Taking a Break 8/19/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling

I had the best intentions of fishing on Monday but life got in the way.  And Tuesday the old shot in the ear drum was up first thing, treatment or torture, depending on which end of the syringe you are on.  Today is pack day,  making sure everything is organized and by Thursday afternoon we will be on the wolf/grizzly expedition.  Both are the great predators of the northwest and it is always thrilling to see them.  And word is the Bison are in the crazy rut and very aggressive as the elk will be soon.  Plus wading and fly fishing equipment for our float and maybe another wade or two.  So camera and optics ready, time to get some great shots!

Weather – Or in a few short words why I gave it a rest this week.

Partly sunny and nearing record 104, dangerous heat.  (Are you kidding me!)


The new Knockin Tail colors are freakin’ stunning!  Order some they are going fast! 


After posting my POC trip I got the follow comment from Anonymous.

I’m jealous! I have not commented on your site but I enjoy it. Just like reading a book it takes my mind to the coast. If your ever around powder horn and indianola I would love to get your opinion. I usually fish around arransas pass but my wife and I spent a couple months on the weekends there and loved it. Great folks. Stay safe and good fishing to you sir.  Just one more thing. Kids! Wear your ear protection!!!

First, when I get comments like this it keeps me fishing and writing.  I really do appreciate hearing from folks, especially when they learn something, or in this case, like to read my ramblings.  It has actually turned into a long running book, which is now  a 9 year labor of love and the feedback is what keeps me going.

And no better advice on the hearing protection.  My tests have revealed that my hearing in my right ear is down about 25%, the left is completely deaf.  Now they are still not sure what is up with the left, but the right is a product of loud ass rock and roll in my younger days, and of course no hearing protection when shooting guns, mowing grass, etc.  So take our advice and save your hearing or you too can get a shot in the ear drum.  Thanks for commenting and sometime let me know when you will be at Indianola and maybe we can get together for a chat.  And the rest of you love hearing your comments, good, bad, or indifferent!


And this from Rusty our resident Fayette Guru on his morning the other day.

Got out this morning with y cousin. It was very slow, but caught 8 by 10:00. Then to hot very slow. Water temp 92.

At least he put a Fayette fatty in the boat.  All I have to say is please cool off!  It is hard on us old guys.


It is time to get a new hunting or fishing license, which went on sale Saturday the 15th.  Remember they expire on the last day of August.  But one word of caution, if you get it at Academy look it over super close,  After my experience a few years ago, along with my buddy Chris and his adventure, you just might get something you don’t want, or nothing that you did.

I rarely complain about the cost of fishing licenses.  Probably the only complaint is when you have to buy an annual on long range trips and it will expire before you return.  But other than that it not only funds our Game and Fish Departments, but in my case the per hour cost is a great deal.


On the travel front we decided to cancel our Africa trip.  There is way to much money and effort at stake in making that kind of trip, with the way things are we are not ready to risk that kind of commitment.  If I had a crystal ball and could see the future who knows what might happen.  Until this pandemic is over no massive travel plans outside of the US, much to the displeasure of the Boss.

But on that note I am planning what I might call my last great tow job.  I hope to be headed to south Florida next spring as soon as it is tarpon time.  Making that tow is not easy by yourself, but once there staying a couple of weeks makes it all worth it.  The area has lots of good trout and snook fishing, and is a short hop to Boca Grande, where starting in April an estimated 60,000 tarpon stop in for a quickie.   Then the Boss can fly in and out one week and I can hardcore fish the other.

And last it will be a week or two in Colorado come late September or October.  Lots of places we have scouted have me really wanting to get back when the water is down as is the fishing pressure.  As usual. so many places so little time.  But changes of pace instead of the same old same old keeps the interest up.   And it definitely makes you a better fisherman.


There are a couple of things that I will be posting soon, and one of those concerns the new St. Joseph Bass Fishing Team.  Time to give them a hand as they embark on the program.  So stay tuned, and open your wallet and help out.  And the review of the Four Horsemen Popping Corks is almost ready and will get it up next week or two.  Other than that excited to see the Boss catch a few more trout along with all Yellowstone has to offer.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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