Houston Boat Show 1/12/20.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

The Best Wading System on the  Planet.

Boat show, fishing show, outdoor show, call it whatever you will, I like attending them.  The Boss was off this weekend, something unusual, see we headed to Houston for the boat show, and her usual trip to Trader Joe’s.  The show always has some good stuff and I often meet some good folks, and this visit to the Houston Boat Show was all that.  Plus, I never met a boat I did not like and was really looking forward to seeing some nice ones, and with the Boss in tow no chance I was going to buy a new boat.  But there is always hope!

And as far as the boats went there was anything your little wallet was big enough to tackle.  My “when I win the lottery” boat was there – Yellowfin.  But first I have to live on the ocean with docking and blue water close.  So that ain’t happening.  I enjoyed chatting with the Bass Cat guy, as they are made in Mtn. Home and I watched them grow up.  And of course the Skeeters looked good as did the Rangers.  There were a couple of smaller/lighter/cheaper salt boats that were not so hard on the wallet.  But of course there were the top end Majek, Shoalwaters, Shallow Sport, and Dargels, all with the price tag of a small house.

My personal preference is the Majek Extreme.  Most at the show were the 22′ models.  The 20″ is more my speed but they do not generally produce them, it is a special order boat.  But as far as a really good looking bass/salt boat it fits the bill.  The only reason I have not taken the plunge a while ago,  I own 2 boats that do what I need them to, and no boat payments.  The internet is full of nice fairly newly  (They wish they had not done that.) purchased boats for sale.  The grass may seem greener, but we need to be happy for what we have and not what we don’t.  Plus, as I have learned owning multiple boats over the last 50 years – the boat does not make the fisherman.  But it sure is fun to look.


The new Knockin Tail Lures are coming soon.  


Dennis Chafin – Coastal Bend Fishing

Find of the Day!

If you like to fish new places on the coast you need this site!  I really enjoyed speaking fishing with Dennis at the show.  A sales consultant with Ron Hoover Marine we had plenty to talk about in both boats and fishing.  When we were talking about websites I mentioned how in the beginning folks gave me a certain amount of crap for giving up “spots.”  My site is blog, an ongoing story that mentions places and methods as part of my ramblings, but when I looked up his website I was blown away.   What he has done is a credit to sharing information.  So before I rave any more I want to make it simple for you.

Go to his site.  Then as an example click on fishing maps at the top of the page, then click on wherever you want to fish, then look at the legend when the page comes up.  It includes all the places/names you have ever heard about on a Google Earth overhead.  You can not get any more accurate than that.  It is just plain cool.  Additionally there is plenty of fishing how-to, seasonal trends, etc.  Amazing.  I want to give him big props, the work it must have taken to get this done is something.  Wish I had found it a long time ago.  I have always taken pride doing it all by myself on trips, but a resource like this is invaluable and it should be in your favorites.

(Tip of the day  –  If you are planning a trip to visit one of the places on the site for the first time it will be a real resource.  Choose a couple of places you would like to explore in the area, then organize your route based on hitting them with some kind of order as part of the plan.  Then do a Google search using the name of the “spot”, like Panther Reef, Mesquite Bay, as examples.  There are tons of articles and fishing reports out there, you might be surprised not only at the hits, but what you can learn.  Can give you a real head start to your first visit to an area.)



Marker 54

Joshua having a good time!  The reds were lovin’ his baits.  They were freakin’ eating his plastic shrimp, but once he got on his 3″ Hard Shrimp under the popping cork it was really game on!  (From our trip to the Chandeleur Islands 2 years ago.)

The new hard shrimp, a little bigger and just as tough.  It looks real and acts real, and whether tied off to fall forward or backwards, the fish love it.  

I got a chance to chat with Joshua, owner of Marker 54 lures who I fished with in Louisiana.  His booth was hopping, and as I am want to do at times I started helping sell some baits to the crowd.  His hard shrimp is easy to sell as I have seen it and his soft shrimp in action.  He has improved the hard shrimp and in the water it looks even more real, end of story.  Plus it is really durable and generally will last until you lose it, they are stout.  Put it on a popping cork and if there are redfish, or trout, around it will be fish on.  If you have not checked him out before have a look.  His baits really work.  (He does not give me anything to say this, other than some shit!)



