This and That 7/2/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out their new CFG Madre Sling


Speaking of Wade Right a big thanks to Tim and Jason.  They were kind enough to hook the Boss up with her own wading bag for her wading gear, along with a sling.  It is part of my insidious plan to get her wading with me on the coast.  So now she has Sims from head to toe and Wade Right for the rest.  Remember this boys – It is not how many fish you catch but how good you look doing it.  Not sure why she likes me.

So after fishing Monday I have taken this week off.  We have been 100+ heat index with winds in the 25mph range so I will sit this stretch out until next week.  And with the holiday weekend I will be staying close and leaving it to the rest of the folks while the Boss saves some lives.  Many of the beaches on the coast are closed for the weekend, so expect any area with water that is open to be busy.  They just closed all of Austin’s parks.  And remember, if you are going to Coleto go early, it will reach capacity fast.

And no matter how you feel about the state of the virus please be careful.  Victoria is in the middle of an explosion, and for some reason nationwide many folks who are getting sick now are even sicker than before.  You may not be worried but if you give it to your Grandma, wife, uncle, your opinion might change.  It is scary right now.


The Knockin Tail, the best new bait on the market.  


 I got several comments after the Chandeleur trip and here is one from Jimmie B.

I hope your trip to the ENT went well. Do you have an email address for Capt. Howie? I have sent him two emails from off his website with no response. I am planning a trip for next late May or early June. Tight lines!

Though there is an email address listed on the site I know that Tim from Wade Right who coordinates our trips always calls Capt. Howie, which is the best way to get in touch.  As a perfect example he came in from a trip that morning, loaded us up late in the day, and when we off loaded the last morning he was getting ready for another trip that day.  He is busy for good reason.  So give him a call and tell him I sent you, he will get a kick out of it.  A really good guy, he will answer as soon as he can.  As far as the ENT, some oral steroids for a week as it may just be an inflamed nerve issue.  Then back in a week, either fixed or injection in the ear, can’t wait for that one.

And this from Darryl who I met at Cabela’s.

First thanks for your posts, been an avid reader and follower since we met at Cabelas in Buda 4-5 years ago, looking at the discounted fishing line…. I am an avid fisherman, and normally tourney fish for Bass here in Central Texas, and have been President to a few Bass Clubs. However, I am doing more salt water inshore stuff as I like the challenge and the pull.

My question is simple: Chandeleur is on my bucket list, but getting 10 buddies together is like herding cats… I am open in driving a Charter group, leveraging like minded souls` who read your Blog, or is there another way you would recommend.

Tim organized the trips and has found that once the first one goes it seems there is no problem getting folks to repeat.  And I agree it is like herding cats to get that many folks together.  Our bunch is full for good reason, and like me, they all start looking forward to next year as soon as we dock.  One thing about booking Howie he has a base price per person, and deposit, that has to be met, and I am sure he will take one person if they want to shell out that much $$$$.

One thing I would suggest is booking a date fairly far in advance as he is busy, which does complicate the cat herding.  I have done tons of fishing travel and have heard the count me in thing quite a bit over the years, until the rubber meets the road and then my dog is sick, the wife won’t let me, etc.  So the task could be daunting.

As far as getting folks I would start with your fishing groups or your Facebook friends if you are on it.  Maybe post his website and one of my article about the trip seeing if there is interest.  Then if there is get folks to put some money where their mouth is.  It will be a challenge.  But do give Howie a call from the number on his website and talk it over with him, and tell him for me thanks for another great trip.

To the rest of you that have expressed an interest occasionally, if you ever wanted to go let me know and I can put you in touch with other interested parties.  In this case Darryl is a really experienced fisherman who would be a great person to coordinate the trip.  As I have said before, this is the best deal in fishing on the planet.  Having hired guides from The Great Barrier Reef to Oregon I promise you will get plenty of bang for your bucks.  (I  was looking for a flats guide in Gulf Shores the other day, and the day price was the same as Howie’s 3 day all inclusive trip.  Like I keep saying, grits, steaks, and Banana pudding, but never forget the Seagull Surprise!)  This trip was a perfect example, the fishing was slow, the weather sketchy, and we had a couple of self made hiccups, and it was still a great trip.  So good luck and let me know if things are shaping up.


