On the Road Again 11/15/19.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

The Best Wading System on the  planet.


Getting ready for any trip is part of the anticipation.  Getting organized, making plans, trying to figure it out, all play a role in fishing travel.  Not really having a clue exactly what is on tap the first couple of days, at least I drove by that river last time out and there are plenty of access points with lots of people fishing.  So with the tackle store next door I can have them set me up with the leaders and flies I need at this time of year.  Most stores I have patronized on trips are pretty helpful when you buy stuff, and why not get it there so it is the best lure for that time and place.  Then just fill me in on the general water stuff and access and I can maybe figure it out for myself.  That approach has worked for me from Canada to Key West and when it all comes together it is a great feeling having done it blind.  There is always a little feeling of apprehension when heading somewhere new and doing something out of my comfort zone.  But that is what doing stuff like this is all about.


The new Knockin Tail Lures are coming soon.  Now I am really excited.



Random fish picture.  That really was a big one!


I got this comment from SA Joe concerning the article on Skull Creek

Read that article about the creek…For more than two months, the waters of Skull Creek have flowed black, its surface covered in an iridescent sheen. April 10 said that water samples collected in the creek registered elevated levels of hazardous chemicals associated with oil and gas waste, including xylene, toluene and ethylbenzene. Toluene, a solvent present in paint thinners, glues and nail polish remover, and xylene, another solvent, are both dangerous to inhale.

Wow, that really shows they dont give a shit about Texas or the waters. But manage to crack on kayakers and such for just getting into a stream and deciding what is navigable waters. But never go get the polluters. UGH !!!!!

I read it and was disgusted, why I posted it.  The bigger point, there is a chemical plant up stream and of course “it is not us” .  Nonsense.  All that did not miraculously appear out of nowhere.  And your point about going after kayakers is a perfect example of the point I continue to make, enforcing the small stuff and letting the big boys off the hook.  You take one fish, fine, potential loss of privileges, and maybe confiscation of your equipment.  But polluters on the other hand kill thousands of fish, no response from TPWD.  (I am aware other agencies respond in many ways, but what does that have to do with the fish?) That an event like Skull Creek happens and TPWD is not there assessing damages on day 1, and then considering potential penalties and corrective actions for the loss of fish, says a lot.  And one last word, the time to criminally prosecute anyone who knowingly/intentionally pollutes, including corporate officers, has come.  Quit letting them off the hook.  As I continue to say, follow the money.


And Matt sent this along Wednesday, and he got it exactly right, you can tell he knows his winter fishing.

You should be fishing today in the river, barge canal or a turning basin somewhere. The weather is perfect for it.

You are spot on.  Some of my best winter trout action has come in the turning basin in this very weather, and of course the river or creek is a great fall back no matter the weather this time of year.  But a “problem” reared it’s head yesterday so no fishing for me.  We looked at the weather out west, it looks amazing, so the frenzy began.  My living room is now covered in all the cold weather gear, fishing gear, totes, bags, and now clothes.  When packing for an extended trip which will include everything from 60 degrees to 0 with tons of snow there is no such thing as to much stuff.  Today totes get packed, then the Boss’s stuff so when she flies out later to join me she will not have to bring anything on the plane.  One of the advantages of being retired, when it is time to go I can just go.  So let the games begin!


And Rusty is continuing to lay the smack down on them.

While you were on the lake Monday, retired Larry and myself came down to fish the creek before the Artic Blast hit. We got a late start (10:00) and I said we are going to quit at 2:00 hoping we would beat the storm. Started slow catching 9 fish before 12:00. all the boats around us left and we move up the creek and started catching one keeper after another. Ended up with 24 or so and left them biting. From 12-2 they wanted it fast, so Larry and I were giving them the “Shrimp Skitter Boogy” and they were slamming it. Wind and rain hit and it was a tough ride home to La Grange fighting the wind gusts, couple times I thought the boat and trailer was going to flip over. Have a great time in Colorado. I’ve started using my fly rod on the salt when the wind is not so bad. Safe travels.

Sounds like a great day.  One of things I really like about the creeks and rivers this time of year, keep it in the water and the bite will happen at some point.  Rarely a blank.  And the way the wind was blowing I am sure it was exciting on the way home.  Days like that I am happy not towing the Carolina Skiff.  The wind gets in that tub and it threatens to launch!

Leaving for Colorado shortly, plan on fishing 2 days near South Fork then pick up the Boss in Denver and off to Estes Park and a day of guided fishing on some private waters.  (She is already jealous and whining.  Just because I have a cool cabin on the river with a fireplace, and steps from the tackle store, she is acting like a big baby because she has to work.  Can’t blame her!) Want her to have every chance to catch fish, of course the ulterior motive is getting her hooked for good on fly fishing.  And hoping to see plenty of animals with the Elk down from the high country, topping off what will be a good trip.  Thanks for the report.


More Internet Bragging From Florida – Or are you that stupid?

  • Busted after posting a picture online of 6 cobia, including 2 undersized.  And as side benefit when the officer met the guy at the marina to give him a ticket a couple of additional knuckleheads were taking a picture of short fish at the bragging board.  A two-fer!
  • Busted after intentionally hitting a buck with his vehicle, they had been doing this regularly, and then posting a picture online.

Folks just don’t get it.  Game and Fish officers are constantly checking social media in their areas and they have access to information which helps investigate and prosecute these cases.  Think before you post, the world is watching.


And last this from my buddy Dan Oko.  One of the Austin Boys he is an accomplished writer and fisherman.

Trout Among Dragons

Talk about fishing adventure travel it does not get much better than this.  Hell, I was not sure where Bhutan even was until I Googled it!  We got to fish together for his article on the pursuit of boating a ShareLunker.  No simple task, we are talking about Falcon early this year.  No better place to chase a big one.


All packed and ready to go in the morning.  If it is not in the truck I don’t need it.  It will be a hard day, around 800 miles, but at least some of it is in West Texas with a speed limit of 80 mph, amazing how many miles you can travel at 80.  I will stay at the same little motel near the border, then just an hour and a half and I am at the tackle store getting hooked up.  Looks like there is good internet where I will be the next week, they always say that, so hopefully I will be sending along some updates and wildlife pictures.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines 

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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