Coleto Creek 12/5/19.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

The Best Wading System on the  Planet.


79/62.  Patchy morning fog otherwise mostly cloudy and very hot.  Slight chance of rain.  Wind  SE  5 – 15 mph.

Lake Level

Monday 94.55 msl.   Today 94.50 msl.  (It just keeps falling.) 

Activity Periods

Major  7:23 ,am  to 9:23 am.  (It was on!)  Minor  1:47 pm to 2:47 pm.


The new Knockin Tail Lures are coming soon.  Now I am really excited.


It was so foggy this morning I could barely see across the street.  Of course I was up early wanting to be on the water at daylight so finally about 7:30 I decided to head to the lake and if I had to wait, oh well.  But once I got close there was not a lick of fog, none, and it looked perfect on the lake.  It was dead calm with light clouds, perfect pitching morning.

I caught one on my second or third cast and it went on from there.  Took a picture of the first one, put the camera in my coat pocket, and on my next pitch in the lake it went, into 15 feet of water.  That thing has lasted quite a while, has been lost at the ramp, dropped in the water a couple of times, and even cracked the screen setting the hook, so all I could do was wave goodbye and use my flip phone.  It is good for something.

Today the mediums were on the chew, and the average was a lot better than it has been.

Between 8:00 and 11:oo I pitched to any thing I could see and they were biting.  Used a 1/8th tungsten slip sinker, a 4/0 worm hook, and a beaver style bait, both  the Pit Boss and Strike King Perfect plastic in the watermelon red, they both worked.  About half of them tic’d it, others just got on and if you picked it up and felt anything I just let them swim with it and set the hook.  It was really consistent and a nice change from the way it has been.  I even picked up the spinnerbait and caught 5 or 6 on that.  After I worked the upper areas over pretty good I headed to the plant arm, and they bit just as well.  I kept alternating between both, and even picked up the swim jig and caught one.  Never did get a bite on the Bang O Lure, but it is coming.  But when the wind came up the spinnerbait started catching fish, which made for a good pattern.  Plus I love catching them that way.

It was the best bite I have had on the lake in a while.

From then on it was fish the windy points with spinnerbait and  get a bite, then pitch to anything going down the bank.  And it did not matter how shallow it was, if it was a bush or brushy pile of sticks there was fish in it.  Make a good pitch and they often hit it first drop or hop.  Later I hit one point and caught a couple then the big one thumped it.  It was in a trashy tree and she got wrapped.  I worked for 15 minutes trying to let her swim out but the line was in a crack of some sort and when pulled up to the snag, she would swim back down.  It was a heavy fish for sure.  Finally she got off and I was still hung.  But no big deal, when the bite is this good after the way it has been not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

So day 3 of this week has been another success.  Not sure how many I actually caught but it was an easy dozen in the first stretch and it went on from there until I quit at 3:00.  I continue to say it, love winter fishing and hope it is just going to get better.


And now your first daily water wake up call.  It is estimated that approximately a half a million hermit crabs have died when mistaking plastic for shells.  We are killing our ecosystem and if we do not start to make some serious changes soon this kind of thing will snowball, and then the other things that eat hermit crabs start to starve.  It all works together and this is another example of our declining water quality.  Sad.


And one other water related comment.  The Keys are starting to feel the rising water level brought on by global warming, or whatever, it does not matter it is happening.  One area on Sugarloaf Key is estimated to be under water, maybe as early as 2025.  The cost to raise the road will be 10’s of millions and quite possibly will not be raised, and from there on that area of the Keys will be cut off, maybe for good.  I am not sure what the answer is, or the cause, but time for all of us to do something no matter how small.  Change is coming no matter what, ignoring it will only make it worse.


A successful week so far, not sure if I am going in the morning but hard to stop when fish are biting all over the place.  Now time for some Cowboy football tonight, not sure which team will show up, they have been so inconsistent.  Not sure what the answer is but I am not betting on Jason Garrett surviving this year.  Other than that the weather is great, the fish are biting, and I don’t have a job.  Life is good!  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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