Austin Boys 11/8/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail on the Four Horseman popping cork and hold on.

When the boys said they were headed this way for the weekend I was happy.  But I did think it just might be 2 out of the 3 days for me as I slowly get my stamina back.  That turned out to be the case as after wading all day Friday my body felt like 10 miles of bad road.  But as usual it was more fun than people ought to have.

The Lavaca

Day 1 we met at the river around 11:00.  John, John, David and Todd brought 2 boats and we were on the water in no time.  It was definitely slower than it was last week but we all caught some, except one loser who shall remain nameless.

I managed my limit, all on the Four Horseman popping cork and a Pearl Limetruese  Knockin Tail.  David caught best on Red Shad on the jig head, for me it was still the Mansfield Magic when using a jig head.  But as a I learned about the popping cork from John’s report last week, pop it, and let it sit.  It turned out to be the ticket.  They definitely did not want it fast and  then it would just go down.  And that brings up one of the real advantages of the Four Horseman popping cork.  The shorter wire allows you to pop it and it stays in the same place, which ended up being important when they are not all that aggressive.

Here is the ticket.  (See below for a great deal.)

We found our fish on a flat point opposite a bend in the river.  One thing that has become apparent with our warm weather pattern we have remained in, the lower end of the creek or the river is just better.  I may be wrong but it seems like we still need that big cold front to drive more fish in, and then further up the river.

I did not keep real count, or take any pictures but I think we ended up with around 13 trout, a flounder and maybe one red between both boats.  Of course a handful of shorts. Not fast by any means but fish in the boat.  So near dark we called it a day and headed to POC.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50



Over the years I have fished with them I really appreciate not having to be in charge of boats, what bait to fish, or where to fish.  I love being the back seat guy.  After a discussion the boys wanted to spend the day on Greens so around 8:00 we were off for a day of wading.  And wade we did, never fishing anywhere else.

The first over on the Mansfield Magic!

The tide had dropped enough you could see the very top of the bar so we hopped in and spread out.  Todd had the crazy action first fishing the edge of the grass where the water had just dropped out.  He flat wailed on the redfish, and though most were small, he was smoking them for a couple of hours.  The rest of us were catching also, mostly reds, with very few trout.  I think I only caught 4 or 5 trout for the day, and they were short.  The best was a 21″ Pete put in the boat.  The floating grass was a hassle so it was swim bait hooks to keep it off.

The Magic Grass getting it done with another over.

When I finally got with the program it was a slow steady retrieve in knee deep water.  The swim bait helped keep the grass off and  I watched the 2 guys above follow and eat right in front of me.  Love that.  In the same place several more followed it even with grass on it and then turned off.

My last good one came on the Purple Demon Limetruese Knockin Tail.  I was trying various colors of the Knockin Tail seeing what they liked, which appeared to be  any of them in a darker color.

I think I caught maybe 20, and most of the boys caught the same type numbers, tons being rat reds.  It was a funny bite reeling it that slow and steady, you had to be on your toes.  During the better bite during the day they were slamming it, after that it was a more subtle bite.  And we all had that period where they were bringing buddies with them during the fight, which tells you the bite was on.

Pete with a couple of black drum.

When we got out for our last wade I noticed Pete and Todd standing in one place and not moving.  Turned out Pete spotted some black drum tailing on top of the bar.  He said he just kept casting at them and they would refuse as they are known to do.  But he stayed with it and added a couple to the box.

Some of the haul headed to the fish fry.  As close as you will see of a dead fish picture here.

I have no idea how many fish were caught by both boats, or how many hit the cleaning table.  We all caught them most of the day, but the trout numbers were just not there.  I tried one thing new to me, the DOA plastic topwater, fondly referred to as a turd by the boys.  It is made for going over floating grass, with the wind was on the bank the grass stayed there all day.  I did not get a bite and I want to thank Pete for telling me I was using it upside down.  Did not know you could do that, but on final inspection I was doing exactly that.  Good to know as I assume at some point it will have a place in the arsenal.

When we headed in near dusk  I was seriously feeling it.  I was sore when we got in, and am still feeling it as I write this.  So with discretion being the the better part of valor I passed on Saturday.  It is just going to take a while to get all my stamina back for that kind of wading marathon, but I will.  Other than that it was the usual good time.  Great eats, a few adult beverages, and some intelligent conversation (At least early in the evening!) made for another good time.  Sorry there were no more pictures but sometimes it is nice to just fish for the hell of it.

Just spoke with them and they fished Conte, South Pass, Pringle, all the usual places and reported it was about the same.  But they managed a sack to take back and finished up the last night with Todd’s Redfish Pontchartrain, which trust me is pure party in your mouth.


It was good to hear from Keith before I hit the road to POC.

I met up with Todd in Austin and test drove his boat. Really liked it and Todd seems like a great guy. I believe we are buying his boat when y’all are done with your upcoming trip, so tell him to take it easy on the old girl.
Hope you guys have a great trip and a lot of fun and catching and eating. Just got back from Key West where Claudia caught her first Tarpon and a huge (120) Jew fish/grouper. We fished the Marquesses islands and WOW was that beautiful and well worth the 30 mile run from the key west area.
Enjoy your time with the Austin gang.

First nice job on the Marquesses.  Though I have fished lots of Florida have never made it there but it is on the bucket list.  Congrats to Claudia on her first tarpon, I know what a milestone that can be for some of us.  (Side note:  It was 19 before I actually put my hands on one.  Guess that came with my desire to do it myself.) And I am happy to report the Shallow Sport did her job and handled some really big waves with ease and we did not break anything.  The fishing was ok, the companionship was great, but I am still waiting for winter.  Thanks for reading.


Got this picture from my buddy Clyde in Northern Iowa were it looks like winter is just not happening as the water temp was 70 when he caught these.

Crappie. perch, walleye – The eating does not get any better than that!

My buddy Clyde is the shining example of what a good fisherman is, a multi-species guy who catches it all.  No one trick pony.  Thanks for the picture, the thought of a golden fried perch makes my mouth water just thinking about it!


And I got this from John on his last trip to the Lavaca.

Doug hit Lavaca river yesterday with my daughter and her family. They wanted some trout for almandine too. Got a late start but tide was falling good and fairly light south winds. Much harder to get consistent bite than last friday. Found a few keeper along channel edge getting close to bay. All on popping cork and Vudo shrimp. No flounder or reds. Didn’t see but one set of birds working and they were over very small trout. I hope this front this week might bring some into the river? Good luck with your friends from Austin. John

You found what we did as the fishing was not as good as it was last week.  But in my case the Four Horseman popping cork and the Knockin Tail put a limit in the boat so no complaints on my part.  And I think if we get a little colder weather the fishing might improve, but by the same token it might keep the fishing good longer this year.  Only time will tell.  Thanks for the report.


I am glad the election is over!  Enough said.


One Good Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.


And last on the football front.  Texas won, A&M looks like the real deal, and Arkansas went nuts in the third to spank Tennessee.  But I was real impressed with the Aggies, no matter how hard it is to say it, they are a player and I wish them well.  Cowboys suck, that is all I have to say about that.


First up is getting all my stuff back in shape, as it is scattered all over the tackle room.  Amazing how much water gets in and on stuff.  The truck really needs a wash  before I start this whole thing again tomorrow.  With the weather looking like it is this week there will be lots of fishing to come.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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