Just Roll With It. 7/15/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out their new CFG Madre Sling


Just wanted to touch base and let you know I have not deserted the ship.  We spent a long weekend on the Mississippi coast and got back last night.  It was good to get the Boss a little time away from it all.

Unfortunately the “fake/Democrat” virus is absolutely blowing up in Victoria with 150 – 200 new cases a day, one of the top % increases in the NATION.  Dozens of nurses in the hospital have now contracted the virus, the area hospitals are full of sick patients, and we just lost a 16 y/o female along with many others.  30 nurses have been brought in to help with the outbreak.  Not sure how many deaths will satisfy the folks who deny this is real – maybe 200,00 – 300,000?   Walk a mile in the emergency room hero’s shoes and see how it really is.


Random Fish Pic – Belize Tarpon


Post #1310 – That is a lot of writing!

It is time for the 3 year renewal of my website, headed into year 10, in other words shell out more money.  So in spite of the occasional desire to give it up I have decided to renew for another 3 years.  This is a labor of love, at times maybe a love/hate relationship, but as long as I am upright and fishing the website will continue.


There is some great news on the Knockin Tail front.  Stay tuned!  


Random Fish Pic – Love me some Falcon Lake bass!

I would be at the lake this morning but real life continues to rear its ugly head as we have been living on borrowed time with the AC at our house.  As it is 25 years old that is to be expected.  We had it worked on, but no great hopes actually, and when we got home from Gulf Shores it was nice and cool.  Turned it down 2 degrees and off it went.  So Joe Cool will be here later, and even if he can get it going again time to bite the bullet and replace it.  It may live again, but like cars, boats, and other mechanical things, let me down once shame on you, twice, shame on me.  Love home ownership.


And time for another off topic rant.  We are small time gamblers, anything over a $100 and we are done, but I am a big proponent of legalized gambling.  We notice in our travels all of the Texas folks having at it, whether in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Gulfport, and beyond.  All of that is tax money and jobs leaving the state.  Now I know that folks have differing opinions on gambling, but no matter what folks love it and do it whether legal or not.  So however it is labeled: lottery, bingo, or office pools, it is still gambling plain and simple.  (Think your odds are bad at the casino – they are great compared to the state lottery.)  But there was one side affect of the casinos in the Mississippi area that I had not considered.  Jobs!

Even in these tough times there was no shortage of available jobs in that area.  Even with things “slow” there due to the virus there was work and lots of it considering. They are crying for help.  There were signs everywhere, and even the service jobs paid $12 to $15 to start.  I agree that is not big money, but it is a job and in these times with so many folks our of work it sure was good to see.  Is gambling a cure all?  Of course not.  But the end result, jobs and money leaving our state for no good reason.  Just my .02 worth.


And one last word on the Mississippi coastal area.  I love what they did with the Katrina money.  Ramps, parks, the coast has it all, they did not waste it.  Unlike our incompetent county here that spent a cool half a mil on rebuilding a metal building.  Who paid out big money to contactors without itemized bills.  Who wanted a true accounting of the money and where it went, and then decided never mind.  The whole thing appears to be mismanaged and looks like they are going to let it slide.  Your tax dollars at work.  Sad.


Now back on topic!  I got this comment from Don.  And I definitely learned something.

Is the “tiny child” rig hot down there? Seems to be perfect for summer finesse slow fishing in central tx.

So the answer to your question, never heard of it but I sure learned something.  So instead of me trying to explain it here is a post from Ike’s website that explains it.  Not only a good looking summer bait when times are tough, it has real application for super clear water like the highland lakes of Arkansas, or highly pressured fish.

Top secret! The Tiny Child Rig

I am sure it catches fish and for those of you who like the Ned Rig, or light line finesse fishing, this should be the bomb.  Thanks Don for the info, love it when folks share by adding to all our collective fishing knowledge.  And I can see it catching the snot out of smallmouth.


I interrupt this post to report I am now sitting in a motel with the Boss.  It is always good to come back from 4 days out of town and end up in a motel for a couple of days.  The new AC will be put in Friday so here we are, it is way to freakin’ hot to try to deal with that.  But there is a silver lining.  My Buddy David is coming Thursday night to fish POC with me on Friday.  So I just booked a room down there and we can be on the water at daylight without having to get up at 4:00 to make the drive.

As far as the AC goes, comes with the territory.  Just amazing how stuff like that fails at the worst time.

Sorry for all the off topic stuff today, but that will change as the fishing renews in earnest.  Saw a pretty good lake report, they are still biting, and the Facebook posts from the bay look great.  Not sure whether we will be wading or not, but definitely will be some boat fishing on my go to spots.  Really looking forward to feeding them the Knockin Tail on Friday.  So keep stopping in and thanks for  reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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