Coleto Creek 3/12/2021.



I had hoped to be on the bay Wednesday but it just did not work out.  The folks I was going to fish with did not end up having room as they were going to boat fish and not wade, they already had 3 in the boat.  And since it was the same boat as mine I demurred, the LTS is not a 4 person boat by any means.  Since the LTS is in the shop it will be the skiff on the lake tomorrow.  It has been a great boat, but I just do not use it enough.  But as usual glad I have it so I can keep on fishing.  Just might make a trip to the Louisiana marsh her final voyage, at least by me.  But with a basically new trolling motor, graph, and batteries it is ready to go.


68/83.  Some  low clouds turning to sun, then breezy with a 9% chance of rain.  Wind  SSE  15 – 25 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.88 msl.   Monday  93.79 msl.  (A slow steady rise.)

Solunar Period

Major  12:13 am to 2:13 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50

I am going to make a long story short.  Spinnerbait early caught 6 or so, then swim jig caught 5 and a Controlled Descent Jerk shad caught one.  The wind was blowing right along and the color on much of the lake had deteriorated in places.  The water temp was 66 – 69 over the whole lake, and was a little patchy here and there.

With the wind spinnerbait was the ticket.

They wanted it buzzed and most like last trip were near wood.  The wind kept me from throwing the topwater minnow as it was just a little rough for that.  So I decided to give the swim jig a go, and they liked it.  The only problem, 3 or 4 of them when I set the hook flew over the boat, they were that small.  But the good thing, the little fish are on the move.  And as we are in the dark stage of the moon look for the bass to start spawning bigtime in 2 weeks.

Another spring sign, the carp were wallowing here and there, and of course it trashed the water color in that area.  And with the tilapia on the beds it is going to be crappie and bass time soon.  As I said before we are about to find out where the lake stands, I am trying to be optimistic about the whole thing.

I quit early and when I got to the ramp a guy had managed to drive his boat over the guide post which wedged in the gunnel and he was hung up.  So I jumped in his boat and he backed back in and I was finally able to wrangle the post out of the gunnel and get him on the road.  Unfortunately he did not have a bite, which is not uncommon after talking to a few folks at the ramp.  So only time will tell.


First I want to congratulate Michael.  The Knockin Tail is now available in 10 states and growing rapidly.  He just added a big Louisiana store to the list and it keeps growing.  Make a bait that catches fish and it will sell, and the Knockin Tail catches fish.


The St. Joe Fishing  Club fished the Belton tournament and Joaquin’s team finished 13th out of 55 teams.  This after his 10th place finish in the last tournament he is showing some real promise.  And to make it even tougher Bass Champs was also fishing that day with 198 boats.  Believe me that was crowded.  Good luck for the rest of the year, you are off to a good start.


From the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

Millions of fish off the Texas coast died after the winter storm in February, officials say.

Texas Parks and Wildlife biologists estimate at least 3.8 million fish consisting of 61 species were killed by the cold weather. Not since the 1980s have so many fish died due to freezing temperatures in the state, officials say.

About 91% of the fish killed were non-recreational species, officials say.

“While not sought after by most anglers, non-game fish are ecologically important, providing food for larger game fish as well as adding to the overall diversity of Texas bays,” officials said in a Wednesday news release.

For recreational fish, spotted seatrout were hit worst, accounting for about half the deaths among game species, officials say.

Do the math real quick:  If there were 3.8 million killed and 10% are game fish that basically equals 350,000 trout.  So now we are about to find out how ethical guides and local companies truly are, assuming they have any ethics.  Catch and release is needed for the time being until we know the true extent, and to help the stocks recover.  And posting big stringer is just not appropriate at this time.  So watch Facebook and other online outlets to see who steps up, and who puts their profits above the resource.  And that also applies to tournaments that are not catch and release.  I just dropped one of my Facebook groups for posting tons of dead fish pictures constantly.


And this from my buddy Rusty.  It is important


I just signed the petition “Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Executive Director Carter Smith: REGULATE CAST NET HARVESTING AT LAKE FAYETTE, FAYETTE COUNTY TX” and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

Our goal is to reach 500 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:


I signed and I urge you to sign.  Basically what is happening has made Fayette a dangerous place at times with other illegal activity, not to mention deaths from boating issues.  It has been going on for a couple of years now and the complaints have been increasing.  Time to rein in the behavior and set some rules that are fair for all.  Please read and sign.  It is time.


I have ranted on this subject before and I will do it again after reading a post trashing a lure for being “a copy” of another bait.  First, this came from a tournament fisherman, who of course was sponsored by another company.  Second, it shows the limited depth of folks knowledge and respect for the history of our sport.  EVERY lure is a variation of a first.  All crankbaits flow from the Big O, minnow baits from the Rapala, and every plastic is a variation of the first worm, to name a few.  Innovation moves the industry, and this country.  So unless you want to trade your SCB for a jon boat might want to think about your stand on innovation.

It really is an indication of the elitism that has taken over fishing.  Somehow folks think that being good at catching fish is something more than it really is.  So you can catch fish: kinda like when you fed the hungry, got an advanced degree, wrote a book, or took care of a sick stranger?  Those are the things than make us something, not our ability to catch a trout.  When it is all said and written, fishing is just a blip on the screen.  In the end we will be remembered for the things we did, good or bad, not how many fish we caught.


Unfortunately my father was just taken to inpatient hospice care.  He is 94 and has had a full life, it has been coming for a while.  So we are headed to Arkansas and not sure when I will be coming back.  From there who knows?  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Better Cork built a Better Way

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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