Coleto Creek 1/31/2021.


Been out of town a couple of days and headed back out again for a couple of more.  But I have a little time to slip out in the morning  so will be hitting Coleto.  And for the near future it will be lake or bay, basically alternating back and forth.  Not sure what I will find at the lake but it can only be better than it has been.  Typical fisherman, hopes springs eternal!


51/71.  Plenty of sun; breezy in the afternoon with 0% chance of rain.  Wind N 14 – 22 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.71 msl.   Last Monday  93.70 msl.  (Sure like seeing it creeping up.)

Solunar Periods

Minor 9:25 am to 10:25 am.  Major  3:20 pm t0 5:20 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Screwed by a turkey!

I should have known better.  The forecast could not have been any more accurate, if you like mile high skies and a 20mph cold wind out of the north.  The water color has deteriorated quite a bit with the high winds the last couple of days.  The water temp was 66 at the ramp, 72 in front of the discharge cove, and 63 way up lake, the same as it has been.

Being a weekend I wanted to be at the ramp at daylight in case of a crowd.  Those days seem to be over on Coleto.  There was one truck and another guy putting in his kayak, and that was it.  And as long as we are talking about the ramp, when I quit at noon there was 4 trucks in the lot.  That is a comment on both the fishing, and Coleto’s squeeze on folks by raising the entrance fee so high.  Really sad.

First I headed up lake to a bank where I have been catching at least a few.  I started with the swim jig when turkey disaster struck.  I was literally thinking about why I have not seen the turkeys as it is getting time when one flew down off the roost and I watched it fly right over my head.  At the time it was about my third cast and when I looked back at my line it was 10 foot off to the side and almost to the boat, and I never felt a thing.  It took me by surprise and I set the hook way to hard, the fish was going away, and my line broke.  1 second later here comes a big old head thrashing trying to toss the swim jig.  Dang it!  Hate it when that happens.

So things were looking up, not.  From then on it was worse than slow.  I had one more bite, a small I caught on a spinner bait, and never had another touch for over 4 hours.  Around 9:30 the wind really came up which obviously did not help.  So a little after noon I called it day.  I just do not know what to say.  Some of it is obviously my attempt to catch them shallow, which has worked for the last 10 years, but some of it is the fish and some the lake.  So will not stop going, they are going to bite at some point, but it sure has been a struggle.  Thank God for speckled trout, an easy way to get your catch on.


As I was pulling the boat out at Froggie’s Tuesday I was reminded of what Carmine used to say when her restaurant was still open.  “There are so many guides in POC that they have to wear badges to keep from guiding each other.”  And that was years ago.  Truer words were never spoken.


And this comment from Lacy.

Step up on that line wt. you don’t want to lose a 30″er lol

You’re having too much fun.

On a serious note, I really do believe that light line gets more bites, end of story.  Plus I joined the 5X club when I caught a 20lb striper on 4lb line so it can be done.  But the real club is the 10x club, though I doubt there are to many 80lb speckled trout out there!  It has been a while since I caught a real big one but I sure am due, just have to fish more!  I believe you are a first time commenter and I appreciate it.  And thanks for reading.


Off Topic Rant

I was on hold for an hour and twenty eight minutes hoping to sign up for the vaccine, to bad so sad, you waited for nothing.  It is really needed in Victoria, over 200 new cases reported yesterday alone.  The hospital is swamped and the whole process is messed up.  I got a good laugh when someone in our local Health Department said they were happy with last weeks fiasco when the whole system basically crashed.  Huh?  And we pay these folks.  So for those of you who believe it is fake, please do not get or take the vaccine, leave it for those of us that want it.  It will soon be the key to major travel and we are ready to go some dang where and do something cool not in the US.  And don’t get your patriotic panties in a wad, we love to travel the US, it is just time for a big trip.


And this  from Clyde, who stopped by our old stomping grounds on Lake Norfork.

That is a big one for North Arkansas.

He reported the water temp was in the mid 40’s with some color up lake.  This girl came on a crankbait and then they boated a good dozen on spoon on the Corp made brush piles.  So with this lighter winter looks like the fishing is about to take off.  I hope to make it back this spring to do it all over again, and maybe boat another big striper.  Thanks for the picture.


Hope you caught the crazy online sale Michael ran on Knockin Tails.  If you didn’t, and want to know what is happening in the future, just log in to his Facebook site, a perfect way to keep up.  Michael said the sale was a rip roaring success.  The Knockin Tail is spreading across the country like a hot rumor.

(4) Knockin Tail Lures Group | Groups | Facebook


It was feeding time, except for the bass.

Not much else to say, especially about the lake fishing.  Will be gone a day or two, then back at it.  The way it is going looks like it might be time to head to Falcon or Amistad,  And definitely headed back to the bay.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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