Port O’Connor Texas 1/26/2021.



51/72.  Some sun, then turning cloudy and beautiful with a 8% chance of rain.  Wind ENE 10 – 15 mph.


Low  6:52 am.   -0.18 ft.   High  7:57 pm.  1.37 ft.

Solunar Times

Major  10:51 am to  12:51 pm.   Minor 4:06 pm to  5:06 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


A Little Lucky and a Little Good

It was not quite daylight when I got to Froggies, in fact I got the first non-handicap parking spot.  It has been a while since that happened.  The wind was straight out of the north a good 15 mph and it did not let up all day.  The tide was low and the water temp was 64, but the tide was still going out just a little when I hit the first bank in Big Bayou.  And I never ending up wading at all today.  Why jump out of a perfectly good boat when they bite all day?

This will work.

The old saying I would rather be lucky than good, or the opposite, applied today.  I was actually both.  With the wind pounding right down Big Bayou it would have been moving you right along, but I got lucky, the tide going out working against the wind so it was not to tough to fish with the trolling motor.  So with luck out of the way the good took over.

On the first bank they were biting, and most were keepers.  I was tossing a Chicken on a Chain Knockin Tail with a 1/8th jig head on 10lb line.  The fish were on a long oyster bar with the wind pounding on it, and boy were they shallow.  And it was seriously tough to feel a bite.  There was that little struggle with the wind blowing your line, but this is where good took over.  I knew the spots, and I have caught hundreds of fish fishing light line and grub in freshwater, so I proceeded to catch fish right along,

Just good solid keepers.

From that point on I basically fished the Chicken on a Chain Knockin Tail, and caught a  good bunch.  But I finally lost the Purple Demon that I caught them all on last week, probably because of the flounder.  You can put what I know about flounder in a thimble, but today the small ones were eating.  I think it was 5 with several misses, and one bit off a bait.  At least one jumped on everywhere I fished, with 3 in the mouth of one drain.

Nothing to big in the slam department.

The redfish were another story.  Other than the one above I only boated 3 or 4 more rats.  But who cares, the fish were biting and when I quit at 1:00 they were still biting.  It took a little heavier jig head today, and one that was labeled 1/8 screw lock was actually a little heavier 1/8th, and it sure helped keep in contact with the Knockin Tail.  I did catch a couple slow rolling it but most came hopping it in a Texas two step retrieve.  The majority came on the Chicken on a Chain because I threw it the most, and a few came on a Purple Demon, and a few on the Pearl Limetreuse.  The wind was blowing enough that most were just there when you lifted up, and as shallow as some were it might be the first hop.  When the tide finally started coming back in you were just flying down the bank with the wind so I called it a day.

I like days like today, run about 5 minutes, spend a gallon of gas, and never leave one area.  And the fish helped a lot by biting the whole time.  Makes that getting up way to early thing worth it.  Have not though about what/where next, but we do have high winds followed by a cold front the next couple days, then it is going back to warm.  But no matter what I will be back on the water soon.  And if I missed any comments sorry, but I got a little behind.  And if any of you have anything to say drop a comment, we love to get them.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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