Coleto Creek 7/20/2020





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out their new CFG Madre Sling


One Beautiful Morning

When I got to the lake at daylight it was almost dead calm and it really is dropping like a rock.  The end of the piers are completely out of the water and if it continues at this rate it could be interesting loading and unloading.  So if you are headed that way be sure to take it slow at the ramp, who wants to be the first guy to back off the end and get the trailer stuck.


76/92.   Sun and some clouds with a 60% chance of rain or showers in the afternoon.  Wind E 8 – 14 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.87 msl.  Last trip 11 days ago.  94.20 msl.  May 27  95:09 msl.

Solunar Times 

Minor  12:38 pm until 2:38 pm.

The water temp was 88 – 90 degrees, really consistent over the whole lake. The color on the lower end is so/so clear, uplake it has some good color, but it is not muddy.  What little brush left in the lake is about to be completely out of the water.  Hard to really describe how far down it is, but when you are talking a foot or more it is shrinking the lake.

First up was buzzbait and although 3 jumped on they all looked like the one below.  So it did not take long to put an end to that.  From that point on it was pitching to any cover and some rocky areas.

Best For the Morning.


The Knockin Tail put them in the boat on the bay, see the report below.  


They were acting real hinky this morning and I missed as many as I stuck.  Though I threw at any piece of wood up lake, only 4 or 5 had a fish on it.  A couple of places gave up 2, but other than that it was slow.

One thing you can say positive about the lake is there sure is lots of these.

They seem to like the little shorter plastic I am throwing better than the stick worm.  It is actually a 4″ big bodied stick worm in what else, watermelon red.  One small one did jump on the Knockin Tail white ice swim bait, but with it as slow as it was I decided to do a little trolling for whites, and see what I could learn watching the locator.

A nice Coleto Crappie

First was the area with the big point right outside of the ramp cove.  Historically white bass hang around in that area but today not a bite from a white.  (It has been on the decline the last couple of years, which may be more of comment on the lack of white bass numbers in the lake.)  So after a couple of passes I trolled up lake to the discharge cove and back.  It took about an hour and 5 small bass and the crappie above jumped on.  I did lose a couple of crappie by not stopping the boat and reeling slow, but that wasn’t the real point of trolling today.

It was real surprising that I saw very few shad schools, and the couple I did see on the down scan were small.  When I did see fish I got a bite.  But again very few were seen, and most of those in the 20′ range.  Of the about 10 bites they just came here and there, other than the one place with the crappies never more that one bite.  I did not learn anything earth shattering about where the bait or fish were.  So at noon I called it a day.


It really was about what I thought it would be.  The water falling like it is does not lend itself to stellar fishing when combined with this hot summer.  Sad what has happened to the lake.  From one of the best big fish lakes around to a dink fest.  Of course there are some big fish in the lake, but this is now our fishing, really miss the grass.

Headed back at some point for some spinnerbait fishing for redfish.  As wide spread as we  found them the other day it should be good.  And might be time to get out the fly rod as they were mudding around at one spot.  And thank goodness we have rain in the forecast the next few days and we sure need it.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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