A Little Bit Better 2/3/2021.



60/75.  Sunny with no chance of rain.  Wind  SSE 10 – 20 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.72 msl.   3 days ago  93.71 msl.   (The slow rise continues.)

Solunar Times

Minor  11:13 am to 12:13 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Why am I showing you these guys?  Because the actually exist!

I chose the lake today because of the high winds forecast for today and tomorrow, and the results at least held a little promise.  The fog was just burning off when I dropped the boat in.  The water temp was down a degree or two over the whole lake, just a result of the 45 degree night.  And the color was a little clearer than it was last week.

The fog made me start in a main lake cove near the ramp which has a great point on it.  And right off the bat I missed one and caught one.  Small, but a fish.  From there it was one here and one there but before it was over 5 came on a swim jig with a Knockin Tail trailer and 2 came on spinnerbait.  While nothing was to big that is not the point.  The point is the boys are coming to the bank, and the girls will not be all that far behind.

Around 9:00 the wind came up big time blowing right up the river.  So I devised a plan, let the wind work me up lake, troll back, and then do the other side.  That ended up leading to some bonus catching.

The Pearl Knockin Tail doing some good work.

A few of the 10 or so.

Keeping with the minnow bait by Rapala and the Pearl Knockin Tail on a 1/4 ounce jig head at 2.5mph put them in the boat, and they were in 5′ of water.  The white bass really do like the Pearl Knockin tail, it has by far been the best producer.  So if you have a white bass run coming to a lake near you give it a go, they smoke it.  At this point it was tough to even keep a steady speed slow enough to catch them.  But it was a fun way to head back to start again, there was no going against it with the trolling motor.  It was an efficient to deal with the wind.

All but one of the 7 bass was on wood.  Slow rolling the swim jig right by it would get bit if there was one there.  A couple came out of wood in a pocket, a real good sign.  I probably spent to much time spinnerbait fishing, but with the wind it was the easiest way to fish.  So I called it a day at 1:30 with hope that what bite we have coming will be coming soon.  If I were guessing the next moon should be the jumping off point for the good lake fishing.  Hope springs eternal.


TPWD just announced the dates for the annual crab trap removal.  Over the years folks have taken 38,000 traps from coastal bays.  Just imagine how much sea life was saved by not by not letting them turn in to ghost traps which keep on killing.  The dates are February 20 – 28th with drop off sites all along the coast.  Great program.

And I believe the time has come for a similar program on freshwater.  All jug, trot, and limb lines would be assumed to be abandoned and removed during the period.  Many of our lakes  are littered with them and would be easily disposed of.  Always thought that it was a good idea.


I wrote the above yesterday and of all things the Game and Fish guy was doing a creel survey when I got to the ramp, poor guy.  Of course I ranted on the fishing, or lack thereof, and a couple of my other favorite subjects.  That nobody on any water should be allowed to kill the grass, add tilapia or grass carp, or any other modification without input and clearance from TPWD.  That is one area that needs to be explored.  And I wondered why they have not marked the fish cover in Coleto.  Most places I have fished with planted brush or cover has them marked so folks can fish them.  He was a good guy and I appreciate him having to listen, but I feel strongly about water and access.


John dropped me an email after I commented about trying to get a shot.  His family is experiencing the same issues, as are lots of other folks.  And then today while I was fishing the Boss hung tough on the sign up for shots tomorrow, and I am scheduled for my first.  It really is a relief, and if it all goes well and I get the second, I will actually be amazed.  One would think that since I already had the covid, and then get the shot #2, I should be good to go.  So hope your family gets it figured out, it should not be this big a hassle.  (As a side note, both of us getting the vaccine hopefully gets us to Thailand next if the world will get over this crap.  Going to fish one of those famous stocked ponds with red tails and arapaima, then offshore.)

He also asked about the White River, which I fished for 25 years.  My opinion, if you are going to be that close go!  It is one of the great fishing holes in America.  Plenty of stockers for action and the table, and some of the biggest brown trout in the world.  Plus there are plenty of the old style resorts close or on the river, the kind that are slowly disappearing.  There are great places to fish from the bank, and it is not hard to catch a few if they are not running to much water.  But if you can swing it get a guide and take a float trip, by far the best way to fish.  Cool river, great fishing, and an awesome float.  Good to hear from you and be sure to let me know when you are going, I will get you pointed in the right direction.


And on last note on a different subject.  One friend has bought a polling skiff and another is looking at a couple today.  I can see some fly fishing for redfish in my future.  Pays to know folks.


Tomorrow shot and then Friday if all goes well it will be off to smack a few trout and reds.  This is a great time of year for any kind of fishing a person likes to do and I like it all.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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