Coleto Creek – Day 2, 4/13/2021.


Houston Fishing Show

If you like the Knockin Tail Lure, and will be anywhere near Houston this weekend, bring your wallet.  Michael has a great deal for the show so time to stock up.  The Knockin Tails will be available in bulk, which is the only way to go and will save you big bucks.  You can also get a deal on bags of  his other great bait, the Controlled Descent Lures.  In deference to the stores that carry his baits you will have to hit the booth to find out how great the deal, but trust me what a deal!   So stop by the booth and say hi, and buy some baits.

And be sure to stop in and say hi to the Wade Right boys.  They have some new stuff this year and you never know, there just might be something you can’t live without.


71/88.  Humid with variable cloudiness; a thunderstorm this afternoon with a 50% chance of rain.   Wind  ENE 7 – 12 mph.

Lake Level

Yesterday  93.94 msl.    Today   93.96 msl.

Solunar Periods

Minor  8:04 am to  9:04 am.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


The bite I was hoping for.  One of the last 2 spinnerbaits from Tad’s Fishin’ Machine Lures, where I toiled over 40 years ago.

Up early and turned on the radar, nothing to speak of, but when I looked outside it was drizzling and really warm.  Perfect!  So got organized and was on the lake as it was cracking daylight.  Basically conditions were similar to yesterday and the water temp is creeping to 80 over most of the lake.

I started on the same point and just as they have been for the last month they were up chasing shad.  Both spinnerbait and topwater caught fish, (See below.) and I think it was 7 over the side by time I left and headed to a different bank.  From that point on I committed to the spinnerbait.  I rigged up my last 2 from the old days and waked one for most of the day.  As it has been the smaller fish hit the minnow, the better ones the spinnerbait, and I am willing to keep after it for the big bite.

A good start to the day.  There are lots of these up right now.

One thing that was really interesting was while I caught the big fish in the wind, it really was more a matter of being around fish.  As an example in the back end of one cover I caught 4 buzzing it, and there was not a breath of wind, but the big fish came out of a pocket with the wind blowing straight in.  And that bite was why I keep after waking the spinnerbait.  She absolutely smoked it half way back.  There is no way to adequately describe the bite, but she literally stopped it.

There is a little period every spring, and it appears it is happening now, where big fish will chase it.  It has to be up on top, making a wake, but not crazy speed with a high speed reel, and it needs to be running straight up and down.  Over the years I have learned to cast, switch hands while the bait is in flight, and have it waking the minute it hits the bank.  Of course you catch most of them that way, but the big fish usually come off the bank, clearly a reaction bite.  It is never a sure thing but make the right cast and they just can’t stand it.

They were more than happy to hit the Bang O Lure today, and it would not surprise me if a person sticks with it all day it is just as likely to catch a big fish.  And I did catch a couple off wood pitching the watermelon stick worm.  And it also will put them in the boat if you stick with it.  The only complaint, I just can not find the preferred bait as they hit them all.  And it is still a little puzzling why some of the coves just do not have any fish in them, at least 3 that I keep checking which are historically spring coves are not producing.

It was a good morning and they bit fairly consistently.  The numbers are good, and the size is creeping up.  It will be interesting to see how things progress, but no matter what the lake is changing.  Of course that won’t stop me, love catching bass on spinnerbait.


It is all well and good, but I sure hope that I get the LTS back this week.  I am trying to remain hopeful, but who knows, it is out of my hands.  And when that finally happens it will be bay time,  and the few reports I have seen online look pretty good.  It is still not time to post big strings of trout and folks seem to be keeping it to a dull roar.  (Plus if you want to look like a horses rear end post a bunch of dead trout.)   Until the net surveys are done in June the real status of the trout is up in the air.  Plus trout spawn multiple times a year and every nice one you put back will make more trout.


No plan at the moment other than the Houston Fishing Show.  The one purchase I consistently make is jig heads.  There are good deals to be found at the show and with the cost of them in stores I always stock up.  Plus it is nice to see some folks, and will be looking for Rex to learn a little more about where he fishes in Louisiana, the time is coming to head that way.  And how knows, might even fish again in a day or two.  Nice to finally be catching fish on the lake.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Better Cork built a Better Way

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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