The Wade Right Fishing Belt
Brought to you by
The Best Wading System on the Planet.
I really had no plans to fish today. Joe Cool was coming this morning to do the annual service on the AC so I figured I would just be hanging out today. But after sitting around the house and wasting time I figured might as well run to the lake for a few hours this afternoon. I got there at 3:30 and the wind was perfect, hopefully it has let up for good this summer. First I headed up lake and pitched to some heavy cover for an hour and only missed 2 with no other bites. So I decided to run to the other arm but on the way I figured why not stop on a place I wanted to troll the other day. The baits are still on the rods, and it will just take a minute. Nope, it was on.
*****************The new bait is coming, I have seen it and it will be a fish catcher.
(I normally show a few for each day but I wanted to give you some context. No wonder my hands hurt, no wonder my memory card was full, no wonder I trolled away after a while. It was an easy 50+. So here are the highlights. What a crazy day!)
This about says it all. It was no fluke.
Not sure how many it was but it went on for 2 hours until I quit.
First, there has been a massive shad hatch on Coleto. They are literally all over in the area I was fishing, flipping on the surface. And along with them are some catfish, and I mean bite after bite, doubles. I often had trouble keeping 2 baits in the water. They were in a stretch about a half mile long, and maybe longer as I did not go up any further. I started on the timber point on the up stream side at the mouth of the discharge cove. Then trolled down lake on the left side past the point until I could see the dam and then back again. I was still trolling any shad imitation crankbait that runs 10 foot deep on 15lb line. Many of the fish I was seeing on the graph were in the 12 – 15 foot range. I just let it out about 50 – 60 feet behind the boat, trolled at 2.5 mph in the 20 – 25 foot range, then held on.
I am not sure how long this will last but the fish are fat as all get out and really aggressive. It must have been a banner spawn a few years ago as most of them were from the same age group. It really is a feeding frenzy, they are putting on the weight. It was nuts and I finally trolled back down towards the dam to get away from them. Looking at all the pictures no wonder it was time to go home. Makes me laugh thinking about it. The camera card got full, it was truly nuts. I really figured it was just one of those things a couple of days ago, a fluke, but it is definitely a pattern. If you want some catfish there you go. Get them while they are hot. It really was a once in lifetime happening, and weird!
Robert Stapper
We lost one of the Austin Boys this week. His death was tragic and unexpected. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. He was a kind man and a good person and I pray he is at rest. He will be missed and not forgotten. It will add a solemn feel to the next Fishmas. Sad.
So there you go. I know at when I say we caught a ton it might be hard to believe at times, so this time I wanted to show you some of what happened. It was over 2 hours of mayhem and a day I won’t soon forget. It will be back on the water somewhere, I am really feeling the passion right now. Plus, I didn’t keep any and the Boss says go get a few for supper. So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.
Good Luck and Tight Lines