has crossed my mind a bunch.  The problem?  The gate does not open until 6:00.  And it closes at midnight.  Now you can get out anytime but I would try it around 4:00 if I could get in,  Not sure I want to go at midnight and stay all night.  But who knows, it might be the trip of a lifetime. especially with this moon.


Get ready all of you with an outboard that has a drinking problem.  Oil has hit over $62 a barrel and is projected to go even higher.  And just today in Victoria gas went up almost .20 depending on where you shop.  Of course the rise in gas prices would not have anything to do with the reopening of the economy and what looks to be big summer travel on the way now would it?  But either way get ready, it is about to get expensive to feed the beast.


And did I mention that I actually had the net out?  I rarely use one but for the first time in a couple of months there was actually a few fish that could not be boat flipped.  Plus, it really is easier on them if you have the rubber one.  Easier to get the hook out of the net, and it keeps the fish wet.  So here is hoping there is some more of that in my future.


We all need a little reminding occasionally, the internet is a dangerous place so do not trust anyone, period.  My sister-in-law and her husband are selling their camper.  They put it on an internet selling site and got a quick response.  The guy,  or shall I saw a piece of excrement, set up an appointment, then a little while later texted wanting a copy of the title.  The answer is not only no but f’n no!  Of course they have not heard from him since.  The easiest way to transverse the internet is NEVER provide any information to ANYONE.  End of story,  One thing you learn as a defense attorney is there are lots of criminals out there who want your stuff.  Probably the same guy from Nigeria who is holding her 100 bazzillian $$$$ inheritance.

And on that note saw a picture of a tournament fisherman with his trophy and check, and he had blockked out the amount.  Smart guy.  See way to many guys flashing the check, which, get real, how often is that reported as income?  Okay to brag, but why exposure yourself to thieves or the IRS.


And on the LTS the mess continues.  Mercury finally sent the parts last week, only problem one of the bushings for the lower motor mount was for a 4 stroke and not the Opti.  They contacted them, so sorry our fault, and we will get the right part out, in 2 weeks.  I have been a Mercury guy for the last 40 years but this is getting ridiculous, we all know if I was somebody the part would be overnighted and my boat would be long fixed.  So talking nice about them is over.  Try getting your crap together, it should not take almost 6 weeks to get the parts from the factory.  Who do they think they are with poor customers sevrice, Bass Pro.  So the skiff party goes on.


On the travel front back out west we go in a weeks or two.  Headed back to Pagosa Springs, which is one of our happy places.  Last year at this time the elk migration was in full swing, we ran into the grouse doing their thing, and the rivers were to blown out for wading.  So who knows what to expect from this trip.  But we will be covering the miles, doing some hiking, and putting some fresh trout in the pan.  May even do a little real estate looking.  And Chago will go by the house and makes sure it is still standing.  And isn’t it about time for you to get out there yourself?  They say all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, jsut saying.


Hope you all have a good weekend.  Of course I will leave it to all of you have to work, hope you get out and catch a few fish.  Now unless it is perfect time to do a little bay fishing, hope we get a day or two with light winds, but rain is coming again, so we shall see.  No matter what I will be fishing so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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