WTF 2/18/2021.


Note:  All this was written on Friday/Saturday when I had power, and for the first time this week we have power and water.  I will hold the rant but it is coming.  Heads need to roll.

Is  it flat ugly out there today, and according to the forecast it is going to get even uglier.  Now they are talking possible snow and ice Monday, maybe not getting out of the 20’s.  It has been a mild winter so it looks like we are going to get the whole shebang in one week.  I am really happy I went fishing yesterday, it looks like it will be mid week before getting back out on the water.  As a side note I hope they are wrong about Monday, I fear for the trout in places like Pringle if it gets in the 20’s.  Guess we shall see.  But as usual, if I can’t fish I will wax poetic on all things fishing.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


As the guys blasted off this morning out of POC in the Legends tournament it reminds me of the tournament series I fished for years in Arkansa, the Bass A Thon.  Held November/December/January/ February no matter the weather, it could be a real big boy pants on thing.  So good luck to them, it will be interesting to see what happens.  Will check back in today for the Facebook weigh in.

Day 1 leaders had a total of 26 pounds with big string, big trout, and big trout string.  They did some serious work!  Colby Peyton and his crew are in 13th with 11.34 pounds.

I watched the take off both mornings and it brought back some real fishing memories.  It was just cracking daylight, North wind at 15+, and drizzle as they took off from Froggie’s.  It got my blood going and I would have loved to be a part of that.  Would I go today by myself, of course not, if I was in this, you bet.   Just a big boy pants day.

Watched the day 2 weigh in and it was tough for most team.  One had a 9.6 trout and with the 2 others had over 20lbs with 3 fish.  There were several other trout in the 4lb plus range.  The big red was in the 9lb range.  So considering the conditions you have to give them a hand.  There was some good fish under the worst conditions.

Our winter Bass A Thon in Arkansas was  held in all 4 months, November – February, no matter what, and boy did it suck at times.  Had the plug pop out one day when it was 20 degrees so my partner drove the boat and I leaned over the transom and put the spare in running wide open, thank god the transoms back then were flat.  Another time we took off like a bat out of hell and rounded the bend and immediately slid up on the ice at 50 mph plus until we slowed enough to break through, which was interesting.  That same tournament the cove with our fish was frozen over so we idled around, broke up the ice then herded some of it out the mouth and came back and fished it later.  Always fun.  On Bull Shoals we froze the motor/steering solid so idled and let the wind blow the nose to get somewhere, then later that day the throttle handle broke off in Clyde’s hands.  Of course we sucked that day. And most of the tournaments in the Ozarks were line up for take off place.  So of course we being the fools we were lined up an hour or more before when it was completely dark and under freezing.  So I know what they are going through, and we stayed in the boat.


I am sure you have heard by now TPWD has ordered a closure of certain coastal waters to fishing February 15 – 16.  That is a good thing, but looking at the current forecast that may not be long enough.  They are talking some crazy lows the next couple of nights with possible freezing rain and snow.  Hope there is no big kill like a few years ago.  To see the areas hit the link below.

News Release: Feb. 13, 2021: TPWD Temporarily Closes Fishing On Texas Coast – TPWD


One thing I would like to suggest is that the fish habitat structure that was placed in Coleto  should be marked with signs so that the average Joe can find it and fish it.  Arkansas did that on Norfolk and Bull Shoals 30 years ago, among other places, and it has been a rip roaring success.  Gives the folks a place to find a few fish and gives the fish a place to hang out.  The fishing has improved greatly with the cover building practice contributing greatly.  And by occasionally adding to the cover the program survives today.


And as long was we are talking about Arkansas what has really made a difference is the voters approval of an 1/8th cent sales tax that is dedicated to fish and game.  And by making it dedicated the slime balls in the legislature can not divert the money like they have, and will do, with other funding.  As a consequence there is more ramps and much better facilities than you see in other states.  And the fishing there is nothing to sneeze at.


One thing I wondered about the other day fishing POC was what was going on with the fatality boating accident a few months ago on the barge canal.  I have seen pictures from the scene that night and they are bad.  Yesterday someone was arrested and the case appears to be headed to a Grand Jury.  The original charges are intoxication assault and intoxication manslaughter.  I know nothing about what happened, but this is the reason I have NEVER drank and boated.  All of us driving the boat have a responsibility to keep our passengers safe.  So best of luck to the guy arrested, my old defense attorney radar says it could be ugly.


And speaking of crazy, have you heard about Mercury Marine’s new engine.  600 hp!  When is this insane horsepower race going to end?  Of course it is for big boats and offshore use, but trust me, there is someone with more money than sense and it will not be long before we see the first one on the bay.  This is nuts.


My happy face for over 4 days!  At least the Boss was warm at work.

We are headed out to cruise a bunch of the local bays we can get close to in the truck, maybe from Keller to Arkansas Pass.  I know what is there but have to see it for myself.  This has been so sad on so many levels.  But Monday morning I will be back on the water and all will be right with the world.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.  Hope you all “weathered; the best you could.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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