Have a Great Weekend 5/23/19.


The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

The Best Wading System on the Planet.

A perfect bass fishing morning.

Deja Vu Vo All Over Again.

I was having trouble sleeping so I got out of bed and was on the water by 6:45.  No real change of conditions other than the wind was not blowing quite so hard, and it was cloudy.  Normally the ticket for bass fishing, but it was a carbon copy of yesterday.


75/89.  Cloudy giving way to some sun.  Breezy/humid 55% chance of rain.  Wind 20 – 30 mph.

Lake Level

Today   98.21 msl.           Yesterday  98.25 msl.

Solunar Times

Good  9:06 am to 11:06 am.  Best   3:19 pm to 5:19 pm.

*****************The new bait is coming, I have seen it and it will be a fish catcher.


I started down lake in the coves where I caught them yesterday and it was slow to say the least.  I tried to keep in fairly calm water so the Bang O Lure could function properly.  Over the first couple of hours only 2 hooked up and another couple made a half hearted pass at it.  This one was still trashed from spawning.

The best of the 2 on Bang O Lure.

As the morning progressed the wind picked up a hair so I switched gears and headed to the windiest banks and threw a willow leaf spinnerbait.  I must admit that this year the spinnerbait fishing has sucked for lack of a better term and today was no different.  On the first bank I caught 2, one would have made a picture but I dropped him, and then not another bite.  Which while not surprising, there is plenty of good cover in some places, there should have been a couple of more on it.  My guess is if I could have fished it slower with a different bait it would have been a few more.

1 of the 3 pitching.                                A bonus white bass.

Next up was a deep cove out of the wind way in the back end.  There is 6 foot all the way in the back of it so it was time for a little pitching.  And like it has been for me with other baits pitching produced 3 in nothing flat, and then I could not buy a bite,  They were smalls but at least it gives me hope that next time I get a chance to fish, and there is a lot less wind, pitching should have its moments.

The last place I fished was the cove by the fishing pier and did not have a bite.  Noon was coming around so I called it a morning.  Normally I get stuff straightened when I get to the ramp but today I tied down the trolling motor, put up all the rods and gave them a twist to keep them from tangling, and then up come the whites chasing shad.  I was so out of business, but I grabbed my crankbait rod and made a toss after they went down and put the one above in the boat.  It was actually a “good” one for Coleto and having them schooling on top is not that common, so who knows, maybe the white bass will be good this summer.

It really was a carbon copy of yesterday, the weather, the wind, the catch, it was deja vu all over again.  The tough wind is no excuse, it is what it is, but it sure does not help things.  And the size is sure nothing to be happy about.  The question left to be answered is this all it is this year?  I miss the grass and so do the fish.

One last comment on the crappie fishing.  Of the 5 or 6 boats out today most were crappie fishing.  So when I got back to the ramp I checked the cleaning table, and the ones in the can were real big ones.  If you like crappie now is the time.  So big crappies, whites schooling, small bass, the lake is going through some changes and it will be a while before it settles into what it will be.


TPWD will be out in full force this weekend stressing safety equipment and BWI.  So before you hit the lake make sure you have the required life jackets, those under 13 y/o must wear a jacket at all times, besides the throwable cushion and fire extenquisher, and your registration.  And it only takes a second to clip on the kill switch, it could save a life.  Check your trailer.  Plates good, lights, tires ok, greased hubs, safety chains, and anything else you can see.  Nothing will ruin a great weekend like a ticket from the Warden, or sitting  at roadside waiting for a tow.  It is going to be busy this weekend so please be the bigger man, and be nice.  It is kinda like New Years Eve, at times it is amateur hour, so don’t be “that guy”.  But watching the ramp this weekend can be entertaining all by itself.  No matter what be safe and have fun this weekend.  The weather looks great so let summer begin.


Rusty added his 0.02 on this ongoing wind thing.

I share your sentiments about the wind!! One of the reasons I love fall fishing. Was able to get out on Fayette lake for two days, late afternoon and early mornings was very good on black/blue swim jigs. Usually white swim jigs do well but they would not take them. I’ve started packing for king salmon fishing on fly rod (Lake Michigan) in June then on to Canada for walleyes and pike in July. Booked a week down in Mexico for some super bass fishing in February on Lake Picachos. Well back to spooling new line on all my reels as the wind howls outside.
Tight lines

It may be blowing and cutting into the  fishing time but thinking about trips to come is always a good pacifier and it sounds like you are about to do some serious fishing.  I am particularly interested in the Picachos trip and  if the bass fishing is anything like they say it is might be one of “those” trips.  And putting new line on is a pleasant task.  And last, the weather next week is looking real good mid-week and as soon as the weekend crowd hits the road it will be the bay for me.  Thanks for keeping in touch and we will be interested in hearing how the Lake Michigan fishing goes.  Those are some big salmon.


I got the Ram trolling motor bracket mounted and I wish I had done it years ago.

In my case using a hand control the handle takes a real shaking both towing and when it is rough.  This mount is designed to hold the shaft but I mounted it to the handle, and it is  rock solid with no shake, stabilizing the whole thing.  Funny how a $1000 trolling motor can be trashed due to a 0.55 part.  It is simple to use and is out of the way, a perfect solution for what has been ailing me the last couple of trolling motors.  So after a year of basically re-fitting the boat from the trailer up I have it just how I want it.  We shall see how long that lasts.


As we continue to explore possible retirement locations the Villages in Florida is calling and we set our dates for October today.  It works great for me, I will drive down early, and maybe stay late.  The only problem is deciding where to fish.  I definitely will be fishing the Harris Chain a few days, the only decision is what salt to fish.  I have not fished the Mosquito Lagoon and after seeing some of the large trout and snook caught there it might be my main destination.  The Boss gets the benefit, she flies down, I pick her up, she stays the week and then gets to fly back.  The only “problem” for me is do I stop and fish in Louisiana, head to the Everglades, or Pine Island, or………  it is a tough life.


Next week looks great for the bay.  The winds look like it is finally starting to lay some, and it won’t be long before we are wishing for a breeze to cool things off.  So I will be off to the bay for a couple days of wading mid week.  Both days will be a 2 tide day, high and fairly flat, but at least there will be a couple of falling water periods Wednesday and Thursday.

So have a great weekend.  Enjoy your activities but never forget the reason for the season.  Our armed forces stand watch every day to keep us safe and so many have given their lives in our defense.  So thank a vet for letting us safely sleep at night.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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