Coleto Creek 4/22/2021.



55/75.  Mostly cloudy with a 25% chance of rain.  Wind  ESE 12 – 17 mph.

Lake Level

Yesterday  94.01  msl.    Today   93.99 msl.

Solunar Periods

Major  9:43 am to 11:43 am.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


While the fishing today was not great, from daylight until about 11:00 they bit.  The water is really clearing and the temp was 70 – 75  degrees depending on where you where.  The wind was blowing about 10 mph so not a real factor today.  Of course I started with the swim jig, but today they were not all that interested, at least the bigger fish.  But I put 4 or 5 smalls in the boat before I finally made a change.

Best I could manage today.  But no complaints.

The best area did not produce a bite, which really surprised me so I picked up the watermelon read stick worm with a 1/4 ounce pegged tungsten and got a bite right away.  So for the next hour or so I just pitched to wood up lake and every once in a while one would jump on.  It ended up being the better bait, but it seemed they still were not in a real chasing mood.

Weird, but wanted to show you the blue/blue swim jig which has been catching the good ones.

Most of the fish on the swim jig were right on the bank.  Basically just reeling it slow and giving it the occasional hop or jerk. whenever the moods strikes me.  It does seem that most of the bites do come after some extra movement.  And when reeling it off the bank if you do not get a bite in the first 5 feet give it a hop, then let it fall just a little on slack line.  The stick worm, just toss it as close to the wood as you can.  Make sure your hook is skin hooked or you will stay hung up, same reason I peg the sinker.  If you can bump it all the better.

I think that the cold front had them just a little off their feed, but I did catch over a dozen anyway, just lots of smalls.  Normally you expect them to move to the wood when the sun comes out, but they were tight today.  Around 11:00 it was back down lake, fished 3 places without a bite so called it a day.  Not sure why I am having all that much trouble down lake, but seems like once I leave up lake the fishing deteriorates the farther down I go.  But at least there is a bite.


Not sure what kind of snake this is.

The Boss got surprised by this guy on her walk the other day.  Not sure what it is, maybe some kind of rat snake?  But cool looking never the less.


Next time you hear from me it will either be from the Snake River or back home.  Hopefully some good fish and wildlife pictures.  And it will be snowing!  Tomorrow the weather looks like it will suck so no more fishing until we get to the river.

And last the LTS.  The parts have been on back order, not surprising considering what it is.  They have arrived at Mercury but with the Covid they are not shipping anything for at least 2 weeks.  So it will be a couple of weeks, but at least they exist and are coming.  Need the LTS as I am feeling a case of the Louisiana and just maybe Florida as we are probably headed there next month.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Better Cork built a Better Way

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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