Falcon Here I Come 2/27/2021.


Falcon lake slow rolling a spinnerbait last trip.

Even the Boss is sick of my whining.  Her response – Just go somewhere.  So after fretting over where, I finally decided on Falcon.  It has a special place in my heart, first for producing some really big fish, but just as much for how it fishes.  And while pitching and cranking have their moments it is the spinnerbait fishing there that I love.

My first trip there I learned a lesson that has served me well.  Take a 3/4 ounce spinnerbait, change the blades from a willow to a #5 Colorado, then toss it out and crawl it along feeling the heavy thump.  If you feel wood, a common occurrence, give it a pull and hold on.  It is not the fastest way to fish and it takes real patience, but the big bite ratio is high which is the reason I do it.  And it is so crazy when one thumps the crap out of it and you miss, because he had the whole thing in this mouth and smashes it flat.  And also a little swim bait fishing with the big stuff is on tap, have to see where they are set up.  But no matter what it is the search for the big bite.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


And this gal came on the same day.


I got several comments on my last couple of posts where I whined like a little girl, and I mean no disrespect to girls, but fishing has been tough.  The fishing on the lake has really declined this winter and now the horrible fish kill.  Of course part of it is me, but seeing all the dead fish from South Padre to Houston does not bode well.

First from Rick.

Just a heads up. The Park in Jonestown is now charging $20.00 just enter the Jones Bros. Park. Outrageous!!! You had said you might be going to Travis. Water is so low I’m not sure if you can even launch.

I actually looked at Travis but the weather was not as favorable as Zapata.  I can not believe how ramp fees are raising crazy in some places.  It is not like the only ramp on Lake of the Woods for a 100 miles, or Everglades City deep in the Everglades.  In fact the big increase on Coleto, when combined with the slow fishing, has reduced folks by a ton.  Not sure they didn’t cut off their nose in spite of their face.   Like yesterday there was only one other trailer at the ramp.  Good to hear from you.

And this from anonymous.

If I were you I would go to Ivie. 6 Sals in a week. Why not. Fishes like a highland lake.

Funny you should say that as it is on the radar.  But I am taking the safe way out by heading to Falcon.  At least it will save me a little time, though until I see the water level not sure what it will be like.  And it has a special place in my heart after catching my 3 PB’s in 24 hours there.  So Ivie is on the list.  Thanks for commenting.

Matt chimed in with his 0.02 worth.

You may try Texana. I’ve also heard Choke Canyon is good.

I am going to fish Texana as I got some real help from folks this spring.  But I am going to do the big fish thing on Falcon.  What makes it all that for me is the anticipation on every cast.  And Choke, I just learned from a guide and reader in the area, has lots of grass, which makes it a swim jig hotspot.  So many places so little time.  Good to hear from you.

And last from Ernest.

Your breaking my heart about the fishing being slow. If its Gods will ill retire after 36 years at the same company. If i’m lucky maybe I can enjoy some slow days myself! Thanks for keeping us working folks entertained. Good luck until then and save some fish for me!

Don’t worry, when you retire there will be plenty of slow days to go along with the great days.  But you know what?  Tough or not I am on the water.  To bad we are in a rough period but the bass will come to the shallows on Coleto, not all the fish in the bay died.  Often when it comes back it often comes back with a vengeance.  So hang in there, your time is coming.   Good to hear from you.


What is not to like about Falcon?  A hair short of 9.


There are a few changes proposed this year for both freshwater and saltwater.  The biggest is changes in catfish regulations on multiple lakes.  Nothing on the saltwater particularly interested me, but there is a clarification on the red snapper rules in state and federal waters for you offshore guys.  But no matter what we should all read these, one of the better ways to keep tabs on TPWD.

News Releases: – TPWD (texas.gov)


Michael from Controlled Descent and Knockin Tail will be fishing in Port Isabelle later this week and I will be real interested in his results.  If it had not been for the fish kill that area was actually at the top of my list, figured a trip way up the Brownsville Ship Channel just might put a snook or two in the boat.  So good luck, it will be telling.


That will about cover it until I get back.  No internet so the report will have to wait until I get back.  Hope you all had a good weekend, and maybe even did a little fishing.  And I love to hear what you all have to say so if the mood strikes you drop me a line.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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