It Is About To Get Busy Around Here. 4/8/19.


The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Don’t Leave Home Without It.  I don’t!


Heading to Falcon

A 9lb. Falcon post spawn fattie!

While I did not fish the last few days there was plenty of “fishing” stuff going on around here.  First I finally made a decision of where I would fish this week, I am headed to Falcon in the morning for the rest of the week.  The only downside I  could see, it is going to be nice.  The fishing report is still consistent as it has been for a month, fish shallow on spinnerbaits (Count me in!) and soft plastics with some starting to show up on deeper rocks and points, a typical pattern there this time of year.  The first trip I took there years ago was around this time and the fish were post spawn, once we figured it out it was game on.  So with what I learned from the trip last 2 months ago I am good to go.  Will be looking for that one, or more if I am lucky, bite!

A few from January.

Falcon Lake will always hold a special place in my fishing destinations.  So many places, my first marlin, sailfish, tarpon, permit, all bucket list fish in cool places, and Falcon earned it’s place on that list.  I started bass fishing in the 5th grade, 1963,  (Yikes!  55 years ago.  Where does the time go?) and over the years guided and tournament fished in Arkansas, plus fished other destinations later.  And then my first trip to Falcon, and what happens?  I catch my 3 personal best bass in 24 hours.   One of those destinations where you still literally have a chance to catch a monster every cast.  I never need any more motivation to make one more cast, or stay a little longer, than that.


Because  I am headed to Falcon, and even when I am not, I keep up with the Falcon Lake Tackle website for current information.  Fishing lots of different places, especially when fishing a place the first time, I find it tough to find good useable information about the practical aspect of fishing a new place.  Simple stuff, ramps, hazards, the kinds of things if tackle stores and marinas would include on their website would definitely drive traffic to their site.  Here is the information I want to know before I leave.

April 2, 2019: Man.. I hadn’t updated this page in months.. That’s a good thing.. That means that there are no real hazards to speak of and the ramps are still working fine..

The county ramp is still five wide.. And all three ramps at the state park are operational. No bridges or concrete on the main lake to worry about..

Lake level is 275.58. – 25.62 feet low..

Still a shitload of water out there..

First thanks to the store for letting me steal this, rarely do I find a site that includes this kind of useable information.  When added to his fishing reports I am good to go.  So check out their website.  Not only informative but read a little, he is not shy by any means.


And part of trips like this is preparation.  Yesterday it was rod/reels/line/ tackle, as Falcon requires a couple of changes, especially in rods.  Until proven otherwise I will be fishing the “stuff”, looking for post spawn females resting and recharging.  That “stuff” is cover, of which there is tons, and occasionally it is hand to hand combat with a big bass.  Last year Aaron and I were pitching hardwoods, I know where I will be starting.  You had to land it on the trunk and let it fall straight down to get bit, and then pull them out before they pulled you in.   I always carry a good selection of line weights just in case, and way to much tackle and lures, but you never know what you might need.  Or what might break.

A few from last year.

One thing I do enjoy is the food prep, if that makes sense, and for me it does.  The Boss  always says just go get something to eat but it does not fit in to the Master Plan.  My cabin is right on the lake at the ramp, and it has a micro wave and small fridge.  So today I am making plates for every nights  supper, and organizing easy breakfast and lunches.  So why go through all that?  I will not unhitch the boat all week or go anywhere.  In the water as it cracks daylight and out at dark.  Having meals pre-prepped means I can fish until dark, come in and grab a cold one and be eating in 3 minutes.  Nice not to be messing around going to town and eating late after being on the water all day, especially when it stays light as long as it does now.

******************Fresh or salt it has a place in your arsenal.


And I also confirmed the guide trip the Boss gave me for Christmas on April 27 somewhere in Montana.  Guess I should look up where huh?  According to the fly shop the rivers are blown out, they had tons of snow, and the ice is still on the lakes but spring is coming.  So the option might be big pike at ice out, and he said something else that intrigued me, grayling are available somewhere close, a fish I have not caught.  So our actual quarry is yet to be determined but it should be fun.  Plus the Boss is actually going to fish with us.  She is a fair weather fisherman, or maybe the smart one.  Rarely fishing she will catch a marlin, fight a tarpon, or participate in the bucket list places.  And her success level for amount of time with a rod in her hands is off the chain, hopefully I can cash in on her good luck. (The first time she fished a baitcaster she picked it up faster than anyone I ever taught.  She is a natural.)  And then our 3 day wolf tracking expedition in Yellowstone, and the timing looks perfect for seeing tons of wildlife.  But just like fishing, nothing is guaranteed in the great outdoors but the week looks like it could be epic.


It Is Going To Be a Busy Month

Then following all the tomfoolery above, the day we get back from Montana I turn and burn the next morning for the mothership trip with the Wade Right boys to the Chandeleurs Islands.  I really like the way they organize the trip, paying a little extra to head out the night before, sleeping on the way, then 3 full days of hardcore fishing, sleeping on the way back.  It really is a bucket list destination that checks all the cool boxes.  And the results will be interesting.  They went in the fall 3 years ago, and while they caught their limit of 250 trout,  (That’s a lot of trout.) last spring we only kept around 130, but the average was much larger.  So we shall see if that holds up this year.  And I love a trip where they tell you that you have all the redfish you need by the middle of day 2.  Having paid for lots of different fishing in many places this is hands down one of the best bangs for the bucks on the planet.


Tony, one of the Austin Boys, with a nice 27″ Army Hole trout.

Tony has a friend stopping at POC a couple of days on his way to the Keys with his skiff wanting to maybe catch a redfish on the fly.  So I pointed the way best I can from the couch, and hopefully they will cooperate.  And I am jealous, it is tarpon time in the Keys!  So good luck and let us know how it goes.


So today I finish packing and load the boat so I can head out first thing in the morning.  With a 4 hour drive I will be able to get in a good day of fishing tomorrow.  Then it is 3 full days of dawn to dusk, and maybe Saturday depending on how the fishing goes.  It is hard not to get excited, the best I can hope for is to fish clean and when “the bite” or bites come put them on the deck. There is no internet so I will be dark this week. (It is not a bad thing to unplug occasionally.)  So wish me luck.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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