This and That 12/7/19.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

The Best Wading System on the  Planet.


Friday I had decided I wasn’t going to fish.  The weather was going to be cloudy and foggy first thing, but then a cold front was going to blow in the middle of the morning with mile high skies and 20 mph north wind.  So I hung out and finally the Boss said go anyway so around 10:00 I loaded up and hit the lake.  No weather report or anything else, I just hit the road.

There was 2 plans with the wind, spinnerbait and crankbait on windy banks.  The only question, would the wind help or would the cold front have a bigger affect?  It turned out that they did not want anything moving very fast, and after alternating with both for over an hour it looked like the front won.

As I headed down lake I stopped at a timber point and found a few.  They were on the hardwood in the 5 – 8 foot range, and were smacking the Pit Boss pitched tight to cover, which has been the real consistent pattern on the lake.  I caught 5 and missed a couple in that area.  So with renewed purpose I moved and caught another on it.  After catching a couple on the bl/bl swim jig the other day I decided to give it a try.  It took me a little but I finally figured out how they wanted it – slowly reeled with a real erratic, but not fast, rod tip twitching.

Over the next hour or so 6 jumped on and I definitely missed several more.  Primarily the ones I caught on the swim jig were on the points or channel turn areas.  They were not aggressive so you had to be totally concentrating as they were just eating it and swimming with no real “bite”.  When they are eating the swim jig that way I actually like it.  A subtle presentation and a subtle bite, it is a cool game of cat and mouse.  My friend John Storie,  owner of Champion, Hawk, Viper, along with his other boating fame, always said:  “Fishing is all about feel”.  And when it is like it was today no truer words were ever spoken.  Love tricking them like that.

I quit at 3:30, and for the middle of the day, post cold front with mile high skies and north wind, it was a productive short trip.  The fishing is so much better than it has been and my week was a total success.  Can’t wait to see what next week brings.


The new Knockin Tail Lures are coming soon.  Now I am really excited.


On the new bait front it looks like the Controlled Descent Knockin’ Tail Lure mold issues are solved and things are moving right along.  Michael is sending me a few of the first ones out of the test mold and says they are looking, and fishing, fine.  So when I get them in my grubby little hands it will be a couple of days of bay fishing, nice to have a purpose to the day besides just catching them.  With the production mold in the works it won’t be long so stay tuned for that.


After my good bass fishing report the other day I heard from David.

Great report. I have the bass itch!

Well come on down!  We caught some good fish on the bay a couple of weeks ago and had a good day.  I will be headed your way soon and maybe a little Travis action?  And the offer is always open here, get down here and off we go.  Looks like our fishing is going to remain fairly consistent.


The flounder fight is on.  According to TPWD  “Overall, there is a long-term decline in both recreational and commercial landings. Therefore, tools like a decrease in the bag limit, an increase in the minimum size limit, area closures, time closures, and gear restrictions are being considered.”  Other than catching a few I know little about flounder and their history on the Texas Coast.  The regulations have been tinkered with in 2009 and 2014 with very little results according to TPWD.  As with so many of these issues involving coastal fish resources this involves recreational and commercial fisherman and the who, what, and how the resource will be managed.  Of course it has raised a ruckus and after a recent Facebook post it looks to be ugly before it is over.  So here are the meetings in our area.

Wed. Dec 11 6:30-9pm Aransas County Navigation District
911 Navigation Circle
Rockport, TX 78382
Wed. Dec.11 6:30-9pm USDA Bauer Building
186 Henry Barber Way
Port Lavaca, TX 77979

And if you are unable to attend you can send you comments to:

If  you are a stakeholder in this issue make your voice heard or accept the consequences without complaint.  TPWD works for us, though it seems they often forget that.  So let them know your 2 cents worth, how it is weighed, and whether they ultimately give a crap, remains to be seen.


And just for shits and giggles I thought I might do a little research on the TPWD Commission and it is interesting to say the least.  These are not all their interests but you get the point.

