Jackson Hole 4/26/2021.



What cool creatures they are.

A youngster shedding his winter coat.

Definitely moose on the loose!

And this is what makes it happen for the moose and everything else in the marsh.  Beavers, and I do not mean Buccees.

Everybody get in on  the marsh action.

Mallards on the nest.

He was not liking our presence.

Everybody getting a new coat.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Day 2

We were out at daylight and on the hunt.  It snowed all morning, then rain/snow off and on the rest of the day.  In the morning stuff was on the move.  We have been a few places with moose, but this place takes the cake.

A big boy.

It was moose on the loose!

We had others but it was snowing to hard and pics just ain’t happing.

He was growing new antlers.

We saw lots of herds of elk.  They were in the valleys getting ready to head up the mountains.

This a couple of bulls just starting to grow some new antlers and they were giving us the business.

And this little spike’s antlers were to small to fall off yet.

Plenty of girls out and about.

Everybody is shedding their winter coat.

Mule deer are generally not all that excited when you stop and take a picture.

Until it quit snowing we saw plenty of wildlife.


This is a small part of the stuff we saw today, it was a good day. We drove north towards Yellowstone until we hit the road closure.  We did see a couple of bison with a really little baby.  And a little later we saw the big bunch on the move, but all were to far for even a bad picture.  We came across several cars in one place and we just missed seeing the oldest most famous grizzle in the park with her 4 cubs.  One thing about driving around and looking, timing is everything.   Tomorrow I fish the Snake and am getting excited the river looks great.  The Boss is going to pass as it will be a little chilly, but at least no snow.  But looking at the stores in Jackson she will make do somehow.  As usual we really enjoyed the day and who knows what else is yet to come.  Off to happy hour then supper, Jackson is a cool town.  (I do know one thing, would not want to be here when the season starts in a week or so, crazy!) So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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