Deja Vu all over again. 5/4/2021.


Am really interested in how the fishing will be in the morning.  I will be pounding grass areas, they have to be in there somewhere.  The wind will be a little less but out of the north, so who knows if that will play any.  Those were big fish yesterday, and it will be the ramp at 6:30 to get that first hour.  A little extra motivation.  Where the big bites happened will be first up, then grass, then some spring type spots.  Crazy year on the lake but at least I have some hope.  And if it all works the frog will put some in the boat.



75/80.  Spotty showers in the morning, then humid and partly cloudy with a 15% chance of rain.  Wind north 10 – 20mph.

Lake Level

Yesterday  95.18 msl.    Today  95.18 msl.

Solunar Times

Major  8:23 am to 10:23  am.   Minor 1:54 pm to 2:54 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Been a while since I wanted to weigh one.  She was just as big as she looked!  And as you can tell I was not to excited!

It was barely cracking daylight as I stopped on my favorite point.  I decided to start with the buzzbait as long as it was cloudy.  It was maybe 5 or 6 casts when it happened.  There is just something about catching big fish on buzzbait, it is usually not a matter of a half hearted attempt, if they want it they tend to smash it, and she did just that.  This is definitely the biggest fish I have caught this year, and least they have been cooperating some.

So why Deja Vu?  Just like yesterday I had 2 big bites, catching the one above and missing another big one that literally  blasted it, and totally missed.  Other than that it was only 5 or 6 smalls the rest of the morning.  In the cove where I caught the 2 big girls yesterday not a bite.  From there I did exactly what I planned on doing, to bad it just produced smalls.

I fished 2 areas with newly flooded grass, sticking mostly with the buzzbait but tossed in the frog and the Controlled Descent Pearl Jerk Shad.  Neither of them got a bite, in fact not a touch all morning.  Then I headed to 4 coves I have not fished this spring, which are/were good but other that the occasional small taking a run at the buzzbait it was flat tough.  Basically after 9:00 the bites disappeared.

So here it is – I just don not get it.  Here is what seems to be going on.  First, none of these girls had spawned yet, so it should remain ok for boating a big girl.  Second, more and more it is beginning to look like we are missing a couple of year classes.  There are some good fish in the 6+ and above range, and a whole bunch of 13″ and below.  Some are just a touch short, it just seems like that is the size of it.  Where the 3 – 5lb fish are I do not have a clue.  But as long as you can have a legitimate shot at fish this size it is hard to complain.


And this comment from Elaine.

Great photography! Thank you for sharing!

My pleasure.  I enjoy sharing them, and it gives me a place to put them so I can look at them when the mood strikes me.  We have traveled a lot, actually not wanting to wait until we were both retired.  To many folks wait to long and then can not travel due to age or illness.  So we keep after it and are blessed with where we have been and what is to come.  Appreciate your loyal readership.


Rudy II!

To the self righteous human who said he would never read me again because of what I said about Rudy a couple of years ago – guess what?  I did not say this because he was a Republican, I could give a rats ass what he was.  My comment was as an ethical Attorney, which I was, was what a joke he was making of the profession.  This has been coming.  Now both his home and office have been raided as part of the investigation started by Trump’s DOJ.  The only way they could get a warrant is PROBABLE CAUSE HE HAS COMMITTED A CRIME.  So what, now you do not support the actions of law enforcement?  So many folks are so hypocritical, supporting law enforcement, until they don’t.  The clock is ticking and it won’t be long before the rats desert the sinking ship, that is the way it works.  Sorry for the rant, but if anything I write disturbs any of you please feel free to not come back.


Traveling to several National Parks the last couple of years I have learned one thing, it is getting more crowded every trip.  And when it involves wildlife viewing things get interesting.  A bunch of pro and amateurs photographers are doing some really freakin’ stupid things, you see them at any good sighting.  Saw a bunch of them actually going at a mother grizzly and her cubs in the Tetons.  (Sorry but sure wish one would get attacked, might slow it down some.)  Time to regulate and permit commercial and professional photographers like any other business operating in the park.  There are cases of baiting and other stupid attempts to get animals closer just for pictures.  It would be a way to control the bad actors.  But the bigger thing is that we all are increasingly habituating the park animals.  In the long run it will only lead to more trouble, ultimately the animals will lose.  In other words – Do not try to pet the buffalo you moron.  (No offense to morons.) 


Hope to hit the bay a day, looks like it might be ok with the skiff.  Really hard to stop fishing the lake when you have a legitimate chance to catch a real one.  There is something about a really big fish smashing something on top.  And the one this morning crushed it.  So not sure exactly what and where is next, but there will be a fishing rod in my hands.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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