This and That 11/6/19.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

The Best Wading System on the  planet.


Just a few rambling thoughts as I am ready to go, as usual hours before I need to.

I heard from Michael, owner of Controlled Descent Lures, and he says the final mold for the new Knockin Tail Lure is off to production.  It has been interesting having minimal input in the process to really produce a new bait, and to get it into production is no small feat.  The design process alone is a hand full, much less the financial outlay.  But the new bait is coming and it will be a killer.  Whether salt or freshwater, it will have plenty of applications no matter what you chase.  So stay tuned and as soon as they are out I will let you know.


The new Knockin Tail Lures are coming soon.  Now I am really excited.


Gary sent along this question, an easy one to answer.

Where do you put in when you fish the river, any security concerns? I really enjoy your reports

FM 616 between Vanderbilt and Lolita.  The ramp is under the bridge and basically safe but I have heard of a couple of breakins.  Simply keep things hidden in your vehicle and you shouldn’t have any trouble.  (I hope!)  But you know how ramps are, attract a certain type of character at times.  And thanks for commenting, enjoy hearing from new folks.


And I heard from my buddy Clyde.

F(*&^% retired pork rinds !!!!!!!

He is just jealous reading the river report.  But hey, if I was living in the middle of nowhere in far north Iowa with pigs as far as the eye can see I would be jealous too.  We have fished together for over 50 years and I taught him everything he knows!  Plus anybody that uses a baitcaster upside down and reels backwards is a little off kilter anyway.  We made plans to meet in Arkansas on our old stomping grounds early spring.  One thing I do miss fishing Arkansas and the Twin Lakes is the variety.  It is common in the spring to catch crappie, 3 different bass, walleye, stripers, and whites, all in the same day.  Get the timing right and you never know what will jump on the Alabama Rig.  (And the new Knockin Tail will be the plastic of choice.)  When it is on it can be fantastic.  See you then greb.


David sent along this comment concerning the Austin Boys get together this weekend.

Looking forward to it Doug!

You know I love fishing and hanging with you guys, always the best.  But apparently being a bunch of Austin hippie commie leftists brings with it the annual cold front with winds to 30mph and a couple of days of heavy rain.  Not sure how you guys manage it, but we will have another blow this weekend.  As usual we will make the best of it so see you  tomorrow.  (I just watched the weather – OMG – it is going to get ugly tomorrow afternoon and stay that way until Friday evening.  Shit!)


I watch fishing on TV quite a bit and today one of my pet peeves reared it’s ugly head.  The host was fishing on private waters just loaded with fish.  Fine if you can afford it, but the place he was fishing today is $600 for a day package which includes 4 -5 hours of guided fishing with tackle.  Now I don’t know about you but that is nuts.  And apparently only those “cool kids” can use their own boat.  (Basically the show is nothing more than an advertisement and adds little to our fishing knowledge.)

You have heard it from me before, the changes over the years make our sport increasingly for folks with money.  My first boat was $1999, now a fancy power pole is close to that.  I worry about the kids coming up who’s family don’t have money and will never have the advantages some kids have.  I know that is life, but it makes me sad.  And I am starting to see some of these kids with their own line of clothes, etc.  Good for them, but how must some kids feel who would love to learn the sport but don’t know how or where to begin?  So if you know a kid from a single family home who might want to learn take them.  They are the future of our sport, not others who are simply motivated by money.


And Tim and Jason from Wade Right have been fishing the salt with a specific color lure from Kden that they had special made.  It is the 4″ Blazin Shad.  Not sure what they call the color, but they are catching them right along.  You can find it on their website on page 2 of their products so check it out, it works.  Might even throw it some this weekend, depending on how much the weather lets us fish!


I picked up 4 Lew’s reels I had cleaned at Anglers Arsenal and as I said on Facebook they spin like a night of to much tequila.  So today I put new line on the bunch of them so they will be ready to go on Monday.  They are such nice folks and I try to patronize the as much as possible.  And now they have an online service and you can shop at home without getting out of the recliner.  So if you get a chance stop in and spend a couple of bucks, they are competitive.  And congratulations is in order with a new baby boy on the way in 2 days.  Boy am I glad to be done with that whole thing!


Today was spent getting my stuff together.  One advantage of preparing for 3 long days is going over the boat from head to toe.  Airing tires, checking running lights, filling oil, checking trailer lights, basically a front to  back go over.  That type of go over should be done fairly regularly, keeps stuff working and reduces having to many problems arise on the water.  So it will be off to the bay early to meet the boys.  There is no telling how it will go but like I always say, you don’t know until you go.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines 

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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