I simply do not get it. 3/21/2021.


Time to get back on the horse and ride as things get back to normal around here.  So of  course being Monday it will be Coleto.  I really expect the fishing to be improved, it is time.  I like the forecast, clouds are a good thing.   The wind is somewhat of a hassle with the Skiff, but nothing I have not dealt with for the 21 years I have owned it.  As usual will wake up early, especially this trip, it will be nice to be back on the water.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Wooooo Pig!  The Sweet 16!


59/75.  Cloudy, breezy with a 10% chance of rain.  Wind SSE  16 – 27 mph.

Lake Level

Today  94.01 msl.   10 days ago 93.88 msl.  (Steady but slow.  We need some rain.)

Solunar Time

Major  8:21 am to 10:21 am.   Minor  1:34 pm to 2:34 pm.

Coleto Creek

The lake is slowly rising, the water temp was 65 – 69 all over the lake, it was cloudy, and the wind had not started blowing, yet.  As far as I am concerned, after 40+ years of chasing bass, the lake flat sucks.  I am no VanDam, but I have been known to catch a few here and there.  It just makes no sense.   I caught 7, all small and hardly worth getting the  camera out.

4 came on spinnerbait, 2 on swim jig, and one white bass on the spinnerbait.  The Controlled Descent Jerk Shad did not produce a bite, which makes absolutely no sense this time of year.  It was just to windy to fish much but moving baits, (Bang O Lure or plastics.) and why the spinnerbait did not take off later in the morning when the wind started howling just plain confuses me.

I fished places that absolutely should have fish right now, and several were bare.  The only real excitement was on throwing the spinnerbait over a log one boiled it.  Tossed back in and she literally climbed over the log chasing it.  And then my fault, tossed in a 3rd time, she tapped it, and I flat missed her.  It looked in the 4 – 5 range, and other than that it was all smalls.  (I only had several other perfect baits to toss back in after the first bite, brain fart.)

One thing I did not like, besides the wind ending up at well over 25 mph, was the water color in some places was ugly at best.  Some of it had that milky look, not my favorite by any means.  When combined with the wind it was hard to see, even in the back of some of the pockets, but the tilapia are still in some of them.  But as many pockets as I tossed stuff in if they are there spawning they sure did not want what I was pitching.  The punch line:  I do not have a clue.


I am so grateful for all your kind words following the death of my father.  It was a tough time and your condolences were appreciated.


When we got home from Arkansas the girls stopped by after visiting the other grandparents in Houston.  They wanted to go to the beach so first we headed down to Aransas Wildlife to see what was out and about.

The Boss, my daughter Carrie, Wren, and Mia.

Wren being Wren.

A small guy.

There were plenty of gators out, not near as many birds as before the freeze, and we did see a few deer and one pig.  There is always something moving around there.

Busy, busy.

Lovin’ the sun.  The girls were split on whether alligators are a menace.

Gators everywhere!

It was great to have them here a few days.  They are great girls and have always been interested in my fishing.  They wanted  to fish, as long as they did not have to touch them.  It took a little bit, but they started to get the hang of it.

Wren the catfish queen.

Miss Mia had the numbers.

So next year it will be a Zebco 33 each and the real learning will begin.  If they don’t learn anything from Grandpa hopefully I can pass along my love of fishing.  They are such good girls if I do say so myself.

                                                          *****************KTL Purple Demon LimetreuseAnd here is a real tip.  Can’t share where it came from, but I can vouch.  Can you say Purple Demon Limetreuse Knockin Tail?  It was my go-to the last few trips to the bay and it is still the ticket.  If it is not in your saltwater arsenal you are flat missing out.


More bad news on the great freeze out.   It appears that the extent of the fish kill, especially on bigger trout, has started to be apparent along the length of the coast.  Seems warmer water caused more dead fish to surface. Until TPWD does the netting surveys sometime in June the real extent will not be known, but all indications are it was worse than initially thought.  Apparently CCA will modify their contest, and a few of the ethical resorts and guides are going to catch and release, which every single one of us should do until the final numbers are in.


On the boating front the Mako has a small issue, could be worse, but it will probably be in the shop for at least another week.  When you have a 1000 hours, anything, anytime, can happen.  But the Skiff is ready to go.  Even re-wired the trailer lights today so it will be the work horse for a while.  As usual every time I think about selling it something comes up and I am glad I have it.


Tomorrow is another day so it will be back to the lake in the morning.  Time to try a couple of different baits and techniques as the wind will not be blowing and we should have clouds for at least a while in the morning.  It is good to be back on the water.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Better Cork built a Better Way

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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