As the number of guides expands I will always remember what Carmine – those of you who have been fishing POC might remember her restaurant – had to say about guides at POC.  “There are so many guides here they have to wear badges so they don’t guide each other.”  Sure makes picking a good one harder than it was.  At some point in the future I hope the state considers some kind of training like they do with guides and outfitters out west.  Just because you bought a boat and took a test does not make you a guide.


If you fish the Texas coast you need to check out this site.  A wealth of information, if you are a traveling fisherman and not a “stick with” my warm and fuzzy spot guy, visit them. When you read an article about a place to fish the salt in Texas you might want to try this is the bomb. It is probably the best coastal fishing resource on the net.


More fun with boat buying.  Many are listed as “Condition fair.”

Condition fair.  2003 Honda 200hp needs motor, engine block has corrosion.

Fair, I might classify that as disabled.

Condition fair.  Everything works besides the shifter.

A boat that will not go in gear is not in fair condition.

Condition fair.  The floor was removed due to rot and needs to be replaced.

Who needs a stinking floor.

Condition fair.  The floor will need a lot of work.  Some electrical work, and cable work for the throttle may be in store for you.  The tires will most likely need replaced as well.

The fairest boat in all the land.

Boat is in good shape but motor doesn’t run.

A boat with a motor that does not run in not in good shape.


Like I have said so many times in the past.  Project = run away as fast as you can, especially when it is in all caps!

Condition fair.  No title. Can float on the water. Motor not included.

A new kind of boat.  Thank freakin’ God this will float on water.

It will need a new floor and new seats along with a new motor.

An easy fix.

Condition good.  The outdrive on the blue boat is good but the engine is shot. The white boat has a good engine and a bad outdrive.

Twice the trouble.

trashed inside,  free, you lift, load, haul.  will float fine.  no motor,
no trailer, no papers of any sort.

Free.  At least this guy is not delusional.

One thing I am seeing quite a bit on Craigslist now is a lot of Bass Tracker and Lund boats that are priced way below market, ridiculously so.  Of course the boat is in storage or some other excuse.  One thing that runs consistent on all the fraudulent ads is the contact information is always a email address.  Here is a couple of examples.  The names have been changed to keep slime like this from suing me when I call them thieves.

XXXX057 @gmail .com

If that is the only contact information, run.  I see the same names over and over with boats so far below market it could not be real.  So ignore these, but if you just can’t resist ask where you can see it, if the answer is fuzzy it is a scam.  And if they want the $$$ up front just ask them which county to send the check, where it can be picked up at the sheriff’s office, see how that works.

Actually one thing that has come out of the pandemic is fishing related sales are great.  Folks who have been laid off have been fishing.  Heck Michael is having trouble keeping the Knockin Tail is stock, and so many of the shelves are bare in Academy.  And from what I read boat and camper sales are great.  Of course in the near future look for some really nice used boats to be back on the market.


Being friends with the Wardens of TPWD on Facebook I keep up with them.  There was a post yesterday where they stopped a shrimp boat and apparently he had offloaded about half of a commercial bait guys over catch of croaker and was transporting it for sale, neither had the appropriate license.  They reported they released the croaker back in the bay, a good start.  But I look at it like a theft, which it is.  I see regular folks getting guns and boats confiscated with a violation, and I have no problem with that.  But it is time to treat the commercial guys the same as the rest of us.  Suspend the license and confiscate their gear when it is an intentional violation like this.  It is only fair.


And from TPWD.

Drownings are up 30% over last year. Please be safe on the water this weekend.

That will do it for now.  Have a great weekend celebrating living in the best country in the world.  But do it safely when out and about, especially on the water.  There is no more dangerous time than our 3 summer holiday weekends and the last thing you want is to be a statistic when they release the figures.  Wear your kills switch and life jackets, give way – be the bigger man, you have no clue what that other fool is about to do.  Make sure your boat and trailer are ready to go.  Pick up your trash.  Drinking while boating this weekend is just like drinking and driving on New Years Eve – strictly amateur hour.  Law enforcement will be out and about this weekend and breaks will be few and far between.  So tell them thanks for their service and they just might tell you thanks for having your shit together.   (They probably won’t say it but just might be thinking it!)  It has happened to me several times.  With all that said have a great time.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines and God Bless America.

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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