Happy New Year 12/30/2020.


Plenty of deer out the last couple of weeks.


64/76.  Rather cloudy, breezy and warm; a shower in spots this afternoon with a 30% chance of rain.  Wind  SE  15 – 25mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.31 msl.  Yesterday  93.30 msl.

Solunar Times

Major  12:07 pm to 14:07 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


To make a long story short I got out around 8:30 and started where I caught the nice ones yesterday.  Of course you can guess what happened, which is zip.  After yesterday I was surprised when they just would not hit the swim jig, not a bite.  By 9:30 the wind was howling so spinnerbait was up next.  6 jumped on, and I will not bore you with a picture, small is small.  So with the wind just a real hassle I admit, I flat gave up and called it a day.  There just is not a shallow bite right now, but I keep pushing it.  Why they are not moving up better is really confusing.  But it is coming, just not as soon as I would like.  One thing about fish, you can not make them be somewhere, but I ended up chatting with a couple of guys who know where they are.


When I got to the ramp I met the boys from  E & J Guide Service, who are camping at the lake.  So as happens with fishermen we talked fishing.  Really enjoyed meeting them, and I always get a little warm feeling knowing they have read my stuff.

6.3 headed back in the water.  That is a good one.

They are doing something that is not in my wheelhouse any more, deep fish.  They have been catching 25 – 30 a trip with a good fish or two thrown in.  As I normally do, that is all I can say about where and how, but suffice to say they are deep.  (Definitely a comment on the shallow fish or lack thereof on Coleto.)  So if you want to hire a guide, and learn a little something while catching a bunch of fish, give them a call.  They guide on Coleto and Choke, and I appreciate the offer for a day on Choke, I might just take them up on it.

E & J Guide Service  –  Choke Canyon and Coleto Creek

Military Discount  –  253-306-0356


And speaking of deep fish, and that is all you are getting out of me on this one too.  Here is a couple of pictures from my buddy Chago of his sons Joaquin and JoJo after a trip to Travis.  (But since I will be fishing with a friend on Travis next week I will take advantage of what I learned.  lol.)








       Nice bunch, that will work in a tournament!

The boys are members of the St. Joe Fishing Team and have a bad case of tournament fever.  I remember what that particular disease is like, and they have it.  They are so lucky to have started the club as they will be exposed to lots of different lakes under lots of different conditions.  It really gives them a chance to become a well rounded fishermen.  Good luck boys.

After getting these pictures I thought back to when I moved to Arkansas in the early 70’s as a young man.   I basically spent the next 25 years fishing Bull Shoals and Norfork almost exclusively, and why not they are big lakes and I could catch them, just not so much other places.  I no more learned how to flip wood, fish grass, or how to deal with muddy water as examples.  Those lakes are basically rock quarries and a totally different game than in this part of the world.  But no question fishing different water makes you a better fisherman, and the boys are off to a good start.


I have waited with baited breath all year hoping the Boss would not get the covid, and looks like she just might make it.  (And to all of you who think it is inflated, or not that bad, or don’t need a mask – Step up and walk a mile in her shoes.  Victoria is in another outbreak and they are coming to the ER in droves.  This thing is real and the folks taking care of the covid patients walk the walk, not just talk the talk.)

The Boss gets her vaccine.  Hopefully I am next.

And as I am in the second group it might not be long.  While it is not a panacea for everything it sure will be nice to have most of that worry off our shoulders.  Then we can get back to some real travel. and maybe just maybe this country can get back to the way things were.  It has been a long haul.


So one more post this year, coming tomorrow, the Year in Review.  For now have a safe New Years Eve.  We have all heard the rule:  New Years Eve is amateur hour, so do not drink and drive.  We will be in the house safe and sound watching football.

And one last bit of news: Today we pay off our house!  Working at it by adding a little has come to fruition and we finally got a mortgage off our back.  Will raise a cold one to that tonight.  Great feeling.

Unfortunately the Hogs lost the bowl game because of all those infested Horn Frogs.  (But wait, if it is not real then the Horned Frogs are nothing but a bunch of chickens.)  Really a disappointment as I was really interested in how they would stack up against the Frogs.  And good luck to A&M, they get a chance to prove they deserved the playoff shot.

Not sure when I will fish again though Friday looks good then off to Travis.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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