Deja Vu all over again. 3/29/2021.




50/75.  Mostly sunny and warm with 0%  chance of rain.  Wind  ESE 10 – 15 mph.

Lake Level

Today  94.15 msl.    5 days ago  94.04 msl.   (Loving the rise.)

Solunar Time

Minor  8:06 am to 9:06 am.   Major  2:32 pm to 4:32 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


I waited until 8:30 to hit the lake as it was 46 degrees.  The water temp remains in the high 60’s all over the lake but the color is really deteriorating, maybe from the last rain.  (It was not that much so who knows.)   The wind was cool out of the NE and by time I quit at 1:00 it was white capping over most of the lake.

There are no pictures today, only 7 jumped on and they were all small.  The cold front definitely had them off but there was one happening.  I pitched a beaver style bait over a log and one just took off.  I set the hook, but she swam out to me under the log, and it was not solid enough.  She thrashed and came off.  It was another big one, and just like the last 2 trips you can get a big bite, getting it in is another thing.

Today it was 1 on spinnerbait, 2 pitching, and 4 on blue/blue craw swim jig.  I tried several different coves today and like it has been a couple had nothing in them, or at least nothing that wanted anything I was fishing.  Unfortunately topwater was just to tough as the wind was blowing around corners and into most of the places I wanted to fish.  So not feeling it I put it on the trailer at 1:00.

The lake still puzzles me.  Are they just not up yet, or are they not there anymore?  Some of the places I have hit the last few trips should have fish, other places 3 bites is a good thing.  And while they will bite most anything, there does not seem to be a killer bait, at least for me.  I guess it will become clearer soon, they are going to spawn, they always do.


From the Feds – Do it for your loved ones!

“A new law, effective April 1, 2021, should go a long way to remedying a safety hazard. Engine cutoff device wear requirements for recreational boat operators are part of the January 1, 2021, passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, which included a U.S. Coast Guard Reauthorization. These devices, commonly referred to as engine cutoff switches (ECOS) are designed to prevent a boat-strike injury if an operator is accidentally ejected overboard while underway.”

This should be your everyday practice anyway if you live in Texas, if not time to start.  It could saved your life.  The easiest way for me to remember is just attach it to an auto inflate life jacket and leave it on the seat every time  you get up.  Easy.  Sitting down to move, slide the PFC on and hit the road.  If you get tossed out the boat will stop, and you will float, simple enough.  Would suck to get tossed, have the boat stop, and then drown.  Just saying.  Nothing like redundant safety devices.


Normally I include TPWD press releases, or at least a synopsis, of those related to fishing. But this week there has been tons of actions on multiple fronts, including the major changes to the Laguna fishing regs, and the new fresh and saltwater regulation changes for the coming year.  So just hit the link and go and take a look, it pertains to all of us.

News Releases: – TPWD (


And I got this comment from Ross.

Love reading your blog, but don’t comment much. Glad to see you are on a fishing spree lately!

I am looking at planning a Chandeleur Island trip. Which outfit do you recommend? Does time of year matter much? I have been looking at this trip for awhile, but just really starting to research it.

What are some of the main items to be aware of? Used to fishing the middle coast mostly for trout and haven’t ever really fished LA much.

Thank you for any advice!

First good to hear from you.  As far as LA fishing much of the Chandeleurs is similar to fishing a big Texas bay.  Acres of shallow flats that can be waded or drifted, and both are effective and of course it is all lure fishing.  There are pockets and coves, grass, cuts, you name it there is some, not to mention walking over the island to the beach and open ocean.  So nothing you can’t handle, but it is big.  You will be fishing out of small fiberglass boats with hand crank motors.  The Southern Belle includes radios just in case, as I am sure other boats do.

As far was when, of course it is weather dependent and the 3 trips I have gone on have been in May or June.  So as far as a guess, time of year is nothing more than a guess, one year we caught more than the trip right before us, last year we should have been there last week.  Fishing has been good, fair, and poor, about like any other 3 day trip to any other destination.  We’ve had high winds, great weather, thunderstorms, the whole lot of it.   And the same old lures you have faith in can catch fish.  The last 2 trips it was drifting, the first one the beach and more wading.  As usual the weather dictates and my only thought, summer could be hot, it is Louisiana.

I have only been on the Southern Belle with Capt. Howie.  The boat is one of the older boats that fishes there, and the sleeping is bunks in close quarters.  There are other boats with “finer” accommodations, including separate sleeping areas, but I don’t go for the accomodations.  A big plus, the eats are top notch, then fish till you drop and let the crew do the work.  The crew takes good care of you including loading the boats and coolers for you.  In fact, stay the heck out of the way.  And of course they clean the fish.  So as long as you are fishing with a good bunch it is a great trip.  Not sure how it would work if you do not have a boat full as we always have a full crew when we book.  And the usual caveat, you might catch the hell out of them, and you might struggle.  Welcome to fishing travel.  But it was, and still is, a bucket list trip for me and hopefully we will be going back this year.

Southern Belle Fishing Tours | Book a Charter Fishing Trip Today! 228-861-0188 (


Today I am getting our trip to Jackson Hole and the all the various fly fishing opportunities worked out.  We have a float on the Snake booked depending on the water levels.  It is the beginning of run off season but they have other places so a fish will be caught somewhow.  We will be there in exactly a month and it is time to get excited not only for the fishing, but for the Grand Teton National Park and the National Elk Refuge.  We love chasing animals and that area fills the bill, and who knows, maybe we will catch a big one.  And as long as we are talking about fishing travel, I just emailed Tim to see if we are going to the Chandeleurs again.  Now if I can get a few of the Austin Boys down here it will be a good start to spring fishing.


One thing that really chaps my ass is how folks we taxpayers pay continue to not give one crap about us.  Falcon is dropping like a rock and the ramp situation at the state park is getting critical.   There is none and folks are having to launch off the bank.  The guy at Falcon Lake Tackle spoke with the park’s person who basically was unresponsive and not to interested in taking even the most simple steps which would take someone 1 minute to do, to allow safer launching. Since the ramp is the main use at the park and the reason folks are there, the answer should be: “We will get right on it to wee if we can find a solution so that the state taxpayers can launch.”  We paid for the park, the ramp, and their salary.  End of story – typical government nonsense, they forget who they work for.


I am currently waiting for the Mako to get back from the shop.  So as long as the wind is blowing it will be the lake until then.  But as soon as it is I am chomping to get back on the bay.  I have some new baits to try and can’t wait to get at it.  And Travis or Amistad is on my list so stay tuned for that.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Better Cork built a Better Way

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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