Knotty Hooker

I fought the urge to buy tackle, that will come at the Fishing Show.  And though there was not a lot there, I did pick up some jig heads.  I have seen the Knotty Hooker jig head before, to me they seemed a little high, but all jig heads are.  (But since I am an old man who poured thousands in my day everything seems a little high!)  But after giving them a closer look I picked up a bag.  They have all the characteristics I like when trout and red fishing.

This style is often called a stand up jig head.  I have been fishing jig heads on plastics since the 70’s and have come to the belief that shape has more to do with how it falls or swims rather than how it lays on the bottom.

Their 1/8th has the right size head for light line fishing like I prefer for trout.  And with a screw lock, (I am using them more and more.) once you glue the bait on your plastic could last all day instead of continually tearing them at the head.  Nothing like only using a couple during the day instead of a bag when they are biting.  And I like the 3/0 Gamakatsu hook, not to thick as I am often setting the hook a long way out with a spinning rod, tougher on light line.  Apparently that brand does not have a website but you can find them on the Baad Marine Supply website.


Captain Experiences

I met the owner of Captain Experiences, I think his name was John, (Sorry if I am wrong but will get it right.) who after getting out of the oil and gas business started a guide finding service.  His service is innovative and I love the concept.  After speaking with him and understanding how he is different I would not hesitate to use his service for guides when traveling.

Time for a little story.  As we are headed to Africa, when we first started looking at guides I contacted a guide on FishingBooker.  They claim the captain will get back to you usually within a day.  No response, another email, no response, then contact FIshingBooker x2, “we will find out why”, then no response.  Before it was over nothing from the guide or the company ever.  Think about it – You are planning international travel, shall we say Africa, and you have booked a guide with them and something comes up and they can not even pick up a phone and call the guide?  You want to bet your vacation fishing trip on that kind of shoddy customer service?  You think they would help you in Africa if they could not even help you before you went?  I have had good and bad experiences hiring guides out of the country, you never know.  Captain Experiences is a great way to reduce the chances of a bad choice/trip.

What I like about his service is you tell them where you want to go, they contact their guides for you, then some quotes, and then you make the decision.  Each guide is personally vetted by them and only reviews by folks who actually fished with them are allowed.  No bots or guide’s family members or other bullshit reviews.  They set up payment in a really safe and easy way and they guarantee your trip.  And the best thing – You pay them nothing for their service.

So take a minute to check out their website.  He booked multiple trips for folks at the show and next time we are looking for a guide (See the Boss and flyfishing.) we will definitely use his service.  Nice to see some innovation and they have clearly done that.



Capt. R. Corey Vinson – nofishnocharge,com

When I walk by a booth with tons of pictures of nice stripers it is hard for me not to stop and chat.  One of the great freshwater gamefish, I caught my share in the 70’s and 80’s.  Hard fighting and great to eat, there is nothing like catching a big fish.  Capt. Vinson and I shared a couple of stories and it was easy to see he and his service are great guys to fish with.  Brought back some good memories.  (I could barely lift these 6!)


They fish Whitney and Richland Chambers south of Dallas/Fort Worth, and should you get skunked they have a no fish no pay guarantee.  But from looking at their pictures and chatting with them there is little chance of that happening.  Many folks who fish the coast have never experienced fishing for stripers, or eating them.  If you have never done it you need to give it a try.  And it is one of the best fisheries for getting the kids and the wife on fish.  So take a look at their site, no better way to fill the cooler.



Of course there was lots going on but these are my highlights.  It was fairly busy and folks were definitely buying boats.  There were some good deals, and if you were in the market and willing to stand your ground, it looked like a good time to buy a boat.  And being the last of like 10 days of the show the folks had to be getting tired and burned out.  Maybe an easier “yes” when arguing price?   Heck you would be doing them a “favor” by towing it to your house.

I talked to lots of folks, imagine that, easy when everyone speaks the same language, boating and fishing.  So now I can’t wait for the Fishing Show.  And maybe the Fishing Classic at Cabela’s.  Plenty of stuff going on in the fishing world, spring is coming.  For me it will be back on the water in the morning.  First the lake for some fresh fish for the Boss.  Then Tuesday the bay, and the rest of the week will shall see.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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