My Thursday 9/28/2020.

As I lay on the bathroom floor last Thursday I was sick as a dog, being the 5th morning of having the virus, little did I know it was about to get worse.

  1.  Here we are in a beautiful cabin on the Continental Divide and I am sick as a dog and we are about to cut our trip short.  We are returning to Texas in case I get sick enough to be put in the hospital.  The Boss drove the whole way and I was miserable, but there was more.
  2. An hour into the drive I got a text that my best friend from high school had just died.
  3. The an hour later another text.  My brother’s brother in law, his mentor in the early part of his career, had just died of the Covid.
  4. An hour later there was more.  My buddy from our area was in Pagosa fishing, I had hoped to meet for supper and maybe a little fishing, was in the hospital in Durango.  His gall bladder was infected and he had emergency surgery and now gets to stay in the hospital for another 5 days.

Now here I am at home on day 8, and while I don’t think I am going to croak, it is still ugly.  This thing has had all the symptoms that you don’t want.  Think of 1, I had it, and am still having it.  The worst was the day we left, the night before the shortness of breath was really scary, I almost went to the ER but I was worried they might put me on a vent.  I do not mind telling you I was scared.  Dying on a vent is a terrible thing.  I think the approximately 9,000 elevation was not helping and once we got back to Texas it was not near as bad.  If having trouble breathing at any level is a “not near as bad.”  Suffice to say it sucks no matter the elevation.

So no matter what you think about Covid know this, it is ugly.  You may be the lucky one and have a little head ache, or you just might die.  Or maybe you will fall into the spectrum where I have, totally miserable for days and days.  Think it is fake?  Come on over and let me breath on you and see how that goes.  Think it is the flu?  I have had that plenty in my 67 years and this is ain’t it, unless you think being really ill for 8 days and counting is no big deal.  Not sure how I got it, that is irrelevant at this point, just know I got it being compliant with the rules.  It started with a cough, then fever, then shortness of breath, nausea, headache, etc.  Now, all of that and more.

And of course I could not be more pissed.  I am not a good patient, and knowing it will be a while before I am back on the water sure does not help.  At least it will be first on the list as soon as all the symptoms are gone, you can isolate from others while fishing.  So until I feel better, and it is safe to be out there, here I sit.  My only advice to you, be safe, this is not fake news.  Thanks for sticking with me, I will be back.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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