Last Call Jackson Hole. 4/30/2021.



I could have/should have done a little better keeping up with the photos this trip but it did not happen.  It was all about seeing the wildlife and burning the candles at both ends.  Up and gone before daylight, then 10 hours of searching.  And when it happened it was a thing of beauty.  So instead of some story I have decided on letting the photos tell the story.  The earth will give it up if you try, and this trip was a solid.

As you look at the photos be aware that these are taken with a hand held camera, and most are from a distance.  I do not edit or modify in any way.  They are what they are, no manipulated I Phone pictures, they are what they are, the real thing.   When it comes down to it the focus or the composition is what it is.  I do not take them for that reason.  I take them for the memory, and every time I see them it triggers the real picture in my mind, the reason I do it.  My mind goes back and I see it in my mind perfectly.  So instead of spending tons of time on choosing only the best here is our trip.

Our second grizzly.  The king of his domain.  The coat color was amazing. What an animal.

The park is full of things with hooves, and it was especially good for moose.

They were out and about.

And lots of cool things with wings.  Osprey and Trumpeter Swan.

And my personal favorite, the Rocky Mountain  Big Horn.

There were a few left on the winter range.  Just had to go where they were.  Would love to go there in the late winter.  Thousands of Bighorns come out of the hills and the opportunity to watch the rams fight is a bucket list thing for me.

We had a good day that day.

Decided to pass on this hike.  Sounded like a grizzly encounter on the trail!

On the nest.  Had to look up this one – I believe it was a Sandhill Crane.

And do not forget to pause and take it all in.  Good for the soul.

Molting Blue Heron and mallards on the nest.

Now before we go on a word from out sponsor.  To the folks in the park driving like you are in the city, what is the point?  Here is how our trip went, what did you see?  Crazy.  We work at spotting stuff, it is a learned skill, and it takes time but when it comes together it is so exciting.  So slow down and enjoy, you just might be surprised.

We see you.

Want to become an excellent elk watcher one word says it all – Butts, as in big white ones!

Get up and gone in the morning, and you might get lucky.  It looked like fire!


Then it happened.  Here she came with her cubs.  And for an hour we saw them come from the woods, swim the river twice, and just generally act like bears.  Made the trip!

This happened the morning I was to meet the guide.  I can not tell you how cool it was to watch them.  Little do the cubs know they are about to be pushed out, time to grow up.  And what made it all the better – I knew that fishing later was going to be off the chain.  Before the day was over I was so thankful that I am lucky enough to get to experience this.

This may not be the best but we were just like him, busy as a beaver, and this is the result.  Words do not adequately the parks in the west.  It never fails to move us at some point.  And spending the time to search out the great animals of the west has become a real love for both of us.  We have learned, do not keep your eye in the view finder, the pictures will take care of themselves.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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