Meat Hunt 2/5/2021.


The Boss has put in an order for a fish fry.  Well apparently our weather is going to go from an amazing 82 degrees today to a high of 56 tomorrow.  (Friday)  Add a 55% chance of rain and a north wind from 15 – 20 mph here, even higher on the coast, no thanks.  And with a small craft advisory that takes care of that.  So in that case I changed plans and will fish the lake.  Can always call it quit if it sucks to bad.  The bay will have to wait a day or two.  So off to the lake I go in the morning and the white bass need to be scared.


54/56.  (Wow.)  Mostly cloudy and cooler with a 55% chance of a passing shower.  Wind North  15 – 20 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.74 msl.  2 days ago  93.72 msl.

Solunar Periods

Major 7:04 am to 9:04 am.   Minor  12:33 pm to  1:33 pm.  (Like the times.)



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Here is your dead fish picture for the day.

The Crazy Lake Fishing Continues

The plan was to catch some supper, and of course do a little bass fishing.  When I got to the ramp there was no one there, when I took out there was no one there.  That should tell you something about both the weather and the current state of the fishing on Coleto.

The wind was blowing straight out of the north at almost 20 mph.  It was 55 degrees but the water temp basically remained the same, mid 60’s plus over most of the lake.  Starting with a swim jig, and then a spinnerbait, it would be one of the weirder days I have had in a while.  The whole plan was to bass fish a couple hours and then fill the Boss’s order.

I got a bite on the swim jig and missed it, it actually hit it fairly hard and quick.  Then it happened again, and again, in fact it happened 5 or 6 times without a fish in the boat.  The way they were hitting it I think they might have been crappie.  So since they were not eating it how about the spinnerbait?  It produced 3 or 4 bites, and they all missed it.  That rarely happens when I am throwing the spinnerbait.  As I generally buzz/wake it when one gets after it we hook up.  But not today.  As to what was happening here is my usual guess.

Since it was a pretty good cold front north wind day, following a 83 degree day, they were interested but not particularly aggressive.  And if they were crappie, the water temp is plenty warm, they just might have moved up on the shallow bush.  Early spring has some of the best crappie fishing, something I often saw on the Arkansas lakes.  That is something I might give a go next time.  So time to troll up some white bass/supper.

The same Rapala shallow minnow bait that runs about 4′, and the Pearl Knockin Tail on a 1/4 ounce jig head that runs a little under 5 feet, put them in the boat.  And here comes the shameless plug.  They really do like the Knockin Tail.  It easily equals or beats a crankbait in what is fairly shallow water, they eat it and do not come off nearly as much as they do on the crankbait.

They are up the lake where the water gets to 7 or 8′ and are on under water points or humps in about 4′.  Once I got the area down it was a killing.  I did not take any pictures of them today, they looked like all the rest I have shown you the last few weeks.  I needed 6 for supper, so I boxed them and kept after it.  Plenty of doubles, it was fun.  Then I hung the Knockin Tail and being to lazy to tie another, since I had the Bang O Lure on another rod over the side it went, and they liked that.  The bite went on for a couple hours and I left them biting.  When I cleaned them they still have not spawned, so they are going to be available for a while.

The lake is really starting to look good.  There is new growth coming up on the shoreline, some of the cover is starting to get water on it, and I can only hope it continues, we still need a couple of more feet.  It bodes well for the “real” spring fishing.   Today was a good day considering the conditions, plenty of fish over the side, which is usually the desired result when we hit the water.


I am speaking to the St. Joe Fishing Club Tuesday.  The high school fishing clubs are a  great thing and I sure wish they were around when I was a young kid.  Whether dreams of a pro career, or just happy to be fishing, it gives kids a chance to get a taste that some might never get.  And with the way professional fishing is going it is the new starting point, just like high school sports is the starting point for other sports.  It is becoming increasingly important to have a degree in marketing or communications to help market yourself.  Companies want results both on the water and off.  Every dude with a bass boat wants to be a “rep”, we all like “free”, but you have to provide much more than your shining personality.  The days of the tobacco chewing redneck with a GED making it in all areas of the world of professional fishing are coming to a close.  It is business, end of story.


And speaking of the pros, Ranger Boats, now owned by Johnny Morris’s Bass Pro  (And you read what I think of them and what is happening.)  has cut a bunch of pros from their boat deal.  Tough business, definitely “what have you done for me lately?”


Colton Knipling and his crew won the POC tournament last weekend.  Believe it is the Freeze Out.  He has been on some really big trout this fall and winter and he continues to put the hurt on them.  Next week the Saltwater Legends series will be in POC so expect more big fish. Congratulations Colton, keep it up.


The weather watch of both Falcon and Amistad begins.  As soon as the right set of conditions happens on either one I am out of here.  Each has their own special place for me, and either is fine.  Falcon is the home of my 3 PB’s and Amistad is like fishing my old haunts.  Both have big fish so either will do.  And looking forward to a couple of days on the bay with the poling skiff.  Fished out of several, but always wanted to try the actually poling, plus being high enough to see lots of those fish you never see from the deck.


Enjoy the Super Bowl.  I will be rooting for the Chiefs, they were the only team we got on TV for years in North Arkansas before the newfangled cable came to town.  Plus Patrick Mahomes is one of the great ones.  If he can stay healthy he might be the GOAT.  Looking back at what Brady has done he is the current GOAT.  Once he left the Patriots the question was – Brady or Bellicheat, who is responsible for that run?  With the Bucks in the Super Bowl looks like that question was answered.  So enjoy the day.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


I saw a great popping cork post from the bay today.  Now is the time and they do not make them any better than Four Horseman Tackle.

A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)



About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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