Coleto Creek 12/25/19.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

The Best Wading System on the  Planet.



74/56.  Areas of fog early then partly sunny and warm with a 3% chance or rain.  Wind  SE 5 – 15 mph.

Lake Level

10 days ago  94.43 msl.   Today  94.31 msl.  (Steady dropping like a rock.)

Activity Periods

Major 11:05 am to 1:05 pm.   (No early morning for me!.)


The new Knockin Tail Lures are coming soon.  


For me fishing Christmas Day is becoming a regular thing the last decade.  It is always nice and quiet and it was today.  The Boss was working today so time to hit the lake as I won’t be fishing the next week.  It was really foggy this morning and I waited as long as I could stand it.  The lake was almost fogged in and I hung out and drank coffee for a half hour until the sun started burning it off.

The lake is noticeably lower, if that is possible.  There is brush I was catching them in just a week ago that is now on land.    And boy has it cleared.  The water temp was 62 – 65 degrees and there was a light breeze.  I hit a couple of pitching spots and caught 3 or 4, all small.  I did have a couple hung me up today, one was on quite a while but I just could not get him out.  Comes with the territory.

The 2 best pitching.

And I figured since I was up lake time for a quick trolling pass just to be sure the white bass are not there yet.  And they weren’t but 3 bass jumped on and a couple of more missed it.  That is about par for the course this time of year but it won’t be long.  I look forward to the white bass run every spring and have been chasing them 40 years.  After a while I gave that up, but will check on them every trip until they get there.

A deer swam the lake.                           The biggest bass trolling.

The wind picked up so time for windy banks.  Spinnerbait, buzzbait, and a shad looking crankbait did not produce a bite.  I hit several places and just could not get them going.  At this point no bites so I picked up the blue/black swim jig and ended up catching 7 and missed several more.  They were on windy banks, half came right on stumps or cover, a couple near nothing, and a couple more way off the bank cranking it real slow.

Love that swim jig.

The only problem with that was most came on 2 banks, then I went over an hour without a bite.  At 3:00 I called it a day.  It was one of those run back in the other creek and fish out but there was not enough time to justify it.  The day was interesting and after that little swim jig run I have a few ideas on places that might hold them.  And I did not fish it up lake at all so it was by far the best bait today and has real potential.  Might be time for a white swim jig, it was always a good bait in the winter when we had grass.

So fishing Christmas day is in the books and another year has gone by the wayside.  Funny how the days may seem slow but the years fly by.  I consider myself beyond lucky to be able to fish as much as I do.  It becomes more and more about being outside and less and less the end result.  I’ve caught a couple of boat loads in my life so nothing left to prove in that department.  Time this year for some more fly fishing, catching a Tiger fish on the Zambezie, and who knows what else.  So many fish so little time, nice thing about it, fish live in cool places.

Hope you all had a great holiday no matter what you did.  2019 is in the books and I will be back with you with more fishing fun.  Spring fishing is right around the corner in South Texas.  And definitely time to head back to the Laguna and catch a big one.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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