Coleto Creek 12/2/19.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

The Best Wading System on the  Planet.

After looking at the weather it is bass tomorrow and trout Wednesday, at least for a start.  And on the lake I decided to change things up a little.  First thing in the morning has not been all that special on the lake, and with the periods running in the afternoons, I decided to go late and fish until dark and see how that goes.  They should be a little stunned in the morning anyway with this small cold front.


40/68.  Partly sunny with 0% rain.  Wind N 5 – 15 mph.

Lake Level

Friday  94.57 msl.  Today  94.55 msl.

Activity Periods

Major  4:52 pm to 6:52 pm.  Minor  11:28 am to 12:28 pm.


The new Knockin Tail Lures are coming soon.  Now I am really excited.

Got it Done.

I was on the water at 10:30  The air temp was 55 and the wind was blowing 15mph straight out of the north.  With a mile high sky, falling water, and a cold front I expected it to be tough, and it was.  The water temp remained the same as it has been and the color was not all that hot, combination of wind and falling water.

So first was up lake and not being sure what to throw today I pitched the Pit Boss, swim jig, Bang O Lure, and spinnerbait.  And of those only the Pit Boss and swim jig produced fish.  In fact, I fished 7 hours and ended up boating 8, 4 on each bait.  And as a side note fishing in the afternoon was about like it has been fishing early in the day.  But it was the Pit Boss that made the day worth it.

This was a toad, big and healthy.  One of those you could get your fist in her mouth.

I pitched the California color Pit Boss right next to a brushy tangle and instead of sinking it just started moving to the right, once I set the hook she did the big mouth open wallow like the good ones will do at times.  Then a half hearted jumps by the boat and I put the lip job on her.  No guess how big, but she was a good one, nice and thick.  She got CPR’d and off she went.  Nice to get a good one in the boat.

But as far as the rest of the day it was literally one here and one there.  And as it has been for a month they basically all look the same.

They have looked like this for weeks.

I wish I could give you a real pattern, hell I wish I knew one, there just does not seem to be anything or anyplace they like more than anything else, at least as far as I know.  One on a channel bank, a couple on points, 2 near brush, one with no reason to be there, it was spotty.  But considering conditions I will take it.  After losing one like this Friday it was nice to redeem myself.  One thing about sticking a big one, some may fool you, but when it is a real one there is no question.

It really has surprised me how slow the Bang O Lure fishing has been so far, normally one of my favorite patterns on Coleto in the winter.  But winter has just arrived here so it remains to be seen how the fishing goes.  I know one thing, until they quit dropping the lake the fishing will remain spotty.  But all it takes is a big fish and it is all good.


I met Jeff and Louis from the bay City area at the ramp when I took out.  They were the only boat who fished as long as I did and their results were about the same.  Had one about 3 1/2 and the rest were small ones like the ones above.  We got to talking about the grass being gone and Louis said they asked about it and were told it was “natural” order of things.  Which Louis said is actually the name of the herbicide they used on the lake.  “Natural Order by Monsanto.” Good one and so true!  (I am not buying the natural thing either, which I was told over 3 years ago.  Everything is gone, including the hyacinth, which is basically impossible to get rid of.)

They were headed to Fayette today until a buddy called who is a good tournament fisherman and advised them to change lakes.  They fished Fayette for 5 hours yesterday without a bite, which I guess is unusual for them.  Then they told me about a fish kill that happened late summer on Fayette, which I had not heard.  So Rusty – what do you know about that and have you fished the lake lately?  So it was nice to meet them and talk fishing, and the rest of you if you see me at the ramp say hey


Unfortunately there are a couple of things that need doing tomorrow so no fishing tomorrow.  But after that it will be back on the water.  I want to do at least one more day on the creek, or maybe the river, with the flyrod before that slows down.  And time to plan a little fishing trip before heading north to visit the parents and grandkids.  If it would cloud up and be relatively calm it will definitely be the Laguna.  With the water cooling big trout time is right around the corner.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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