The Wade Right Fishing Belt
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The Best Wading System on the Planet
I got this comment from anonymous, he has commented occasionally, and it is right on point.
Great POC report. Hope you get into the cats again!
Ok here you go! Thanks for the comment.
21 Minutes.
The Boss was wanting a catfish fry so I headed to Coleto to see if they are still biting like they were. The answer is a great big yes. How well? Amazing!
I headed back to the same area (See old post below.) and put the first crankbait out behind the boat and before I could cast the second one it was fish on. From that point on it was hard to keep 2 rods in the water and I had several doubles. In fact, after I lost one I started to crank it back and another jumped on, it was something. When I got to 10 keepers, and threw back another 4 or 5 smaller ones, I stopped with an easy fish fry and all wanted to clean. Funny, I do not have a clue what the limit is (Just looked it up, thought it was 15 but is 25 statewide.) but whatever it is it wouldn’t take that long. It took exactly 21 minutes to catch them. In fact, there were several doubles and the other would get off before I could get the first one in the boat. Of course at this point the hooks on the crankbaits are trashed, it has been 80 give or take the last 3 trips. Now that is nuts.
Over the years I have been lucky enough to be somewhere when there was a “bite.” Well of all the bites I have had the pleasure of taking part in this may be the most interesting. I can not even imagine how many there are, whatever perfect storm in the spawn a couple of years ago and this springs shad spawn have contributed to some really fantastic fishing. And best of all, it isn’t rocket science. If you want some tasty filets now is the time. Next up for us, some golden brown fried catfish filets.
*****************The new bait is coming, I have seen it and it will be a fish catcher.
As I off loaded the cooler Patrick came over and introduced himself. He lives close and had towed his camper to the park hoping to take advantage of the bite. I always love meeting new folks and he was kind enough to tell me he had been reading me since the beginning. It means a lot to me, and actually meeting you all keeps me writing.
But what was interesting there was another guy at the cleaning table and he had 30 catfish his wife and he caught this morning, and they caught 30 yesterday to boot. He has been trolling like me close to the same area, and running jugs. The bigger cats came on the jugs, the rest on crankbaits. Of all things Patrick’s camper is next to him and he told Patrick that he caught them all on jugs. Fishermen crack me up, always a secret. So good luck Patrick, they are there, sack them up!
It was good to hear from Ed with this POC report from yesterday.
Here’s a little about our trip today in POC. My friend Paul has been helping me put a new addition to our house down there. And after a couple of days of working we decided to fish this morning before heading back to SA. Anyway we waded the shoreline going to boggy around 6:30 and like you said, I was throwing tops to close to the shoreline and only one blowup. I then went out deeper and managed one keeper trout and so many smalls I can’t remember. Around 9:30 all the other people left and it was on from there. We both managed 2 limits throwing gold spoons and DOA under a cork. Finished up around 11:30. Turned out you just had to wait for them .and persistence paid off.
Great report and persistence says it all. Funny how we both had the same experience as far as shallow goes. Summer is here. And what a good way to finish off a couple of days of work. Thanks for the report.
Thinking about the gators I had a moment of insight, not sure this is correct but seems logical. Several of the reports were from multiple fishermen, all with fish on the stringer. I wonder if just like sharks when there are lots of fish being caught and tossed back, much less struggling on a stringer, it might draw them in. Where I had no fish on the stringer it seemed like I startled the one yesterday and he was not hungry enough to eat me. Just a thought.
Tomorrow looks like some real rain, I hope for us but not for lots of other folks. I will be waiting to get back on the water ASAP. The bay is producing some great fish, and there were some good online pictures that came on croaker online. Where next I do not have a clue but I am ready to roll. Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.
Good Luck and Tight Lines