Chairman – CEO of an oil field product company.

Vice Chair – CEO Buc-ee’s.

Commissioner  –  CEO well service.

Commissioner  –  labor relations company, former employee Mobil Oil.

Commissioner  –  VP and operating officer of several oil and gas companies.

Commissioner  –  CEO Energy company and formerly with Exxon.

Commissioner  –  Trustee for family oil and gas intersts.

Commissioner  –  Finance company in various industries.

Commissioner  –  Co-owner railroad transportation company.

Commissioner  –  Board member on several companies including one who gives to social causes.

Commissioners –  Auto industry.

As you know I occasionally rant about TPWD and what I feel is a real lack of understanding of the common man’s concerns.  Looking at the board it is not surprising.  You think any of them have a problem with access to the best hunting and fishing?  Where are the regular dudes on the commission?  Where is our voice?  How about maybe a biologist?  I am sure these are all fine folks, but to a certain extent we all make decisions somewhat based on our own best interest.  So don’t tell me your voice is heard when many decisions are ultimately made.  Yes you can go to meetings, write letters, but from the last few rounds of trout regs obviously the decision was made and much of it was lip service.  (Don’t get me wrong I was a big supporter of the 5 fish limit.)  I am sorry, but I find it hard to believe that the interest of the oil and gas industry are not antithetical to the interests of OUR game and fish in Texas.  And one last guess – It sure would be interesting to see how much money was donated to each governor who appointed them to the board.  As usual, follow the money.


The internet strikes again.  TPWD ticketed a young man who was pictured on Snapchat shooting off the road at some pigs.  Nothing like recording your illegal activity.  But breaking the law does not exactly equate to smarts.  Think before you post, or maybe try just not breaking the law.


And I got this comment from SA Joe on the Cowboy’s big loss Thursday.

DA BEARS !!!!!!!

Dont hold it against me, I’m from Chicago 1!!!

Guess what?  I grew up in Illinois and Iowa and my whole family, and all the other smart folks, were Bear fans.  I remember listening to the radio at Grandpa’s house as Y A Tittle and the Giants  (I think.) beat the Bears one snowy winter day.  That was a LONG time ago.  Ditka, the Fridge, Butkus, Gayle Sayers, Fensic, the list goes on, but last and not forgotten, my favorite player of all time – Walter Payton.

I have 2 pictures of him in my office.  What makes him the best running back to ever live is how he did it.  Over much of his career they were flat awful, and he played for like 10 different quarterbacks, most of them marginal.  But he put the team on his back and he ran, and ran, and ran.  He hit defenders first.  And once down he placed the ball a yard forward every play.  He fought for every inch, never complained, and was one of the great gentlemen of the game.  So I won’t hold it against you – Bear Down Chicago Bears!


And a couple of short bay reports.  A couple of boats full of the Austin Boys fished Friday and they reported catching over a 100. but only had around 16 keepers, not hard to figure with the cold front blowing through.  But the 21lb bone in ribeye they ate last night sure looked good.  Hopefully they will have a better day today.

Neighbor Jesse reported on Facebook that the first 5 trout he caught the other day were keepers.  Love it when that happens.  An after speaking to several fishermen and the guy checking fish at the ramps on both the creek and the Lavaca keeper fish have slowed down but with lots of smalls being reported.  So fishing remains good both fresh and salt, and while this is a busy season make time to go, the best great holiday stress reliever.


That is about enough random ramblings for today.  Nice to fish 4 days this week and plan on doing my best to repeat that feat.  There is a big cold front coming Tuesday and it looks like that day will be ugly so time to take the 4Runner in for service when I know I won’t be fishing.  Then it is about to get busy around here, Arkansas to see the parents, Oklahoma to see the grandkids, Vegas for Gaga, Zion National Park, all before the end of the year.  But every day I can squeeze in time on the water I will.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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